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Posts posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. 8 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir I've always suspected that the forecastle was sunken down in order to accomodate the sailors berthed there. It's vague but some of the earliest descriptions seem to imply that. If that's the case, then nothing has to be changed.

    Rich, thanks for interst,  i will post some pics to discuss importance of if...it will help to decide surely. 

  2. 6 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir here's my best interpretation of Glory's original Wheelhouse configuration. What I thought was originally 10' wide x 12' long turns out to be 15' square. All elements for the rear repeat themselves on the sides. I've included a window for the door since one of the photos seems to support it. The small vent house on top appears to be 7' wide × 8' long. The lower section might be level, the front face is treated just like Venetian Blinds only smaller with a 3' higher center and 2' outer ends.


    its gorgeous Rich, and very helpful for us. i still dont get purpose of side doors when front is fully opened though...it would be hell of a panelling but definitely worth it. 

  3. 5 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir that's just beautiful! I'm working on the elaborate flowery embellishment carvings which would have originally run above her name. The challenge is to capture the spirit of the lovely work and echo that on the Cutwater arch while at the same time not overwhelming the proud name & city of location she originally hailed from.  

    Thanks Rich.  its your drawiing goldened...



  4. 5 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, beautiful work on Glory's long front Cabin. In an effort to keep up with your pace, I'm posting my 2 preliminary sketches on Glory's original Wheelhouse. It's on graph paper, so each square is 1'. A surprising development for me was that when I reconciled the aft image of Glory's Helm House, what best fit the images turned out to be a 15' modified square. Modified because according to Michael's plan, the rear of the House is bowed to parallel the Stern. In some pics, The door also appears to have a window as well but in others it's inconclusive. I'm inclined to believe it did and perhaps in some pictures, the shade is down.



    Thanks Rich, much apreciated. I will start ittogether with skylights. 

  5. 6 hours ago, rwiederrich said:

    Thanks Vlad.  It took a couple of hours of focused uninterrupted work.


    I just hope all that detail will be able to be seen and appreciated after the boys house, gangway and boat skid are added.



    it sure will be . Spare  some strength for long cabin - thats madness i can tell you already as im digging into it..... suddenly captain cabin looks quite simple to me...:) my gosh....

  6. 26 minutes ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir "Rainy days and Mondays always get Ships built!"

    A funny but true experience of my first day at Würzburg Hochschüle. Our dad, who worked at the US base nearby dropped us off. It was still dark, so we played in the schoolyard until it was light. We tried every visible door. They were all locked. The building was dark, unoccupied. Gradually an old janitor came along. We told him "Ich bin ein Amerikaner, waroom schuler nicht offnet?" Mind you, this was using a small English - German translation pamphlet. The old man told us "Gehen sie weght! "Leherertag" when we couldn't understand his fast talking german, we said "langsemer" meaning slower, while we desperately flipped between pages to translate. He proceeded to rant at us "Aselkopf! Schweinkopf!! Scheisskopf!!! Verukte Amerikaner, gehen sie weght! Keine schuler heute!"

    I told my brother Steve. This old Coot's insulting us in german. After a long time of gradually translating, we realized school was cancelled for a teacher's training session. But the rest of the day we repeatedly insulted each other in the new german words we had learned. Absolutely true story.

    Not ordinary childhood in extraordinary time and country i would say. One of that kind I would love to sit front of fireplace and listen for hours...

  7. 2 hours ago, rwiederrich said:

    I’m out of state this weekend so very little to report.   
    Maybe when I return tonight I’ll do a bit of work.



    all well Rob i got quiet today as well. Planet earth wont get exploge tomorrow so there is no reason to rush. speaking of my country, many cooler and rainy autumn days to come ...to be spent in workshop :) 

  8. 8 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, having spent nearly 2 years of my teenage years in West Germany back in the 60s, I can relate to the challenges of communicating in a foreign language. I just want you to know that you're doing an excellent job. When it comes to the Slovakian language I would need an interpreter or at least a book that would allow me to understand what the Hell it was you were saying! 😉

    thanks Rich . well german language is really difficult  from what i can tell.i can feel you oh... i lived and worked in ireland back in days and later with american coleagues for couple of years. but language is live thing and its brushes away when not used...Ive been out of real practice few years now. but im glad i can still use it. well, english is what greek used to be in first century...global language. and thats great. i like it how it is. certainly better than mandarine chinese :) or german for same matter. 


