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Everything posted by Papa

  1. It is starting to come together nicely.
  2. The instrument panel came pretty well. Though I need to touch up a few spots. The danger of close-up photos is that you can see all the oopsies.
  3. She is looking real nice, John. I feel like I am a year away from starting rigging right now; progress has been slow. Some observations. I like your rigging thread storage unit. Is it custom made? also, it looks like you have one of Model Expo’s shroud/ratline jigs but don’t seem to be using it. Is that because it is useless? Ron
  4. Well, back in 1965 I couldn’t afford any car at all. I had a 1952 Plymouth with plywood covering the holes in the floor. I think my parents bought it from a relative for $25. So, if I was going to fantasize about sports cars it was Porsche Speedster. If you are going to dream, dream big😇
  5. Very nice work and great painting. at the risk of starting a war, I never understood the appeal of the Mustang. When they came on the market my first thought was: why buy this when there are so many great European sports cars. The early Mustangs were built on Falcon chassis, that is no sports car
  6. I have a copy of Chapelle’s American Fishing Schooners. I would swap this for Bill Ottinger’s "Napoleonic Plastic Figure Modeling" PM if you are interested changed my mind ignore
  7. Another use for the dental brushes is to transfer tiny amounts of CA glue to parts being joined.
  8. I have more kits around that I probably don’t have enough years left to build. And now your beautiful army is urging me to try figure painting 🤯
  9. Pilot waiting for his 109 to get built
  10. Weird thing with the paint guide is that not all parts are shown. Also the instructions are very vague as to where some of the parts go. Anyway, here is the engine. I think the paint needs a tad touching up.
  11. The Dolittle aircraft seem to have the turret back near the tail. So I will still need a turret 😐
  12. It doesn’t seem to do that. It seems to jump into the middle of the last page. I guess that might have been the last posting I read . But that doesn’t do what I want. I want to jump to the most recent posting regardless of what I’ve looked at before. This would be analogous to listing email starting with the most recent message. Last in first out.
  13. At this point, there is no way to access the nose, so glued down she stays. I now have a kit missing the turret. I wonder if I could smooth out the top and do a Dolittle version.
  14. Thanks for the nice comment the starfighters are neat looking aircraft
  15. I received my duplicate kit and added the top turret. So she’s done.
  16. When i open a specific build log, say, "HMS Terror by clearway - OcCre - upgraded" It opens to page 1, with the very first posting for this log at the top. I would like to have it open to the most recent posting for this log. I haven't been able to find the proper menu item to sort this way. Probably operator error😇
  17. Where can one display this monster. It’s over a meter long! That will be one impressive model.
  18. Is there a way to list build log entries starting with the most recent posting and going down to the first. It would be easier than haveing to drop down through all the pages to get to the latest status.
  19. Actually, for all the other structures, I did cut away the deck and put coamings around. For some reason it never occurred to me to do that for the galley and stuff at the aft. Its too late now. I will have to fake it. Just building these structures will try one's patience to the limit, without the added difficulty of fitting into a cut away deck.
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