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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Look like that young man on the right is carrying a Nock Gun.... I hope he doesn't hurt himself when he fires that thing....
  2. I agree with Lou, you just about have it down..... Couldn't ask for better.... Not dirty, just dusty....
  3. Yep, it also the Knights of the Sky series, definitely 1/48th and some of the best kits they produced...... They will build into beautiful birds....
  4. They are identical to TUSK I, (just sized a little larger) the Scalloped plates are distinctly TUSK II, an add on to TUSK I
  5. Each genre of modeling is a black hole of excitement and anticipation, Armor is no different.... Once you see and feel the attractiveness and excitement, it will suck you in...... Give in to the force, you will not regret it my friend....
  6. I have all the faith in you that you will get it over the finish line brother.... Not an issue my friend.... Beautiful work.....
  7. Oh the truth is the truth brother.... things are stabilizing here... Collecting info on Tanks right now, (mostly M1 Abrams) and considering my next build.... recharging as we speak..... {chuckle} I have five cans of paint coming in mail, Nato Black, Green & Brown with a little armor sand thrown in for good measure.... Something simpler....
  8. I've read the same reports from several sources as well....
  9. Ok, after a couple of days working this out I've decided to temporarily suspend this one... A good chunk of my time has to be devoted elsewhere.... I can't give it the attention it deserves and rather than do a half-assed job of it I'll wait till I can do it justice.... Not abandoning it, just putting it on hold till life gets stabilized a bit.... Thank you for all the likes and vibrant discussions... More coming in the future..... but right now I need to concentrate on smaller quicker projects.... Not what I really want but life will have it's way, nothing I can do about it but roll with the flow..... Sincerely thank you.... EG
  10. Wow! Thank you brother..... Very kind, gracious and generous of you..... THANK YOU!!!! EG
  11. What do I say to you all..... Thank you it is GREATLY appreciated..... The Admiral is fine, and it did my heart good to see the hospital get a dose of the war department for once..... (but that's what you get when your doctors are a bunch of arrogant gods who know everything and nothing at the same time) Anyways, she is much much better and is her old self now..... Me, it's getting hard to be a care giver and a model builder at the same time, the demands get too heavy at times, so you have to drop one or the other and family come first as you all understand.... But I'm not giving up, just need something a bit less intense at this point, allowing a little more leeway in build tasks for interruptions..... I'll get it sorted my friends.... Being the young guy on the block here, it means a lot..... I can't tell you how much.......
  12. Yeah it's something we all run into at some point, and yes I've been there where a solution to a problem will just jump into my head outta nowhere, it's really amazing how that happens..... but not until you have rested and slept on it a while... Oh I'll get the hang of it, eventually... the size is mainly the issue just not used to working that small.... and some of it is pointless as well, I guess I forgot that from doing my F-104 cockpit, sometimes we have to relearn the lessons.... Oh I will come back to it, TF 18 has been a long term dream of mine, I'm going to finish it before I leave this world.... (as far as being the professor, there are people here who forgotten more than I know {chuckle}) I appreciate the offer to help, offered freely of course, you own me nothing brother..... If I have helped you in your modeling endeavors, I'm very happy.... Thanks my friend....
  13. Craig, I saw one done where the modeler used the center engine cover as a mold to make a replacement out of paper and white glue..... He had to relieve the rear body section a bit but once sealed and painted the center cover fit like a champ..... The plastic parts are just too thick...... Beautiful paintwork though....
  14. She's looking good brother, almost ready to go into battle.....
  15. Yep, RPG protection, distort the warheads penetration flame before it touches the hull... Challenger II Iraq 2003.... (on the rear hull and turret) M-1 Abrams had it covering their rears for a while in Iraq as well.... The Germans in WWII were the first to use it to counter the bazooka, and found it more effective than solid skirts but much more difficult to manufacture... From the Germans, the Russians adopted it to counter the improved Panzerfaust's they began encountering in '44.... It's a very effective shield against hollow charge warheads.... Been around for a long time, simple but very effective.....
  16. Yeah, I surely got to do some recharging brother it's wise advice.... Last three either haven't been finished or failed..... The next few days the wife is priority one though... So I'll probably be off line for a bit while we get that sorted..... Been kinda a roller coaster the last few months.... Too many issues going on right now brother making demands on my life....
  17. I'm not giving up, just very frustrated right now... And real life just jumped up in a big way..... I will be back.... Thank Ed, Greg for your support and understanding...
  18. Just a note to let everyone know, I've suspended this build for the foreseeable future... When it gets frustrating it's not fun anymore.... I must confront the fact that my modeling dreams do not match modeling reality, and today's reality with plastic ship models is that they require the skills of a surgeon and the patience of a saint.... You cannot build one that looks good without photoetch in today's modeling environment... And I just don't have those skills..... Sorry...
  19. Nice Bronze props brother, But I got's a stupid question.... You gonna run in scale mode, hydroplane mode or both? {chuckle}.... (never having built an RC boat in my entire life)
  20. Excellent my Friend, looks just like a coil of new tracks would....
  21. Take care of the family brother, The tracks will take care of themselves....
  22. No worries brother, It happens to me from time to time as well.... {chuckle}
  23. That's a nice image showing the overall variations post gulf war...... (when they were back in Germany) The three schemes in the Kit are all sandbox, 2008 when the 4th infantry Division was in Iraq, SSW of Baghdad..... I have 16 images of the actual tank in Iraq... (the M1A1H Tusk) That's the tank depicted in the kit... and 28 images of the actual tank Ken has chosen (the M1A2sep Tusk II) And that's the other one...... the third one, (M1A2sep Tusk I) I have been unable to find pics of it yet.... I'll post more when the build starts...
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