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Everything posted by Geam

  1. Bulkhead between saloon and what is termed as 'the hallway' has been installed. Don't know what else to call this area where the companionway steps will be. The 'hall' will enclose an aft sea berth to stbd, heads to port, engine, workbench to port, and a chart table on top of the engine cover. There is also a navigation area with a radar screen and GPS built into a locker and a rather large compass which can be viewed through a pothole from the steering well.


  2. A friend in Eastern Norway has his Fisher 37 for sale. He moored it alongside the original refurbished Colin Archer for some 'mugshots'. Not often you see these two yachts in the same photo. 




  3. Wood-burning stove and saloon table produced in last few days, also aft sea berth which is to on the starboard side.





  4. Very impressed by your longship and realistic, fearsome crew members Arjan. George.
  5. Your Colin Archer looks very good indeed Arjan. Nice to see that you did not stain the masts in colour nr36 mahogany -as on the plans. I think that the spars look best in 'natural' spruce wood. Progress on my CA is slow just now due to trying to make a scale-ish interior. George
  6. Slow progress recently due to unusually good weather here in S-W Norway. Have constructed some interior detail which will eventually be painted in the green colour used in the present Colin Archer RS1 afloat in Norway as shown in the lower photo. Saloon deck will be planked later  in oak-stained pinewood.





  7. Rudder servo in place to STDB of the steering well/cockpit.

    Spring tensioning pulleys/winch drum compensators fitted P&S abeam the jib winch. Hope they work as intended!

    Will start on some interior fittings/furninshing soon.




  8. Not exactly ground breaking tech, but there's now a winch (6-turns Graupner Regatta Eco Speed) installed abeam the main mast position. 



  9. Apropriate beams/stringers have been cut away and a mainsail control winch has been fitted abeam the cockpit/steering well. The winch is a 4-turn Krick  unit  nr. 1004MG. The mainsheet will run via a brass guide tube, through the side of the well, up to a ring on the mizzen mast and  to the end of the main boom.  The winch drum will be fitted later in the build!




  10. The cross beams and stringers are in place now. Some need to be cut away to give access to the hull internals.  Deck shown, loosely placed on hull. R/C gear locations to be planned next. Then I'll have a good think about whether or not to try to build an interior around the R/C installtions. It will take some time to achieve I fear.  



  11. Not sure if you can buy 'real' lead any more. The shot I have used comes from Krick in Germany. They sell it for their yacht models. It consists of 1mm dia. iron shot. Not as dense as lead but heavy enough. The iron shot is so small that it actually 'flows' into place. Diving gear shops also sell weights, but I don't know what shape or size. Car accessories shops sell wheel-balancing weights which I think are made of ZInc. These will nedd more volume than iron or lead shot. Fishing gear shops too! George
  12. Hi Andreas, just want to let you know that I asked Tor Erling Gransæther (yesterday evening) for colour codes for the interior of th RS1. He has posted new interior photos on the CA gallery. I might try to add some interior detail if I can hide the R/C gear under the benches and in the lockers etc. I think the Rx and Rx battery may go into the 'heads' compartment OK. The ESC will probably go into one of the STBD lockers. and maybe I can hide the drive battery under a false floor - or below the galley table! The green is NCS 1050-G10Y. the trim colour is black. The cabin deck (dørk) is oak plank. Have a good summer! George
  13. Hi Popeye, yes, there are a few stringers which will help to hold the beams straight. I don't want any 'bending forces' built in to the deck frame though, so will try to get the beams straight-ish before epoxying in place. They have been soaked for a second time and are now clamped together until needed. The instructions indicate that the deck can go on quite early in the build but I prefer to prepare the R/C installation and some interior detail first - while everything is easily accessed.😀 George
  14. Hi, that¨s fine, could you change the name from Gleam to GEAM too ?😀
  15. Due to the kit being so old, many of the long parts had fallen out of their surrounds and had bent or warped. The parts have been soaked in hot water and laid flat under pressure to straighten. The U/J in the kit is a very old deseign. The plastic part was not moulded well and does not run 'true'. A new, more modern coupling has been ordered and will come in the post next week.
  16. As mentioned in my Fisher34 build log, I have two Billings Colin Archer kits 1/15th scale in the cellar store-room. One of them is now in the broom-closet in my apartment, and the build has just started. Some work was started last summer, but the Fisher soon had full focus again, and the Colin Archer went down again! Andreas Sundt has posted a lot of his Colin Archer build already, so I won't be trying to compete with his efforts. I will however post a few words and photos, as there will probably be some differences between our respective builds. Cross-beams only loosely fitted.They'll be heated and straightened before installing. 6Kg of ballast added in bilges, and a removeable cover made in 3mm light-ply.' George
  17. I have made some small adjustments to the genoa sheet runs above deck. A new, additional sheet block has been added further forward in an attempt to give more downards pull at the genoa clew and thereby tighten the genoa leech a bit. Under sail, the top section of the genoa often has too much twist and the wind spills out and does not provide thrust -just flutter!


    The YouTube videos can be seen by writing "Model Fisher 34 motorsailer 1/12th scale".


    The Billing Boats Colin Archer RS1 is now up from the cellar store and the build is underway....but at a slow speed-ahead.  



  18. Sorry about the wrinkley main and mizzen sails in previous photo. This is due to sails being stowed under the sail covers. The nylon sailcloth did not seem to like that too much. Won't use the covers very often. Reefed and covered just for the motoring tests.


