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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. I know that, but it sure felt like it was a lot closer.... Gots a question brother last one before I go back to the Sabre.... The F-4E loadout, Mk82's of which type? there are the plain ol' unretarded iron, the retarded iron with extended fusing and the Snakeye.... They could be carried on a TER or an MER... Which ones were the predominate ones? And the CBU's were carried in an SUU-30 casing, how were they usually mounted and how many? (oh and btw, the aftermarket companies list them as SUU-30's, not by their bomblet designations) All of these are available in 1/32nd scale... The only question is how many kits you need to buy.... The F-4 kits I have and being delivered have no bombs, they do have the centerline drop tank and the outer wing tanks though and decent Sparrows for the aft bays but I'll have to find the ALQ-119 ECM pod that fits into the right side forward sparrow bay... Could you give me an idea brother of what the typical tactical bomb loadout was? Videoaviation has most of the stuff needed to do an excellent F-4E flight line from Korat or Udorn... (and the steel revetment walls are available as well)
  2. Well done brother... Looks real.....
  3. Of course it was, how else would the girls and boys learn about what was taught in the two different health classes, the teachers sure wasn't going to teach it... {chuckle}
  4. Wonderful build brother, another masterpiece... It's absolutely amazing what can be done with paper.... I'm impressed....
  5. Yeah, that Hill Grey II scheme is interesting and a bit on the attractive side as well, and that Euro I scheme is tugging at me hard.... And both of them are right up there in the skills department, real challenges to get them right... There are so many F-4's I would like to do particularly Robin Olds Scat is top of the list.... That would be a very nice SEA scheme as well... Then a T-bird, and a Blue Angels.... The classic F-4's... My into to the J79 afterburners on an F-4 came at McChord AFB during one of their open houses, the T-birds were flying and I had a seat at the base of the tower in front of Hangar #2... Didn't hear them coming until they overflew the tower... the afterburners cut in at 300 feet and they went vertical... Talk about a nice quiet sunny afternoon enjoying the views of high powered aircraft and in a split second you can't hear anything else but the scream of those engines... The air pressure change made it feel like you would get blown back off the stands, You were never in any real danger, but it sure felt like it... And the sound was unbelievable... One hell of an impressive aircraft...
  6. Brother, I know how the government can be distracting and infuriating at the same time, there are a lot of brainless branches of government today... I appreciate the thoughts and well wishes my friend... I will be fine, nothing to worry about I've been told... She's looking at me with a great deal of patience right now, like she understands.... I know, weird thoughts... (but she does speak to me) Anyway, if I just happen to see she has flown the coop I would be honored if she hangars herself in your hanger... Psst: I know where you live as well... {chuckle} Take care of yourself brother, runnin a might slower nowadays but still runnin....
  7. Tell ya what, I just acquired a 141st TFS F-4E the Revell/Monogram 1/32 F-4E Phantom II Kit #85-4668.. it has the decals for the tiger painted version I'll probably do both the grey scheme and an SEA scheme for them.... (But that Euro I scheme is particularly pretty) I also have a decal set coming that has the Grey Tiger decal...
  8. I'm in Brother... I brush paint everything most of the time my friend and I'm sure this will look fabulous when done....
  9. Yeah she did a stint in the Netherlands with the 313th TFS in the early 80's tail code HR... She was withdrawn from Use in late '90 and sent to AMARC... Here is a pic of her in SEA scheme while she was in the Netherlands.. I can find any of her in the 141st FS markings tail code NJ, but I did find several others in those markings while with the NJANG... (in three different schemes as well) SEA Scheme... 68-0527 68-0413... (in ghost grey scheme) :correction, Hill Grey II scheme.... 68-0378 (without the very nice Tiger marking) I believe this is the Euro II scheme of three greens) 68-0413 I believe at Macguire AFB in Euro I Scheme And finally... 68-0464 in Euro I scheme with the very best rendition of that Tiger head I've found... A very beautiful airplane my friend... Standing next to one always sent chills down my spine... (a young mans dreams of being a fighter pilot) A spectacular airplane...
