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Everything posted by Papa

  1. Thanks ! Octopuses are quite smart but i don’t think i could teach one to rig a ship, well a bark anyway😀
  2. One needs about 8 hands to get the bow sprit and martingale rigged. I’ve been at this for 2 hours. 😬
  3. I think the next rigging step will be the dolphin striker and martingale stays.
  4. The fore mast is now rigged up to the royal. The flowers on the table in the background are for our 56th wedding anniversary last Saturday.
  5. I’ve been getting scalpels/blades and other light weight fittings from ShipWrightShop.com. Reasonably priced and shipping to the US is also reasonable. Cheaper then getting small stuff from US dealers.
  6. I’ve taken a few weeks break from ship building. Back at it now. Finished the top gallant shrouds and ratlines and added the lookout hoops. I had some brass hoops from another project that looked about the right size. I lashed them to the mast and used some superglue. I sure wouldn’t want to spend anytime up there!
  7. Only a million? I think there are that many ratlines alone 😂. I don’t tie off the deadeye lanyards until late in the build. It helps take up some slack but it Seems like there are always 1 or 2 lines that hang slack. What we need is a tiny crew to stay on board and keep everything shipshape.
  8. I almost forgot to install the topmast stays. Remembered as i was installing the t’galant shrouds.
  9. I used a masking set on the canopy. Tedious to put on but way better than trying to freehand the paint.
  10. Thanks for all the comments I expected the silvering on the decals. The finish is quite matte and I thought about painting a bit of clear gloss where the decals went. Decided that would probably look worse. The shine is only visible in certain lighting. I may try a bit more decal setting solution when I return from our week in the mountains 😀.
  11. She is finished. Bad lighting on the decals. Perhaps a spray of matt finish will fix that
  12. I just noticed the date of the Dam Buster operation. May 17, 1943. I was 25 days old!
  13. Thanks! Once the canopy masks arrive i can finish her.
  14. She looks real mean sitting on her landing gear. I am not looking forward to painting the canopies 😬. I am going to see if some commercial masks are available.
  15. Top mast shrouds are in place and the backstays. Now i have to tie another bazillion ratlines
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