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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. No biggie brother... the admiral wanted to see it assembled so I threw it together... No glue, I'll get back to it when time allows and do a better job of it... So she is sitting on top of the cabinet looking all intimidating... {chuckle} and yes it is large.... Yours is looking very nice brother and the velociraptor will be a nice comparison piece... EG
  2. Yes, written by Al Ross.. #17 in the AOTS series.... I'll take a look at it and see if there is some useful info, there should be... {chuckle} Update: Here is what they got as far as drawings.... These should help explain some of it, at least make it clearer.... (I will still separate the different lines using the other drawings I posted.... (it's easier to erase lines than create them) Give me a bit...
  3. What I'm going to do brother is take the lower drawing and using images from the navy, create three drawings, 1 each showing the Standing, Running and Antenna rigging.... In essence removing all the complicated crossovers and highlighting them in color.... If you think that would help...
  4. Mine is going to sit on the tall storage cabinet looking at the door.... {chuckle}
  5. If you don't mind me askin, how could you do that? It rotated on the top of the mast....
  6. That Euro I scheme is a pretty one isn't it? I'm in....
  7. Well done Andy, the PE work that you 1/72nd guys can do still amazes me....
  8. I have some, and there should be some detail images on the USS Slater's website... That drawing is just the Standing and Radios, the running rigging is absent the guys are the ones with the insulators... Update: This one has the running rigging...
  9. That's actually a very very good match.... And the only place you will see it without panels removed.... And, after mid '43, they went to hard shell gloss white for all landing gear bays... It was easier to spot and clean up the hydraulic leaks...
  10. Would reference images be of any help? the usual procedure and order is usually Standing, Running & radio aerials.... Standing usually is painted ships color, Running, (flag halyards) is hemp or jute and aerials are usually bare metal (aluminum or steel) in US navy practice....
  11. Just a note brother, most peeps don't have a clue what the wheel well colors were and it's not easy to see once the model is built, heck it's hard to see on the real aircraft... The Navy very quickly went to gloss white and have been that way ever since... (the even retro painted all the existing aircraft wheel wells as well) Same goes for the interior panels, the salmon color is next to impossible to see on the real aircraft unless you start breaking it down into it's subassemblies... You don't have to put any of it on the bird and be completely authentic... There is a story behind the salmon colored chromate though... It was a second layer of chromate over the ZC yellow chromate Vought aircraft normally used... The reason for it was in the early deliveries the corrosion protection was poorly applied... The navy mandated that a second coat be applied to all future deliveries, and, to make sure, the second coat was tinted with red lead.... Hence the "Salmon" color was a mix of Yellow Zinc Chromate with a highly thinned red lead..... As deliveries continued somewhere during mid '43, the requirement for double coating went away and so did the red lead "Salmon" color afterwards being mostly Yellow ZC.... All the dash A's and about 2/3rds of the -A1's got the salmon color... And they all had white wheel wells eventually.... On a live aircraft your never going to see it, I'm sorry I brought it up. Your work is exquisite, better than I could do....
  12. Yep, they were called "Pursuit planes" during WWI, Fighter planes afterwards... Became a generic term for the type....
  13. My pleasure Rob, You'll find that what info on models and modeling we have around here is freely shared, it's the best modeling site on the net... Thanks Ken.... Thank you brother, I have a 1/32 Revell in the stash as well, still in that brittle blue styrene... (ancient) it is a beautiful airplane as well... Like a Phantom II, you can't build just one.... One more piece of info, the interior color on the 1's and 1A's was salmon, the cockpit was interior green, but the rest was pink... Except for the inside of the Gear Doors, they were shiny white, the navy didn't start painting the wheel well interiors white until late late '43, early '44 so for an early 1A Guadalcanal build, the wheel wells & cowl interiors would be salmon colored... There's pics up on the site here in Edwards build showing it...
  14. Just can't leave her out in the cold.... She's at that point where her school friends have just about disappeared and she's adjusting to the realities of living life on her own... her foster parents/schools didn't teach her much of that... But she is teachable, at least when she isn't glued to the electronics... Just leave enough room for it to land my friend, parking it won't be the problem... {chuckle} she isn't much bigger than a P-51 or P-47 and smaller than a P-38...
  15. I'm familiar with ground flocking, it's just been so long since I've done any that my skills are probably a bit rusty... Thanks my friend...
