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Everything posted by Papa

  1. I once had a large workshop full of tools. We are now in a basement-less town house, and my workshop is reduced to the dining table and a tool cart. The positive side is that my shop is soooooo much neater than it ever was before.
  2. Back to where i was a week ago. The fife rail is much improved i think.
  3. This time I am constructing the fife rail in place to make sure everything fits and is square. And this time I remembered to install the thumb cleats before everything was together. 😅
  4. Seeing this cartoon on my daily calendar made me think of your project,😄
  5. When I attempted to install the bilge pumps I discovered that the “thick pad” at the main mast was in fact too thick. There is supposed to be a thick pad in the laser cut parts but i never found it and scratch built one. I initially cut it short and patched it. I was never happy with the patch. ☹️ Well, now i had a good excuse to redo it. It meant taking out the fife rail, but i wasn't happy with that either. The stanchions were crooked. So 2 steps forward and 6 steps back.
  6. Yesterday (8/21) I rediscovered that the kit has laser cut knee braces. That’s what happens when years separate reviewing kit contents and actual construction. 😬😳. Oh well. Good practice toward a complete scratch build someday.
  7. Building a fife rail. I was surprised there where no castings other than the 3 stanchions
  8. I just oiled the shafts. I like the natural look. They are about 8’ long at the scale of the Morgan
  9. “ Today I figured that I would slap together one of my easier pieces” i wish I could “slap together “ a model that well!
  10. I found some dimensions in several museum sites. One had a harpoon that was 94” long overall. From that i estimated some other dimensions and am putting a few together. John Ruy’s pictures suggest some modifications to what i am doing. Once i am happy with the look i will post pictures. Thanks to everyone for the advice
  11. Thanks. Any suggestions for the diameter? I am thinking maybe 3 to 4 cm? Hmmmm at 1/64 scale this might not be a good idea. A 1mm dowel will scale up to around 2.5 inches. Seems a bit fat, but they were stabbing 🐳
  12. I was thinking about hanging a few harpoons on the racks in the shelter, but i can't seem to find any harpoon dimensions by asking Google Can someone provide that info to me, say from the MS Whaleboat kit.
  13. I have the supports for the shelter/boat bearer in place. Next I need to make the harpoon racks and bucket hangers before roofing it in. The knee braces were a devil to make. I kept trying to assemble from a single piece of wood, but I no sooner just about have the correct shape and they’d split 😖 I finally made them with 2 pieces of strip wood and sanded to the shape in place.
  14. I haven’t done any lettering yet. Would like contact info. Thanks 😊
  15. The shipyard is finally open for business again, albeit on the kitchen table. I have some workspace in the garage, but it is like an oven in there this summer. Anyway, i got the vegetable bin constructed and am starting on the shelter/boat bearer.
  16. How many little soldiers have you painted for this diorama so far? What will the final count be?
  17. Those dioramas are great. Very beautiful workmanship.
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