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Posts posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. 58 minutes ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, in nautical terms "brightwork" literally means naturally finished wood. Of course, it would actually be varnished too, in order to protect it against the elements. My guess is it would most likely be mahogany too. Since MacLean didn't distinguish between poop deck or rear house surrounding turned rails, I'd suspect all rails were left natural varnished. From my favorite painting by Samuel Walters the top of the rear house railing is white while the turned rails are brown. What's even more confusing is the ship's actual appearance from her 1869 fitting out in East Boston it looks like all turned rails including poop rails and rear house all seem to be painted white, since you can see the contrasting light shade versus the men standing behind them. Since that's clear photographic evidence I would go with that. MacLean's descriptions, I suspect were given to him by the Shipyard and the photos apparently don't match. 

    Thanks a lot Rich, but..you mean also frames extentions being left natural along all boat or we talk only turned stanchions? :) 

    i  tend to leave poop stanchions batural as they are beautifuly made. i would have ruined them even painting white. i will try to paint cover white - how that woudl look. 

  2. Gentlemen 


    i found this in inner color description. 


    " and inside she is pearl color relieved with white, except the outlines of the bulwark stanchions !!! which are bright and varnished. " 


    i suppose those are poop stanchions not deck ones....what do you think? 

    in tat case i could leave poop stanhions natural although those are dark brown not bright...sigh...

    hovewer i will try to mix some pearl with white. although we know 10 subtle shades of pearl e.g. beige or gray or pinky  and everything between being rather metallic... body and overtones... so i will mix white and a tiny bit silky silver and silky beige to see if i can manage some nice shade. will post. 


  3. After tiny shellac coat i ran each grove and All surfaces  again with 400 -600 grit paper as shellac conserved Also some fuzzy edges coarses, precisely what i wanted to get rid off...

    As you Can see  now Massive difference IS visible  comparing to bare Wood before shellac. 

    Now someone tells modeling IS easy. My gosh...














  4. 14 minutes ago, rwiederrich said:

    Beautiful,  just beautiful.  

    Is this the final color you’re settling on?



    Rob thanks for flattering comment-  oh no its only primer undercoat. Having built boat to perfection i would have prefered natural color like that but you can see the spots etc...she will go proper black and white with sheathing below. i already found out how to make deck so i will prepare that. like a train ! :) ma family told they never saw me to care so much for anything when moving or replacong her...:D they obviously only guess how much hard work is behind it...:)) still waiting for navalhood pieces...next update hopefully blue waterays next week. good weeekend everyone. one thing i struggle to find is mooring chockes or pipes...not sure how to sort it out. 

  5. 1 hour ago, rwiederrich said:

    I plan the mast out....but will not add them until the deck is furnished out first.  Houses and all.    I had originally intended to fully build my version.  Masts, rigging...the who ball of wax......😁


    Are you using the same dye method you used on your CS build......or are you trying something different?  Will you be adding the chain plates and deadeyes as well....or just the channels?



    Completely different Rob. I plan to use Fiebings oil dye. not alcohol based one. i never used it before but seen guy staining electric guitar baswood and few model boats and i fell in love with it. i will try a sample first on shellac primer.... so no painting. i will paint dilluted acrylics white on inner white though. ses i plan to put chain plates and deadeyes as i have spare small onefrom cutty sark. so far im using all wood i have at home not buying nothing but i will have to buy probably mooring pipe covers of proper size....i think even if not masted i plan to assemble masts to some height...i think deadyes would look ok. i think how to do deck first :) with houses :) V. 

  6. 3 hours ago, rwiederrich said:

    Everything is looking smart Vlad...your nameboards are looking amazing.

    Funny..my nameboards are about half your size.  I'm surprised 1/72 is so different in scale to 1/96.


    One reason I think I prefer 1/96 is that finer details can be *blured*, if you desire...and if you're like me, you prefer to tackle them.   Plus, space is at a premium.  since you are not masting your model...you have more options for display.  but if you did mast her...you'll need an entire wall space to display her.  I just don't have that kinda space myself.


    Your progressing very fast and I'm quite impressed...great job.



    Thanks Rob, yeah Im finishing outer Works ahead of painting inner side white blue and outer to be oil dyed black with dye. IT should come by monday.  Im looking fwd to IT but first i have to try Sample and repair some damaged parts of moldings. Than i Will stand her on temporary stand so She wont nové or damage anymore...i see youre going with masts now interesting. I thought houses first..

    .:) Good luck 


     her. :) I had to sand a bit from them ( nameboards) to fit between moldings though...


  7. Thanks a lot for encouraging comments folks. Rich knows my tendency of flying away sometimes :), so i have to Keep trying harder to stay as true AS possible... i continue experimentnting and finding a new ways of how to build with really small things...