  16. You still have a 5 decade jump on me brother... {chuckle}
  17. Oh yeah, the Revell kit requires a lot of work to bring it up to today's offerings... You can buy a dozen old revell corsairs for the price of the required aftermarket.....
  18. Your adding 36 sparkplugs to the engine? that's a seldom seen level of detail my friend... MAD SKILLZ!!! (each cylinder had 2 sparkplugs) so yes the thread for the plug wires are 2x too large... The air ducting around the cylinders is a nice touch shame it's not there as well... Good looking casting though, maybe they thought the ducts were too much.... As far as the wings? the only time they were folded is when they were on a carrier deck either being spotted after landing or just before launch.... Marine birds on a land base were never folded.... The whole one wing up and one out is a modelers presentation, I imagine to show the detail of the fold mechanism and preserve space in a display... VMF units on a carrier would have the benefit of the Navy's hanger deck personnel and procedures, they would never be allowed to get grungy.... The Marines on Guadalcanal, their first corsairs were hand me downs from the Navy after the Navy decided they weren't good carrier aircraft... (too difficult to successfully land consistently, it was actually the British in 1944 who devised a landing pattern to allow the Corsair to successfully land on a carrier deck consistently) The US Navy changed their landing ops approach patterns after being advised by the Royal Navy on it, it became a great carrier based aircraft after that... On a carrier deck they were always folded, on land, never folded.... The wing folding mechanism was compound, when activated, both sides folded at the same time.... You would never see one up and one down on a real aircraft... Not being a rivet counter brother, just advising on the actual practice... One up/one down is a good presentation for limited space displays... Go with it if the muse tells you to.... It won't detract at all from the build..
  19. Definitely the Green on the right brother, the left side is more a chromate green, too bright..
  20. After typing that I went back thru my records and found out that since I bought my Holt 75 tractor a few years back I haven't looked at what was available... So I when ahead and looked... (my mistake) Well..... I now have a US 155 mm Gun M1917 1940 pattern with it's Diamond T 4 ton truck coming, A 1918 CS 155 French pattern (M-1917 in US service, forerunner of the 155mm Long Tom gun) to go with a liberty model "B" artillery tractor, A Canon de 155 Grande Puissance Filloux (GPF) modèle 1917 to go with the Holt tractor and the 8" howitzer & tractor you linked to above.... I also have another Holt tractor coming as well, but don't have an artillery piece for it... (yet, still looking for a French 75 which was the other major piece the US army used) I also saw a resin model of the barrel & carriage for the 240mm howitzer but it's unavailable and out of production now and unfortunately it's only half the complete gun, without the base it's not compete... What was I saying about resistance is futile? and all these pieces are irresistible for a towed artillery nut like me... What am I going to do with myself? {chuckle} Update: I found the French 75.... {chuckle} Now I have all the WWI US army artillery pieces with their prime movers... (except for the 16" railway gun, which was a Navy operation)
  21. It certainly puts the older kits to shame... Looks like it just falls together... A Marine Corps corsair, (the dirty ones) any particular pilot?
  22. I wish they would make this in 1/35th or 32nd scales, they would be on my shelf if they were... It's a damned shame they don't do much of any WWI Artillery in those scales... that would be a wonderful addition to any artillery nuts collection.... Your doing a very impressive job on this one especially at that scale..
  23. That belt driven South Bend lathe I learned to run had 1/8" slop in the cross slide screw and 1/16th inch in the lead screw.... My teacher taught me an overall truth with that machine... It isn't the machine, it's the skill of the operator... A good operator knows the limitations of his tools and how to adjust to them.... From one retired machinist to another, you sir, are a very good machinist.... you do beautiful work my friend... (and that dykem brings back fond memories) EG
  24. Very short update... I'm on a bit of hiatus at the moment, RL is jumping on me in a different way, Granddaughter is probably going to be moving in with us over the winter, we can't see her living in her car over the winter.... So, I'm forced to rearrange some things to clear out the bedroom, (my overflow storage area) In the mean time, my 1/32nd PE Marston Matting arrived today..... Just to give you an idea of how much it takes to do a 15" x 15" base in it here is a photo... 22 packages.... And yes it is accurate Marston Matting (aka M-8 pierced steel planking) it lays exactly the way the real stuff does.... So I'm going to be figuring out how to lay a dirt base for the marston matting to lay over... My old railroading skills need dusting off.... But after I get the room rearranged.... Thanks everyone for having the patience to deal with my RL issues... Onwards...
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