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Everything posted by Kusawa2000

  1. Jack: This is good news about the HMS Cumberland. Please keep us posted on any developments and any pictures you have to share. While we are on teh subject of new kits, I remember you were talking about a new kit of the HMS Bellona. Any updates on that? Mike Draper
  2. If anyone asks you why Monty Python is so funny even today, ask them to tell you about their worst story of customer service and then play them the "dead parrot sketch"... a lot of things just dont change.... 🙂 Mike Draper
  3. Everyone: Managed to get the foretop sail on last night. There is still a lot of rigging to be added but its roughly in the place where I want it. Its good to finally see some progress at my end. Getting the sails in the place where you want them and trimmed right is a painful exercise with tweezers and a visor.. and now Im working up the mast, its more standing than sitting. More pics to follow! Mike Draper
  4. Everyone: Just a quick update pic. Got most of the rigging done on the lower fore course either than leech lines and clew lines. Plan to get the sails up first for the foremast before I get the leech and clew lines done. And Im holding off tying all the lines down permanent I get all the rigging done. I find each sail has its own personality and in turn affects other sails so until all the rigging is done I keep my options open 🙂 More pics to come soon! Mike Draper
  5. I dont know if you are aware but the Seaways "ships in scale" magazine had proposed a few years ago to have a building log published in their magazine of the Caldercraft Surprise kit. There was a request by Seaways to submit proposals on who would write the series of articles (this was over 10 years ago now) and I was lucky enough to be the successful choice. I was pretty stoked about it and we were all waiting for the kit to be released but as you all know, no kit was ever released so no building log was ever written and released. The completed kit has made its appearance at a few model shows in Europe (from what I have seen on the internet) but either than that, its been radio silence. Too bad as I think they had a really neat kit that would have got a lot of peoples attention. Mike Draper
  6. Everyone: Its been a while but I finally have a sail on the ole Agamemnon. Its been a lot of trial and error but I have the lower fore course. Still have a lot of fiddling to do but I want to get the rest of the sails on the foremast rigged before I start trimming lines. In any case, its a good feeling to finally have made some progress
  7. Everyone: Its been a while since I have posted progress shots...mainly because I have been working on the launches which has been maddingly slow work and I have also been waiting for my sails to be made by my good friend Wendy. Well, the sails have arrived and Im keen to get started on the final stage of rigging my Agamemnon. Its been a very long haul but its great to now be ready to start the final chapter. I will keep everyone posted as they get rigged to the Agamemnon. Enjoy MIKE
  8. Chuck: Thanks! Actually when I starting making the paper templates for the sails I was a bit surprised how big the sails were. I actually double checked my measurements to make sure. I suspect if anyone wanted to full rig the Winchelsea with sails she would leave quite a impression as well! I will be posting some pics as soon as I can get some sails rigged on her. Im stoked.. its been a long time getting to this point MIKE
  9. At least its not as bad as rigging ratlines.. needless to say Im not upset that the Winnie project is not fully rigged. MIKE
  10. Chuck: I am close.... sooo close... Here is a pic of the paper templates that I made for the sails that I am planning to rig on my Agamemnon. The sails are made by a good friend of mine Wendy Thompson and are on their way to my mail box. I figure I have my time off from XMAS is spoken for with rigging these sails when they arrive. Everything else is done (except for some flags!) so as soon as the sails arrive its full steam ahead.. And.. no.. I have been working on this ship way tooo long.. Need to get it on the "don" pile.. and start on the Winnie... MIKE
  11. Chuck: I have looked under each of the subject headings in that section and still cant find the freizes.. do you which know which heading? I did find them under this subject heading but I dont think they are scaled for the Winnie.. unless ya download the JPEG and then play with them until they fit.. Sorry for being a pain.. just want to make sure I get the right image. Mike Draper
  12. Everyone: Quick question.. I have already hardcopied the friezes for the stern gallery and along the hull but I want to redo them on better quality paper. But for the life of me I cant find the images that I need to download and print. Does anyone have a quick link I can use? Im getting ready to start the Winnie as I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on my Agamemnon. 🙂 Mike Draper
  13. And another plank on bulkhead or plank on frame? (I do apologize for all of the questions but its a interesting project!) Mike Draper
  14. Chris: Great choice. I agree on your strategy of bringing new classes of ships into the kit development fold. She has beautiful lines. I assume she will be fully rigged? Mike Draper
  15. Congrats Chris on the new pre-release! I know there has been a lot of interest in this kit.. I noticed you mentioned you are working on the Sphinx. Is there any pics or drawings of her lines? Google searches have me all over the map on which ship you are looking to develop. Again.. congrats on the new release Mike Draper
  16. There phone number is 514-973-7741 or email at rick@shousha-inc.com. a friend of mine bought his Caldercraft Agamemnon kit from him.. the nice thing is that he is located in Canada so no customs headaches. Mike Draper
  17. Kevin: thanks. its the best way to contact them through their website email? or are they a member of MSW? Mike
  18. Kevin: That is something I may want to consider. Good to know I have options. Was there any problems in shipping or did you get everything in a reasonable time frame? Mike Draper
  19. Chris: Thanks! the website for CAF isnt a big help in a description but I had a sneaking suspicion it was different types of wood that determined the 2 different packages. Im just window shopping at this point. Still have to finish the Agamemnon and also have the Winchelsea in the hopper as well. MIKE
  20. Good day; I was checking out the enterprise on the CAF website and they have list "specifications A" and "specifications B" for prices on the Enterprise. Could someone tell me what is the difference? Are then installments of the kit or different wood that is being used? Just curious on what is the cost and what it involves. Thanks ahead for any information, Mike Draper
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