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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Update After quite some months I took up continuation on this build. Older deck planks were removed new planks 1 mm wider are on order and the edge coaming overworked all around. I`m also sampling materials for the rigging again, as some of the blocks had been canibalized for the # 5 Elbe build. The red cotton cloth is for the sails Nils the contact surface of upper planking and deck coaming edge will be covered with a semi round beech profile front view still without deck planking Aft view box with already finished details Cotton sail cloth, some blocks and some leftovers of rope for standing rigging and perhaps bolt rope
  2. Excellent work, congratulations Valerij, I just had a second look log into your cruiser`s log from begin on and am delighted of your skills. Thanks for sharing your techniques here. I love your combination of wood, brass and reinforced raisin with glas fibre. You definately are an artist with brass sheet metal and the soldering of it. The boats and the electro chemical build up of thear skin is fantastic. Nils
  3. Nice work Uwe, its good to see how the 3-D printing method can be of help for tricky details. I like the printed boat halves Nils
  4. Pilot Schooner # 5 Elbe


















  5. Thank you Bruce, What next ? After she`s laying idle with her build for some months I´ll continue with my Zeesboot. I have to remove the already begun 2-3 deck planks from the deck I`m not pleased with, and change the arrangement Nils
  6. Hi Greg, thank you very much for those links, I`m sure they will raise interest by the one or other fellow builder as well Nils
  7. Hi Greg, many thanks so much for your information on the danish eeldrifters. Unfortunately the prices (evan for used books) are out of reach in the moment. I certainly would buy the Christian Nielsen publication, and you`re right with the more handsome danish version, also in my opinion. I have gathered three books comprising the Zeesenboot in order to implement as much as possible into my own Zeesenboot build on this MSW forum, and to dig into the historical background of this boat type Regards, Nils
  8. Hi GKHARRIN, very nice beginn and build of this boat. It looks like an danish offspring of a Zeesenboot. Wish you much fun with the further build Nils
  9. Hi Mark, I`m pleased that you like the model. I sent a few photos to the people that sail the original No. 5 Elbe as they requested for this feedback in January when I recieved a bare copy of the original frameplan that I did work with. They probably shall publish an article of the model in their next club newspaper in due time. Nils
  10. Update hi fellow builders, I was in hospital with a surgery which is to a great deal overcome now, so no updates in that time. The No. 5 Elbe model is on the finishing line, but I still have to fit the ratlines and a few minor adjustments. Also my PC was broken down and I had the lokal PC doktor to fix it. This evening luckily its running again, so here some pics of the progress..... Nils she is approaching an incoming steamer, so the starboard boat is maned with crew and pilot, the bow turned into the wind and the sheets loosend, ready for lowering away the boat leewards meanwhile the shoners crew is busy on deck the pilot and 2 crew members in the boat this is my dummy arrangement for practicing the clove hitch for the ratlines aft station with outlook and helmsman sailor checking and belaying the jib sheet
  11. lovely small fishing vessel Javier, I like the red sails, it looks like you have chosen two different shades of red Nils
  12. I think you may be right Eberhard, but I like a color spot on deck. The sailor probably wears one of the first new fashion oilskins Nils
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