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John Ruy

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Everything posted by John Ruy

  1. Anchors painted... Drilling out Catheads... Threading the chain... Weighing Anchor, Anchors stowed... Next up Davits and Back Spars...
  2. That’s lights as in window lights. (port holes) my kit had Brass Fitting to frame them.
  3. Constitution of the Gallis Frames was not with out mistakes. Measure three times cut once applies to micro carpentry, as well. I carefully cut out all of the frames using my first one as a template. Perfect, except that first one was the shortest. Each frame gets a bit longer as the ship gets wider toward the bow. 😬 Had to get creative, given I had used up my 1/8 x 1/8 beams. So I cut them in half and laminated 1/16 sheet material to each side so I could stretch them. 😎 Completed the racks for the oar storage as well. 👍 Touch up painting all around, another step closer to completion. more later...
  4. I have been working on Mrs. Tinkham’s cabin. She was the wife of Captain Tinkham in 1875. When I visited the CWM at the Mystic Maritime Museum I toured the ship and captured this photo of a sign in her cabin. Very interesting story. Because I had no drawings for this unique deck furnishings I turned to the following site. This has been an invaluable resource. https://www.charleswmorganmodel.com I captured this photo from the site and wanted to give credit where credit is due. Using this and the following photo from the build log at this site, I was able to create templates by copying by 50%. Using the templates I created the cabin. I have got to give another shout out to, https://www.charleswmorganmodel.com An excellent build log for reference. 👍
  5. I’m back! Finished the Viking Longship and I can get back to the Morgan. Back to the micro carpentry, first task is to build the crew’s head. Issue being it’s not on my vintage plans. Thanks to Ron (ragove) for getting me a scan of his MS plans. After scale adjustments, I had a template. After some additional filler, trimming and sanding. I now have the crew’s head installed. Never thought building an out house to scale would feel like such an accomplishment. 😎 I am now moving on to the bitts/pin rails around the masts. The kit has metal parts for this, however the Mizzenmast bitts required repair. More micro carpentry... later...
  6. Gary, I am following as well, I have had my I on this kit for two years. I just can’t bring my self to spend that kind of money on a kit, until I hone my skills to be much finer. Looking forward to watching your build. John
  7. I want thank everyone on this forum for there support and encouragement on this build. It is amazing how much a 👍 means as we work thru our builds. There is so much inspiration on this forum. It truly helps to have validation of our passion to build these models. Thanks to you all...
  8. Great work... 👍 Keep up the advice on your posting. I’m following closely, I’ll be getting back to my CWM as soon as I finish the Viking Ship. CWM got a bit sideline while I worked on the Viking. But that’s a good thing, it allows you get ahead of me. 😎
  9. Started working on the sail this week. Hand stitching the rope. I have found Fray Check to be a great product for managing seams. Also Fabric Stiffeners are very useful. These products can be found at your local JoAnn Fabric Store. Once we get out of Corona Lock Down. Let dry overnight. OK, on to 30 oars, shields and oarsmen. more latter...
  10. Welcome aboard, you will find us a very supportive group. I have been here less than a year and very much enjoy seeing others progress unfold a step at a time. I have a Bluenose Schooner from Blue Jacket waiting in storage as I complete my current builds. I am looking forward to following your progress on this beautiful schooner.
  11. Thanks for the tip, I am trying to make this circa 800. The kit was not accurate and did not include any anchor. I have seen the anchor you are talking about in my research, I’ll have to include it on the deck. Thanks.
  12. Two steps backwards three steps forward, progress. Reworked the hull, again. Installed top ribs and re- planked the sides of the hull. Starting to accumulate a lot of wood scraps as I wing this kit/Scratch build. Finished tie-downs for Mast-Fish. Placed outer strake. This will be just above oar holes and supports the shields. Started the top rail... More latter, Rain storms here in Maine today. Stay in and stay dry, I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. This is certainly one to remember.
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