  19. Bare for info' : I have by some small miracle managed to open a YouTube account and 'beam up' a few videos of the Fisher on the water. The quality is not that good but I see that in many posts. I have not managed to edit/cut the longest sessions, so it's necessary to jump through the videos a bit if they get boring. There's no music, but plenty of 'grinding' winches and 'buzzing-motor' sounds to get on with.  I am very pleased with the function of the two-winch genoa system. It works better than I'd imagined. A bit more sheet travel is needed to be able to sheet in the genoa å little bit more and I'll work on that when time allows. 

    The videos can be found by writing "Model Fisher 34 motorsailer"  on Google. Probably also by writing in YouTube too, but I have not actually tried that yet!




  20. Hi Andreas, thanks for all your kind comments on the Fisher 34. Good to read that you will be visiting the full size CA soon. It will be full size sailing season very soon too, so I expect you will be too busy to build model yachts until after the summer? When I finish the small details on the Fisher (posting mainly on forum www.modelboatsmagazine@co.uk) I will take the CA up from the cellar store (bod!) and work on that. I don't think I'll post much on the CA as you and Carsten are doing enough on it already. Have a good summer! +7*C and NW 12-15 m/sec in Stavanger today! brrrrrr. George
  21. Admiralty assisted  trip to a local lake today. Not much wind, but nice Wx and 17*C . Fisher sailed very well in fact in almost no wind. The family 'film crew' were there too, but not got any of their photos or film yet- Posting here a couple of poor photos from video on my PC screen. 

    Just a few cosmetic tweeks to do on the yacht before I close down the Fisher production unit and go over to the Colin archer.  Not planning to write much about that as so many people have already built it and Carsten and Andreas are already active on this site with their Billing Boats CA models.  




    1. Sundt


      Beautiful done. 🙂 My Colin Archer will start again then possible to visit the real one. Will make a call next week. 

  22. The new raked-back fin and wing keel did the trick. The logitudinal CoG was just right. The bows came up a bit -and the stern down of course- so there's no need to re-paint the waterline either.

    Son-in-Law took photos and grandson wizzed about with his drone. The'll beam down photos in a few days. The fin shown here will be 'streamlined' a bit by adding a sheet aluminium cover. I made sail covers last week and reefed/stowed the sails but they came out very wrinkled so won't be using the covers in future.

    The problem with battery capacity seems to have been solved by using dedicated Rx batteries and no BEC. So two 4.8v/2000 mAh batteries in parallel now power the Rx. 

    I'll post a few new sailing photos when I get them and with some family help I'll try to post some video on YouTube.  That will then be the end of this 18 month scratch-build report. 



  23. Hi -just for info'.....

    I've been studying photos of static Fishers recently and although my model floats slightly nose down I think that an additional problem is that the waterline mark has been painted too high at the stern. Quite far into the  build I was convinced that the yacht would be too heavy and it looks like I have tried to compensate for this visually by painting on the waterline mark too high. I remember also that I was expecting the model  to be stern-low!  I was compensating for a problem which wasn't there! This reminds me of the saying, "If it's not broken, don't fix it!"


    The new, aft-raked keel will be fitted today and ready for a L-CoG test tomorrow, Sunday. The forecast is for sunshine,+4*C and almost no wind.  Later, I may have to consider if I can scrape off some dark blue paint from amidships to the stern and then when the weather and temp. allows, I will paint over with white. Hope I can do a decent job of it. The white is sprayed on acrylic with clear acrylic gloss on top. BUT, before I 'fix' the waterline mark, I'll wait to see if it's really necessary! 


  24. Son-in-law beamed me a photo of the first 'departure'. I was switching on the Roam3 video camera.

    Grandson was there too and took some drone video so that will appear on YouTube when he has time to help me set up an account.

    Two 4.8v/2000mAh in parallel -now connected to the Rx. No BEC. 

    Yacht floats slightly nose down so will move the keel a bit aft and make it longer to give even more righting-moment. Might make a new,more streamlined single-leg keel-  a bit nicer for the trout to look at in the summer.





    1. Sundt


      Looks beautiful 🙂 


  25. Launch went well yesterday. BUT after 5 minutes sailing, the voice warning sounded for low reciever battery voltage. I could not hear what the warning was 'saying' until too late. The receiver shut down!  After about 15 minutes 'free sailing' the Fisher turned for the shore just as my son-in-law was removing his jeans to take swim in the very cold water! I had waders on and waded out to meet the yacht as it sailed shoreward. 

    When I got back home and switched everything on again it all worked perfectly! Do not know what was wrong but I hope it was just that the BEC on the speed controller could not supply enough power to the Rx due to 3 winch servos and a digital rudder servo. I was not using the R/C much at all during sailing so can't really understand why. The ESC BEC is supposed to supply 5v and 5A. The servos use 0.5A idle and 1.8-2.2 under load so I hope this is the cause - and nothing more serious!

    I have now fitted a dedicated receiver battery 4.8v 2000mAh and may even put in an extra one in parallel before the next test-sail.

    Did not manage to get photos other than from my Roam 3 action cam -fitted into the wheelhouse door opening. Son-in-law will send me his photos later  also while I was wearing waders he says!  Posting a screenshot from action-cam just after launch.

    Too much wind and too cold for testing during the next few days, but doing more tests at home.



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