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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Update I`m just coming from the Hamburg based Copy Shop where I had placed the order to print the number and lettering to the sail cloth two days ago, and am delighted with the result, its better than I have expected, the young lady that took up the order has done an excellent and well understood job. The lettering is exactly in the same sail location-area on both sides of the cloth and good visable from furtheraway, so the pilot schooner can be well identified. I just hope that I will manage to sew the sails with duckllines and boltropes all around accordingly, without messing it all up Nils
  2. Many thanks John, yes, I beleave the transfer paper was too thick for the paper infeed of my HP printer (allthough it was to be working with an regular inc-jet printer). I now changed the brand and ordered a CANON Pixma TS 3451 multifunction inc-jet, hoping to have less trouble with it... Nils
  3. Update beginning with the sails, thin cotton cloth preparation. With the first misfortuned contemt to print on the inc-jet transferpaper (Number on the sail), I probably wrecked my HP-printer. I does`nt take any sort of paper anymore from the paper infeed shaft. I shall now consult a professional shop for printing on cotton-fibres. Shall get the results not before wednesday this week. Meantime made the compass colum, hinges for the skylight covers, bulleyes for the companionways sides (light to the stairways ), and a grating for the helmsman .... Nils misfortuned attempt with the number and mirrored lettering in the sail and the Hamburg-flag using my last piece of cotton cloth Am planing to rig 6 sails to the schooner hinges for the skylight covers and compass colum, also grating for the helmsman bulleyes for the companionway sides
  4. Hi Richard, I came across your build rather late and am impressed of your modeling technique from the start to the state in progress. She will be a beauty and a highlight on MSW scratchbuilds. With ref. to the rivets, why did`nt you ponce them to the plating you are using, did you try it..... Nils
  5. Hi Uwe. very nice solution for the water-tightness. Are you still able to hold the intended waterline (weightwise) Nils
  6. Hi Uwe, you mentioned sharp keel by means of brass profile and to withstand rough driving...It looks very nice Are you intending to RC control the steamer on the water ? I did this with my boat in the beginning but had to relialize that moisture was creeping into the planking under the paint indicating several mini-cracks so I refrained from that and have a stand model instead since then Nils
  7. Hello Keith, Thanks for you words. I`m quite through with the basic ship and am looking at the manufacturing of the sails set. The foremast gaff sail is to bear the lettering ( "5 ELBE) on both sides in larger black letters. I would start with this one. For doing so I need a working ink jet printer and a way to mirror the lettering (with Words program functions. Momentary my printer does not take any paper by the infeed shaft neigther for normal paper and especially not for transfer foil I`m intending to use, and I`m looking for a way to solve that. I need to find a solution on that. I hate to invest on a new printer. At least by now I practiced to mirror with the Words function..... Nils
  8. Update yes, the oars were still missing. I made two sets today from 4mm dia bamboo spars, ref. to encl. steps of manufacturing Nils oars from 4mm bamboo spars
  9. Update finished, the new set of boats. I wo`nt give them an underwater painting like the former ones, plain white hulls I think look better Maybe I`ll put the former obsolete ones on sale at Ebay Nils
  10. Hi Paul, congrats, thats a beautiful build, accurate and precise.... Nils
  11. Update when looking at the boats bow-and sternposts I always had the relating coment, some mails ago, by Wefalck nagging at my mind. So I decided to overwork the boats model for casting accordingly. Now the "clinker planking" ties up with the rear side of the thinned out posts, I provided a cast rope-fender (tawling ?) all around, and reinforced the visable frame ends inside the bulwarks. My casting tool was adjusted and a new silicone mold was made....The first results are pleasing for myself Nils the overworked model fender rope attached first cast results
  12. Ver nice basic work with the gig Eberhard, it looks great, and that in a so small scale !! Nils
  13. Many thanks Keith, yes. she will be carrying all 6 sails set.... I have`nt sewn sails for a long time and hope that it will work out OK, depending also on the condition of my wife`s sewing machine Nils
  14. Update progress with the rigging, beams and gaffs, nav. lights... Nils nav. light brackets made from 0,8mm ply fastening rails for clipping to the shrouds rigging will go on when the sails are made
  15. Update made the sprit spar netting and the belaying rail for the 3 for-/spritsail downhaulers.... I ran out of rigging rope in the moment and expect the delivery for this week. It looks like all my leftover blocks were just in the required quantity to suit the needs Nils a piece of leftover mesh from my Pamir netting the wooden strip is to prevent too much glue on the netting inside. The outer will be cut off after curing belaying rack for the sprit sail setting lines
  16. Hi Jim, many thanks for your words, I also had a look at your models, starting with the excellent built Pinky Schooner. I congratulate you to your skill on this behalf.... Nils
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