  9. This IS testing how fcastle could look like.its weighted Down by some stuff yet...you Can see walnut All thru rail over top ( not yet varnished covering planks above. There IS Also thin line of Wood underneath joining  both Cabins tops. That oné IS   white on Michaels photo which casts great contrast with walnut above. Im surprised how big are the cabin underneath. Those are not yet there... I Made contrasting panels are those okish? :) Poor those if white 😂







  10. 57 minutes ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, those are amazing! It's hard to believe these were all individually hand made. I love your Assembly style approach, brilliant! Just a friendly reminder. The roof posts all mount on the inner top of the white molding that surrounds the upper Rear House deck. There's a very slight cant inwards too. The outermost 4 cant more dramatically then the rest. Rob mentioned that there's a neat wrought iron rail at the aft end of the House. Before Wheelhouse expansion the rail would have continued around the rear, attaching to the rear companion entrance to the House, located only on the Port side. 

    To assist you in double checking dimensions, here's a link to a helpful scale calculator:


    Thanks Rich, i hqve one question though. Is there any chance fcastle inward bqiidingw and deck facing side were varnished?  :) 

  11. 9 hours ago, rwiederrich said:

    I hope he has something for the lower rail,  that is the one he removed and they are shorter fatter stanchions.  

    I think my rail stanchions are about 3/16”ish    If I remember.  And 1/4” for the roof stanchions. 


    Rob yours are 6 mm on rail mine vetween 7 and 8. 

    Roofs are twice as high. 


    Rich, Rob dont withdraw yourself from watching the scale! i encourage you dont feel put off. its helpful in many resort most of is - every repaired work is pain  - and some cannot be done! 

    peopl tend to see things always bigger than they are in reality. there are things to be rather avoided to build than to mak it off scale.....its helpful in every sense ! 


    teaser... im working on forecastle folks. much to enjoy. Another natural lvarnished wood to compliment the aft... there is walnut all profile step - corner timber, stairs, and inset cabins with paneling facing amidship.  

    pic facing aft- forward in michaels book with that boy hang on sails shows beautiful view on left side of fcastle....

    i made 20 ! columns for toof railing today. enough for one day. i must praise myself.... :) 



  12. After unsucessful search to fing proportionally perfect one I decided to make my own balustrades for carriage house rail.  

    This IS prototype...now 40 another oooh...

    I cant say its turning AS its half knife sanding paper half drill with drilling bit used by side part....its simplified but proportionally was the goal...











  13. 58 minutes ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir that's beautiful woodwork. You're truly creating something to be very proud of which I suspect, like Rob's replica will be a timeless heirloom for your family's for the ages. 

    I agree about Glory's two tone door. From the photo, it looks like it's cherry wood with maple inset. Very lovely. It must have been quite impressive when she was new.

    An observation I have is that, like I said to Rob, while subtle, the shape of the Rear House isn't a rectangle. If you look at Stern the pic of Glory in Alaska you'll see on the Port side from above there's a slight almost unnoticeable curve as the rear of the House is narrower at the Stern than further forward. That's been done to accommodate her walkways as the ship narrows to her Stern.

    I'm not suggesting you change the beautiful work you've already done, as the difference on the real vessel is barely noticeable. I'm just trying to give you my best insights into Glory's true appearance. There are many, many subtle touches throughout this beautiful Ship.


    Rich , yeah, there definitely IS slight very very subtle Curve , from engineer perspective of narrowing stern aftwards expected and obvious. I Can tell your i Will live with fact that i jave roof striaght. 

    This IS for makeup guys and i am sure you Will love it. My friends thought that IT was real houses when i showed him a pics....

    I finished carving knees to see what  trial assembly  completed house looks like - pls note curved roof assembly and temporary mast Stuck in ...
























  14. 12 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Rob, Vladimir, here's one of the nicer pics which again confirms "GLORY of the SEAS" had a sleek, beautiful hull despite being a very large vessel. What really impresses me about this image (from an ad for the refrigerator insulating material) is how gracefully her large Grecian Goddess 'Athene' projects from her Clipper bow. It's hard to tell from such a tiny, blurry image but enlarged, if you look closely into the shadows below the Bowsprit, her head and upper torso can just barely be made out.

    Even marred by two stories of factory structures and a large ungainly metal exhaust stack, McKay's venerable, last "Medium" Clipper Ship's lasting beauty is still there.

    Lastly, I've shared a picture of an original door from Glory shared by Arina "theAuthor'sDaughter" which her dad Michael Mjelde owns. Very clearly this artifact reveals that the pattern of the doors in the Rear Carriage House are practically identical.




    Thanks Rich, interesting that door IS twin color as mine haha. I cant getveye off such top notch carpentry indeed. Imagining those lads where doing IT by simple tools its mindboogling...


    SIné progress on roofing. I started revisions as Updated some things towards  reality...

    Made groove to platform as IT was 17 century before....not easy to step on by men...i hope It added nicely ....started roof structures....some prelimenary testing...














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