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Posts posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Folks, i was working literally 8 hours on glory poop house today. i cant stress how many hours modelmakong take.... i made only windows and started roof which is really peculiar but in my opinion utmost beautiful thing on  houses aesthetics. I dont have many pics but did some trials and wuite like the outcome. im about to make carriagehouse knees fro that i look forward enormously. i wish i had some 1:72 figurines to put around when taking pics to get things a bit lifelike though.... 

    I got some white sryren panels fro houses  that i am over the moon at... 

    i still maek rest from leftovers from previous projects...which i enjoy twice....

    here is soemthing to comment on...i like most on modeling is the rpocess...i barely know what outcome will be when trIng something ..i opted for simple design of side windows of carriage houses. what do sou think? thanks,  V. 



  2. 5 hours ago, ClipperFan said:


    I already shared these on Rob's blog. I took additional pictures and felt these might be a little sharper. The Bow scene has just a little more of the ship which I edited to get the image more balanced. This is actually more true to how Mike sent them to me. I noticed a little child standing between the Captain and his wife on the Rear House deck which I never noticed before.




    Thank you for compliments  my friends. Rich this painting is very beautiful indeed. i noticed vertical bowsprit cap ! 

    im going to revision my stern to point im about to change balustrades to truer side and leave those varnished. 

  3. On 9/13/2021 at 2:37 PM, rwiederrich said:

    Super inlay work in that minute scale Vlad.  I'm still tackling my approach to the forward cabin woodwork myself.


    One observation...   Is not the forward molding of the cabin symmetrical on the prototype?


    Upon greater observation it appears you inadvertently failed to replicate the outer paneling from the left to the right.


    Look closely and you will see the vertical darker panel on the outer blocking on the right side does not go down to the bottom of the house face, as it does on the left side(facing aft), throwing off the symmetry of the molding.


    I don't mean to be critical at this point...but it would be a shame if you got beyond the point of correction.


    I also notice you changed your design from 4 panels to 2 on the outer panel block...the one in question.  Any particular reason for that change...other than you moved from Rich's drawing to Mike's?


    Otherwise...very nice miniature carpentry.



    Thanks Rob, appreciated comments, i think i know what you mean i Will try to align that Curve if i am able to. I see now its quite not perfectly rounded as bottom on various places Its zig zaggy  bit .. To be frank, im so done with It sometimes when i try to better things i Will utterly destroy them so...i .pillars or not. I suppose i ran out of Wood thats why last paneling IS not even color wide :(I think its recessed with antique pillars ornamental at the very top. Its kind of  visible on new photos from Mike. 


    I Will add  how face would look like in the Boat itself...not glued yet.... i attached Dark Wood platform and  front faced steps at the poop corners... almost gilded  step that IS very Massive - so clearly visible on cannery restoration photo in the left...of course stairs would cover that....rounding that piece of wallnut was tough...









  4. 12 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir that is stunning! Congratulations. I'm currently working on the rear Wheelhouse. I've almost completed the rear face and have a good amount of the side done too. Pics will follow.

    Thank you Rich. i already started base for main deck cabin as well :)) but it will take quite a time to finish poop cabin...quite a race :) i prefer to conplete all cabins first and making all roofs after so its one type of work in a batch :) 

    looking fwd to see the sketches indeed. 


  5. After long journey Carriagehouse face IS completed and varnished. Its still long way to finish house in entirety.. Inner Windows Will be added later as IT serves oné unwanted purpose yet. Collecting dust. 

    Thanks for viewing etc...All appreciated. 



    I took various saturated and desaturated pics of IT. 













  6. 1 hour ago, rwiederrich said:

    Wonderful indeed Vlad...just wonderful.  there is so much paneling that you really have to pay attention.  Not to mention the tiny work involved.

    My facing will be about half that size....I'm tackling all the inner paneling issues first...corners around windows....under eaves...stuff like that.


    And i have to ask myself...*How detailed do i need to go..since most of that detail will be lost once the mast, yards and rigging block any real view of it....not to mention the boat skid (With boats on it) and gang that will be directly over and in front of it.🤥


    In smaller scales(even larger ones at times), some details can truly be forgone because there is just no way anyone will truly enjoy that detail because it is basically inaccessible.


    What hill is one willing to die on.......


    Sometimes some items are very difficult to scale properly...either because surrounding items force it out of scale because of their own issues, or because construction wasn't exact and slight alterations are necessary to make the entire piece work.


    Good job Vlad



    Thanks much Rob. Personally myself, i would see no point doing this painful slog. . i would paint it for the most part to mimic ooutlines thats it. as you say, in overall rigging perspective, its different visual approach.

     to go for. I do it with aim of no masting at all... to get those cabins as highlight...



    and i am surprised i learnt so much sicne 1:24 cutty. i struggled back then and did slopps work on such huge scale, im amazed shat is possible with 1:72 on clipper - though i work with boxwood leftovers from winnie now which i part of the reason. 

    asking for opinion. should i paint it? i would like to leave soemrhing wooden on the boat and this seems to me quite valuabl assertion....

    ive been thinkg  lately....

    i kind of regret i did paint all interior deck bulwarks not leaving a piece wooden....as it is primaroly wooden boat...


    than i ddi regret a bit that i painted hull fully in blac knot left a piece of wood natural :) 


    than i did regret for a minute that i cant leave even bottom wooden as it is not worked out such  neatly it is supposed t obe coppered :) 


    so im getting elft of space for wood....on the other side...if once i opted for paint - that paerly white cabin could look proper nice - even rails are painted...oh i can make another rail with natural wood at least....


    its hard with me :)) well at least deck planking  will be wooden...hooray 

  7. 5 minutes ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, I really hate to say this because you're doing such a beautiful job recreating my drawing but you might was to pause on this section.