    I Don have proper tools and miniatures files. But i Guess i Will have to INVEST into some as im already tried of Using toothsticks tips rounder with sanding paper. But IT Works anyway ! So probably i Will Stick with IT :)





















  8. 17 minutes ago, Vladimir_Wairoa said:

    Thanks Rich, its no problém at All...Well here we come to modeling thing I cant do it proper way meaning let those  inside. 

    First, planks around are just 1 mm wide glued over stanchions. I would destroy Boat. And second, i could have just mimic those cutting bizzare thin line over planks. That would be probably truer as those are flush with bulwarks...

    But i decided those to be Seen Also with hinges as they are pictured even in books etc. I could have Made them with paper or so... Its not wrecking enegance ofvline fór me, speaking those Will be náreky visible as painted black. So Stuck inside would be not visible ať All - but IT IS not doable on my Boat. Strakes around are thinnest i have on Boat. Even Motoring holes šéfe pain to drill not to break those little strakes as i had to undergo with tape fór protection . ... :)  i did macro shot so IT looks way thicker than from half meter..anyway thanks for input Rich - as always !  ! I will try to think it over again if better to scrape those and leave clean ride of the wales or leave them as they are.... .V. 



    31 minutes ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, this is a time where you may not welcome my input. Maybe this falls under "rivet counting". If so, I apologize in advance. Your freeing ports look very nicely done. Unfortunately to be technically accurate to the real Ship, these would all be flush with the Hull, not sitting on it as you have done so far. They're actually cut out and hinged just like gun ports on HMS Victory, for instance. Hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult to cut out the openings to inset your ports.

    Rich I will try to make them paper thin so they look flush with hull . will be truer. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, ClipperFan said:

    Vladimir, this is a time where you may not welcome my input. Maybe this falls under "rivet counting". If so, I apologize in advance. Your freeing ports look very nicely done. Unfortunately to be technically accurate to the real Ship, these would all be flush with the Hull, not sitting on it as you have done so far. They're actually cut out and hinged just like gun ports on HMS Victory, for instance. Hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult to cut out the openings to inset your ports.

    Thanks Rich, its no problém at All...Well here we come to modeling thing I cant do it proper way meaning let those  inside. 

    First, planks around are just 1 mm wide glued over stanchions. I would destroy Boat. And second, i could have just mimic those cutting bizzare thin line over planks. That would be probably truer as those are flush with bulwarks...

    But i decided those to be Seen Also with hinges as they are pictured even in books etc. I could have Made them with paper or so... Its not wrecking enegance ofvline fór me, speaking those Will be náreky visible as painted black. So Stuck inside would be not visible ať All - but IT IS not doable on my Boat. Strakes around are thinnest i have on Boat. Even Motoring holes šéfe pain to drill not to break those little strakes as i had to undergo with tape fór protection . ... :)  i did macro shot so IT looks way thicker than from half meter..anyway thanks for input Rich - as always !  ! I will try to think it over again if better to scrape those and leave clean ride of the wales or leave them as they are.... .V. 


  10. 2 hours ago, rwiederrich said:

    Fantastic work Vlad.....just wonderful.  What was your final measurements for the fore, main, mizzen channels?

    Love your poop rail stanchions....super job.  Did you pin them?

    I plan on making the rail itself first then adding the stanchions under it.  but first the channels.  I am working currently on the chain plates.


    Your progress is just amazing and I like that you filled in the topgallant rail.   So many small details to keep track of.  Many eyes are helpful for sure.

    Impressive....impressive indeed.



    Thank you Rob, I calcualted channel size from our given photographs, simply  by comparing distance between main and mizzen of photo and compared from there length of channel  - starting from mast and calculated scale  ratio. im not sure nowvi will measure it tomorrow. they are about 13 centimeters,  mizzen being smaller - around 10 cm. im glad you fancy those stanchions. those are just upper parts of some bigger rails i had in plenty for cutty sark and I cut off from those to make this pattern. yes i pinned them there was hole so i glued wire into it and predrilled hole to the rail so i could srick it and glue. I must say i would rather love stanchions fully deepened into rail properly, it would be just more authentic and better but those should be at least similar to original pattern....its little fakey this way but im glad overall. top of that stanchions is to be made.. v. 

  11. Finally i moved on after some time. Here IS the progress. Few Minor discrepancies from original to more heqdache to nitpickers :)) , Columns, but what i have ať home. Its easiest thing to swap any year....

    But to ease their minds -  :))) At least fancyrail IS solid All throughout now :)) . IT was pain to do....

    Making nameboards myself now, so no laser on those. 

    Now to make catheads and She IS ready to take a coat..thank you for watching... V. 


























  12. 22 hours ago, ClipperFan said:

    Rob, Vladimir, here's what I consider my final rendering of the Hull of "GLORY of the SEAS". Michael Mjelde has requested I send him a copy once it's done. So once more, I ask for your feedback before it's transmitted to him (which I sincerely hope will get sent to Ron Haug to restart a conversation about his interpretation vs mine).




    Rich its worth to print out and get it framed. ! i would put one one the wall. :) 

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