  10. They are definitely great guys, most modelers are... Was the model in your markings? That would've been real real cool... Still got to work out the marsden matting with appropriate light brown dirt and sandbags as well... over time like all jets they mark their territory, but I've been told that an active F-86, flown every day doesn't do that... But I'll probably put some down anyway.... Now the maintenance area was a different story.... Usually on the flight line in Korea, they would have a GPU's for each aircraft and that was it, everything else was shared... Still not sure what I'm aiming at depicting... I think for this bird, the way they designed her, you almost HAVE to put the FOD covers in place, which leads to RBF flags on them as well. so I'm leaning heavily to the normal flightline versus the Alert line as I originally envisioned it... but I'm still out on that one... This is my F-4E... the Academy #12133, good reviews on this one, I'm hoping it turns out as well as my last F-4..
  11. Good choice on the nail heads/holes, less is definitely more here, standoff distance just a slight hint of them, closeup, you see the pattern... Excellent work.... I think you nailed the aged coloration of the old paper window shades, that's a touch many do not add... An artist at his craft is always a great pleasure to watch...
  12. yep, VERY VERY light on consumption, you will not notice it's presence on the electric bill...
  13. Yep LED's are quite sippy on the power for the light they produce... That's why LED's have become the light source of choice in everything today... 8 "C" batteries would drive that lamp for at least 48 hours continuous...
  14. I thought they might bring back some memories... I got most from Video Aviation, an Italian company that does quite a few of the flightline pieces in various scales.... A Dash-60 start cart is one of their offerings, actually an A/M32A-60 Starter Cart, it was designed specifically for the F-4 and they produce one... Not a bad price for what you get... When I do my Vietnam F-4E I'll pick one up... This is my first dio in over two decades, probably a little rusty, but we will see...
  15. Thanks Alan, Im working towards getting it done...
  16. Thank you brothers, it's been a while since I have posted on this, still not stable enough to do any real work but I'm hanging in... Got my final deliveries today.... (just a hint of where I'm going with this) On the left I think I've acquired the last two Squadron True Details '50's GPU's available on the net... These were the GPU's given to the forward bases where the F-80's F-84's and F-86's flew, have to have one sitting next to her... Bottom Center is the ubiquitous Clarktor Tractor If you were on a USAF airbase anywhere in the world from '43 to '81 you will recognize this... It has towed everything in the Airforce Inventory from F-80's to fully loaded B-50's Top center is a combined package a set of post Korean war GPU & Air Start Cart You boys from Vietnam should be familiar with those particular items.... And on the right is the venerable MD-1 Towbar capable of latching on and towing any USAF aircraft... This is the early version that was hand cranked, the later version had electric motors for it's moveable parts... I've also located several 3D files for Marsden Matting... The pressed steel plating used to build runways with since before the start of WWII.. None of them are very accurate but I've also located sufficient source documents to design up my own.... I think she would look nice on a proper period flight line.... Getting ready for the final push my friends.... Thanks for following and all the likes and well wishes... It's greatly appreciated... EG
  17. Craig, Alan, it's good to hear from you both that your ok with no major issues, thank you lord... Now praying for those not so fortunate......
  18. And in wet rainy weather a lot of slurpy mud... That looks the part.... Very Very well done Alan, Excellent weathering...
  19. I know it not possible right now due to the weather conditions, but when you get a chance get a shot in real sunlight for the best comparison... In my opinion cell phones accentuate contrast too much.... to me they all look a bit overexposed...
  20. Same for you brother, will be mentioning you and alan to the man in charge, I know he will be lookin out...
  21. They always do, stay safe my friend...
  22. Very well done my friend, especially in that small scale... A vey nice addition to the armory....
  23. Keep your head down brother hurrycanes are nothing to mess with... And thanks for another chapter in the "Honey I shrunk it" book... Beautiful job, looks real....
  24. You nailed it brother! That is not an easy scheme to replicate weathered like that.... Extremely impressive build....
  25. Outside of Australia can take up to two months to reach the US, they are a very reliable company....
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