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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. I hope you don't mind me answering this one brother, my technique is simple, Canopy Glue, I use Formula 560 myself, don't know what Dan uses but the process is similar I suspect... Basically you tack glue it on just like you would be installing it closed... Canopy Glue is a flexible PVA glue that dries crystal clear and very thin, it doesn't damage the parts so it is easy to remove afterwards... All it does is peel off leaving the parts in perfect condition.... Afterwards you can position it in any position you like...
  2. The First Japanese designed aircraft since WWII... It sure shows it's North American Aviation roots doesn't it?
  3. Beautiful Job My friend.... Excellent rendition of an almost forgotten airplane...
  4. Hey Brother, I'm in as well, wouldn't miss this for the world... Good Luck! We have a good teacher here...
  5. Well, it is a two piece, split bow and stern on the midships mark.... clearly see it in the pic...
  6. You really need a Nagato to go along with those two, (or maybe a Yamato for the Okinawa mission) You do beautiful work...
  7. That! is a beautiful ship Brother....... Understated elegance.... I've just got to learn how to do that....
  8. I'm here... White, Red & Black is always a showy combination...
  9. There is only one answer to this question Micro-Sol.... There isn't any others better... All others try to live up to it...
  10. Old school techniques for dealing with old school problems..... Ya Gotta Luv it!!!!
  11. Thanks Ken... Just taking it as I can get it brother, lots of medical coming up in the next few days, so I'm getting in what I can... Enjoyment is the ideal now, as I get more comfortable in my new situation, I'm sure production will get better, right now still just feeling my way, we both are... Once I got a good look at the aftermarket additions they are so much better defined than the kit parts it was a must do, especially the Speed Brakes, the interior metalwork is almost exactly like the photos and manuals say it should be where the kit parts are a decent representative structure but doesn't represent what was actually on the airplane... The aftermarket does and since they were always open when sitting, they have to be represented accurately... The next bit of surgery is to the nose wheel hub, 2910 had the early welded sheet metal hub with 6 spokes, the kit offers both the early and late cast 12 rib hub... the 6 spoke hub is hollow in the spaces between the spokes and the kit part molded them filled in, a small bit of cleaning out the spaces solves that issue... And modeling move on.... (much like life itself)
  12. Absolutely, if there is a raised edge to the scrape polish it off smooth and future takes care of the rest....
  13. In my neck of the woods, not over 3.00.... and usually from the neighborhood 5 & Dime down on the corner....
  14. Now this brings back memories, yeah most of us learned to do our modeling with such kits so there is nothing that a bit of skilled technique and patience will not fix... I'm sure you learned your share brother long before the internet started spreading the newer more refined techniques and materials... Old school is still useful in modeling and sometimes is still the only way... I'm confident you will make her into something to be proud of.... (and we will learn a lot in the process) EG
  15. Update: Doing out the empennages starting with the Doors and Drop Tanks.... For the doors I switched from the kit parts to aftermarket cause the interior detail is much better defined, there is nothing wrong with the kit parts, just the resin parts look the part better and I can do more with them.... First step it to paint them flat black.... Then for the doors, the insides get a thin coat of Testors chrome silver.... They have cured overnight so are completely dry... The drop tanks get a coat of flat black, Testors cause it lays down smooth without edges... The next step is to dip them in the full strength future... give them an overall shiny coat and seal the chrome silver for the next step which is putting a black wash on the recesses and some uschi's steel powder rubbed into the reinforcing panels to make them stand out.... Then the sealed black gets a coat of RnB & decaling.... Slowly making progress my friends, I'll finish this thing probably sometime around the turn of the century it feels like..... {chuckle} Onwards...
  16. Thank you Brothers, Just hacking along as best I can... The bird is looking pretty good I think... And yeah, The Admiral is a pretty sweet gal if I do say so myself... (smart too) {chuckle} Must be why I married her.... Thank you from both of us...
  17. Yep, typical '70's-'80's Airfix... The Japanese companies were the only ones doing individual sprue bagging back then.... Known as a widow maker in it's early years it has a rather high landing speed cause the wings were too short, they liked to stall when flared for landing... By the time the "C" model came along they fixed the wing issues and it became one of the hottest medium bombers flown during the war... I'm in on this one...
  18. Yes, Gorgeous work as well... That's a nice decision to make.... Enjoy... Will be following with interest....
  19. You doin' a Skeeter!.... Oh I'm in, definitely in! Beautiful job on the Beaufort....
  20. Now you need a "Honey I shrunk the Aircraft Carrier!" to put it on.... {chuckle} (just don't tell her the size of the display case) Beautiful job brother... looks gorgeous...
  21. Almost 4 feet long? do they make a cabinet big enough? {chuckle} I'm down for this one...
  22. Your doing fine my friend.... Looks like you got the ideals of aftermarket down pat.... Nice job....
  23. Two ways to do it Brother, (well actually three) two decent ones and one very difficult... #1 leave the idler return wheel off until it's time to put the track on and do them together... #2 Leave the sprocket off until it's time to put the track on, a bit more difficult than #1 but along the same lines... #3 Assemble the tracks around the complete suspension, this was always the most difficult method for me, I could never get the last track link connection to line up properly... I'm in my friend...
  24. Looks to me like you got it down pat... The secret is to not spray directly at the edge, let the masking do it's thing... (and spray at low pressure) Excellent job! nothing like duplicating the actual way they did it in real life.... Well Done...
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