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About Wahka_est

  • Birthday 11/20/1986

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  • Location
    Tallinn, Estonia
  • Interests
    Model ships, 1/18 scale model cars, rc construction toys, old books, exotic woods milling and sourcing.

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  1. Hi, There are extra holes for moving pieces but you can always drill few more, plus the fixing "lug" has oval holes for moving. I would say its minimum size is few cm with some adjustments. Br Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  2. Hello everyone, First of all I would like to thank you for the support and providing sawdust for my workshop. This year i plan to close the shop during July for 4 weeks. Some time off is needed due to evenings and Sundays spent in workshop. This means before end of June last orders are sent out. After that i will answer up on requests in quite slow tempo and shipping starts again in august. Family (kids 6 and 13) and wife plus farmhouse needs some attention . If there is something very urgent that you need and for good purpose (modelling contest etc then ofcourse we can work something out). Thank you for your support and understanding! Br Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  3. Hi, Hobbymill.EU is yes open. Web ordering is closed and orders are handeled by email. Please send your request to hobbymill.eu@gmail.com Br Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  4. Hi, Just noticed this topic. I cut most of hobbymill.eu with 80 teeth 0,8mm 80mm blade. For very thin pieces i use more teeth and slimmer blade (example 1mm). Adjusting feed rate helps a lot with cut quality. To remove burn marks put spacer on fence that ends little after blade meets the stock. Idea is what strip will be loose and will not get stuck between fence and blade after it meets the blade. Br Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  5. Hi, I dont have any maple sadly. I think very light swiss pear might so something that you are looking for. Boxwood is yes yellowish. For white deck there is also option to use American Holly. Br Vahur
  6. Hi all, There hasnt been any updates for long time . Some Clients have asked if im closing down the shop - not at all. I had issue where drumsander broke down and i was basically closed for few weeks. Luckily i learned thing or two about fixing drumsanders..... Regarding stock. I have plenty of Castello boxwood, Alaskan yellow cedar, black hornbeam and Swiss pear (different shades). Limited quantity of American holly, white hornbeam. Regarding Swiss pear. As have gotten reasonable amount of very very light Swiss pear. So at the moment there are 3 shades available: 1) Dark (Swiss pear - elsbree steamed) 2) Light/pink (true pear steamed) 3) Very light (Swiss pear - elsbree steamed) Photos below give better overview of the shades. Note that if you are building a bigger project where orders are divided into longer period of time then please let me know. Then i will keep named sample of the color i have sent You with the first package and do my best to follow that in future orders. As always all requests can be sent as PM here or hobbymill.eu@gmail.com Br Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  7. Hi Jaager Ship modelling community is small and mostly consists of older men (no offence please!). Me being 36 years old and not even finished my first build im thankful to community for warm welcome and all the advice: advice and blessing from Hobbymill US Jeff, kind words and advice from James and Chuck, positive support from everyone from MSW. You have been supportive in MSW community with your deep knowledge on different topics and have been kind to share them! Please contact me via pm and you get the briar for free of charge, only cost shipping. Please note that i cant choose a piece, it will be what it is-i just find the box and take fair amount from there. br Vahur
  8. Hi Jaager, There is indeed somewhere a box with biar (more than piece on photo, i just have to find that box). I just ordered it along with other spices as i have buddy who makes pipes. Sadly the quality wasnt good enough for him but probably is more than fine for deadeyes and blocks. I havent done anything with wood myself other than to cut it smaller to see if inside is good for pipes. Br Vahur
  9. Hello all, Havent posted anything for a long time . First of all I would like to thank you all for the trust. Its very pleasant to see that 99% of Clients are very happy with their products. Secondly i would like to apologize for long delivery times. Its summary of holidays, being sick and moving to house. Im trying to catch up on those. Thirdly there has been so many orders/requests lately so i cant really understand whats going on. This created a situation where queue is 4-6 weeks as i only work on Sundays and evening as for me its hobby also. At some point i thought if i should close the shop as it just takes so much time from family. I have read stories about good wood suppliers closing exactly for the same reason. After thinking over it for a week i decided to make investment to bring shop to next level and keep up with the normal deadlines of 2-3 weeks. As a side note i run custom made metal facade factory on daily basis so setting up a shop something im use to. In nearest months + during the summer i will update the shop with some new equipment (machines, feeders etc) and also room layout to make it more efficient. Until then please accept little longer delivery times as usual . The webshop has been closed as most orders come in as email anyways but webpage is up there (not been updated). Sadly i have to say that i had to look trough the prices also as everything has gone so expensive starting from heating, saw blades etc etc etc. Regarding stock i have limited myself to: pear, c.boxwood, Alaskan yellow cedar, colored hornbeam, white hornbeam and holly. Cherry and other spices are might be available based on request. Thank you all again for trust and support! BR Vahur Hobbymill.EU
  10. Hi all, I have posted my Byrnes saws setup that i use to cut all the strips, it can be found under "Tips and tricks". Happy midsommer to everyone. Vahur
  11. Thank you for the trust! Glad to hear you are happy, did you already try out the blades-they are little different than Byrnes. br Vahur
  12. Hello all, Hope you are doing well! First i would like to thank everyone for their support and purchases. 2nd is that i plan to take some time off in end of July and start of August for few weeks. So if you need anything shipped by that time then please contact me. 3rd, i see a lot of discussions how to prevent burn marks on strips, jams etc etc. There are so many different approaches so i thought to share you mine. Hopefully in few weeks i have enough time to show i do it with maximum 3-5 eur investment . This method allows you to cut strips even 10mm wide without burn marks or jams. My writing skill are not be best and i tend to jump around in subject but lets see how that goes then. If site admins have any guidelines/suggestions for that then you are more than welcome to guide me trough. 4th i haven't focused really on webpage as main Customers are still trough MSW and intention isn't really have big web shop. So for latest info please contact me directly. Thank you everyone again for their support. Br Vahur Hobbymill.EU
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