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John Ruy

NRG Member
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Everything posted by John Ruy

  1. Pin Rails completed today. One thing at a time right? That’s progress to be celebrated. I often ask how long do you think it will take you. My reply is always, “ Don’t know, that’s not the point. It’s about getting it right.” 😎
  2. Just south of Portland. Maine has some great seaports to visit and schooner fest to attend. We love Camden. Thanks for the shout out for Maine, it’s good to be aboard and not just a voyeur. Lots of great modeling going on here. 😎
  3. Yes the lazy Susan became very useful while rigging the Constitution. I like your CWM build we seem to be on parallel challenging paths.
  4. Looks good I’ll be following your build. We seem to be at the same stage. My build is a solid hull which I think simplified the hull build. Your copper plating looks great.
  5. Bluejacket does supply metal blocks that are very detailed. However, they are tiny. Shrouds are completed and it’s on to the rest of the standing rigging. I will keep you all posted on my progress. I have two builds going, this one and the Charles W Morgan. So this one will get placed on the back burner until I need a change from working on the Morgan. Keeps me occupied these winter months. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for taking a look, tips and comments are welcome.
  6. I have now completed the deck features and ready to start detailing the bowsprit and masts. Next up is preparing sails.
  7. Building deck furniture from scratch is a new experience for me. Find build logs like those on this site was very helpful. Instruction are definitely lacking in details.
  8. The repair of this model gave me an appreciation of wood modeling vs working with plastic kits. The stern and transom had not been built correctly and had to be taken apart and rebuilt.
  9. I discovered why buying someone’s started unfinished kit can be cheap but risky. However, it’s wood and any mistakes can be corrected with lots of filler and sanding. 🤣
  10. I started this 1/96 scale kit in November 2019. I purchased this kit on eBay, it had already been started and is my first Wood Model Kit.
  11. Next up... Pin rails and other planking on the inside of the bulwarks. So far I have spent 44 hours in the last 30 days on this build. Lots of time for something to do during the Maine winters. My USS Constitution build took 687 hours over 1 year and three months. That was a plastic kit this already feels more time consuming but very interesting. I’ll keep you all posted. Thanks for taking a look. 😎
  12. Now for decking and timber heads. Something was not right with the Yellow Ochre. Looked to orange. Had to mix my own with Acrylics.
  13. Top rail, Cat heads, Wales with lots of plastic wood and filling primer. Oh! Also lots of sanding and sanding with more sanding.
  14. Carving of the bulwarks proved to be tedious. However, the use of a routing bit in my rotor tool helped speed up the process. Plastic Wood is your friend. 😆
  15. I checked the transom and rudder for fit. Also noted the Charles W. Morgan did not have these windows. Had to modify this piece.
  16. Thought I would post some history. Stated with carving out the keel and mounting the first metal parts for detail. Plans certainly show the age of this kit.
  17. Hi, my name is John Bollman. I am working on a 1/96 scale Yacht America from Bluejacket and just completed the USS Constitution from Revell a plastic kit with many wood enhancements and under full sail. I am starting the Charles W Morgan a great American Whaler that has survived and is still afloat in Mystic Connecticut. It is a vintage kit I purchased on eBay that was produced by Marine Model Company. Researching the model build has brought me to this community for advice. I am looking forward to this new experience your help along the way. Please check out my build log and offer any advice you see fit. I am always striving to improve my skills in this hobby and am looking forward to your tips and thoughts.
  18. Just starting the bulwarks and planning to finish deck and lower masts prior to exterior hull trim with davits. Seems like that right approach. Please fell free to chime in with advise, the general instructions are very vague. That’s the reason I’m on here. Hoping you all can keep me on the right path. Thanks
  19. My first wood model kit of this caliber. I am working on a 1/96 scale Yacht America from Bluejacket and just completed the USS Constitution from Revell a plastic kit with many wood enhancements and under full sail. Here is what I have so far.... This is where I started...
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