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Everything posted by Papa

  1. I’ve looked at that. It seems a bit cramped. I’ll have to check some reviews.
  2. Today i received my new copy of the United States liner card model from Poland. 1. Photo shows how to properly join the beam sections, using tabs #6. I missed this the first time. 2. Note the triangular section in the middle if the frame, 13. In my first build, I didn’t realize there were 3 tabs in there needed to attach the frame to the center beam until i had cut the center out of about half the frames. I had to jury rig new tabs. 😳. I learned my lesson and am doing it correctly this time. 3. i also learned that i need to write the part number on each part when cut out. Doesn’t take my 78 year old brain long to forget what part is which.
  3. This comment makes we wonder how many of our fellow ship modelers are in the sciences or engineering. I have a PhD degree in mathematics.
  4. Almost 2 months and i am still working on the whale boats. It is like have 7 individual sold hull kits
  5. Not sure why i even said “slow”. Perhaps subconsciously because I probably don’t have enough years left to finish all my projects😃
  6. If you are referring to the deck houses, i got the scribed sheets at model expo i think. 1/32 scribing
  7. Error creep has reach the point where i am stopping the build. I have ordered a new copy of the kit from JSC. Once I receive the new copy I will restart the build log from the beginning.
  8. I don’t understand the question. The boats are made from laser part parts that are stacked together. One then has to carve them to shape. I made a template for the bow and stern shape based in the plans.
  9. There are many things wrong with the build and the errors accumulate. I am learning as i go along. I did use some CA to stiffen some very thin pieces a trick i learned from reading Dan Vadas build logs. Something is certainly needed to stiffen the decks. It seems to me that trying to spread CA over that large an area would be a messy job and could cause more problems than it solves. Gluing folded tabs on corners and edges leads to problems also. I think one needs to score and fold inside the line by the thickness of the card otherwise the dimension increases by 2 times the card thickness. I may try this on the next few cabins. Overall this kit is a learning experience.
  10. Another lesson regarding reading the instructions carefully. I left out some parts under those wings including a stairway. Somehow i missed the box on the deck with the “scissors” icon meaning “cut me out”. A stairway was to go in the hole and on the deck were 2 partitions called “wind screens”. I was able to slip these pieces in after the fact. 😬
  11. Thank you. I am learning a lot about how to do better next time.
  12. This deck, sun deck, was very difficult. Some very delicate cuts on the posts. Only about 1 mm wide
  13. Another somewhat obvious hint. I put each sheet into a plastic pocket and wrote the number of the sheet on the plastic. As pieces are cut free of the sheet, they go back into the numbered pocket so that they can be found again. On my previous card ship, now trashed, i had loose pieces everywhere. Very difficult to find what you need!
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