    Mike just shared his front fascia reconstruction and it differs from mine in the interpretation of the area in the dark that I couldn't see. His drawing also includes an area I missed, which is the end piece for the fancy scrollwork on each end. As soon as I get a chance, I'll take a pic of the pdf file and share it with you.

    oh no hahaha ....


    well ok i stop now. anxiously waiting. V. 

  8. 9 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, I have a couple helpful hints about your Glory Bow. There needs to be a thin rope line at the base of the carved arch decoration on the Cutwater. You don't need to replicate rope winding, it's too tiny to see but if you look closely at the Port side image of Glory's Figurehead, the rope winding is clearly visible. At her launch, this was definitely gold leaf embossed too, as the 1869 Glory fitting out scene confirms. I see you made the bottom molding of her Naval Hood into a triple one. Great work. Now the upper molding should actually be doubled not tripled, which can be clearly viewed in the 1911 Starboard close up of Glory's Bow and Figurehead. Probably only niggling detail observers like myself will notice such a detail. Finally the oak leaf clusters which are on each end of Glory's name board were also originally gold leaf embossed, which can also be seen in the highly reflective nature of these elements in the 1869 fitting out scene. 

    You're doing excellent high quality work which is reflective in how much your Hull continuously matches scenes of the full sized vessel.

    Thanks a lot for vlauable comment Rich. I Will adresa those indeed. 

    Mli Dunno maybe try click follow and it will púť you notifications...:) 


  9. 3 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Incidentally, I literally stumbled upon the Carriage House configuration while concentrating on Glory's Stern display. Here's my progress on that issue. Again, emphasis on work in progress. The lettering and fancy doo-dad between them is as accurate as I can get. Carved scrollwork is pure conjecture based on her carved Cutwater arch.


    sweet ! 

  10. 1 hour ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, from what I understand, and from the layout of Appendix B in Mike's 2nd book "Clipper Ship Captain" how you described hatch layouts is correct. 12' dimension is across deck and 10' shorter length is oriented Bow to Stern.

    As for the Rear Carriage House, I could be mistaken but from the few images available, it appears that the front is actually flush with the beginning of the poop deck. Rob can correct me if my information is inaccurate. If he does, I'd welcome any visual evidence to support it. The 3' overhang goes beyond the poop.

    Thanks Rich, i had your view as well till one more observation to stir the topic.... that we might not be certain yet . Its actually oppsite on Flying fish. ! for first hatch. longer is bow to stern. this might be cargo loading thing but i measured Michaels drawing in across hull picture, agowing across section and it looks like upper is 12 and lower 14. not 10 - 14. it would be wider i think. 

  11. nice work on crriagehouse Rob, it is positioned slightly outward moved from poop deck forward right? 

    i have a question folks. doyou  how is first hatch positioned? Michaels book says 10 x12 ft and below deck 12x14 - from drawing it looks to me that longer side should be faced athwardship and shorter in bow stern axis positioned, is thar  correct? thank you V. 

  12. 15 hours ago, ClipperFan said:


    Rob, believe me, I personally have used large ornate heavy wooden sliding doors with round glass door knobs. I wouldn't get hung up on that issue. Meanwhile here's the side of the Rear Carriage House, using 3/16" = 1' scale.


    Great stuff Rich. i will have hands full during rainy autumn days...:) what a beautiful knee ornament...

  13. Ornamentation IS now completed with nameboard. I Wish you could see it in person as 2d photo cannot grasp 3d reality of ship itself with those tiny details. Name itself IS so tiny in reality i tried to maintain size and position of letters. Ať this point i must say even i used printed template underneath im happier with hand drawing over IT far more than any laser cut could provide-  there IS machine perfection in machines but i prefer Human effort ať least mediocre. Its like in every aspect of even real houses  whatever builders - mass produced perfect shapes are standard set to the point being charmless - no one Will ever asking who Made this or that? I notice similar approach or trend in modelmaking AS Well , where machine perfection IS praised atop. Personally i refrain lately  from this approach, IT ls nothing easier than drawing ship or ornamental something  in Vector program and give command to laser machine -  - i Can say that confidently. Its very difficult hand model something as old chaps did in bygone éra masterfully...

     With template underneath Its truer to original approach as well   this IS as close AS possible to original pattern even in this still small scale for clipper. some of those draperies are hair thin. !  This IS probably my finest modeler effort by far. Im satisfied with this . 

    Thanks for viewing etc. V. 




  14. 1 hour ago, rwiederrich said:

    Sweet....You made the transfers work....Wonderful!


    You're doing a bag-up job Vlad...great work. 

    The hardest part for me was making sure the end of the hood had a nice roll to it as it entered the hull and terminated....I rolled the brass around a small dowel to form it.   Those hoods were not easy...to make with all their weird angles and curves.  You did great.


    I love the progress updates.



    thank you Apreciated Rob. you know it. exactly my thoughts. looks easy but it was pretty difficult as there is everything twisted in angles or around axis... :) 

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