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Everything posted by Papa

  1. Current status on my Morgan. Finished the top mast shrouds. Almost done with topmast back stays. I am going to have to hire a new rigging crew. The current crew is a bit lazy. They install 2 or 3 shrouds and then quit for the day. You just can’t get good help these days.
  2. My first attempt at camouflage of this sort. It needs a bit of touch up around the windows but other than that i think it came out pretty good. Masking tape and rattle cans.
  3. Installed the landing gear struts. Very finicky.
  4. Fantastic job on the coach. I am impressed with the intensity of the yellow. I have found that every brand of yellow paint I have used, including house paint, will not cover without a nearly infinite number of coats! What is you trick for getting that great yellow?
  5. Photo of the wing problem i was trying to explain. I had to remove the round thing, cut off the part that would be exposed and glue in place after attaching the wing.
  6. S Scalemates does not show this exact box, but nearly identical was retooled in 2012
  7. That works a step at a time, and i do it. But dry fitting multiple steps isn’t practical. That many pieces will not stay together. I have the sense that the kits have zero tolerance. If a few pieces are just a tiny bit off, like the thickness of a glue joint or paint something further down the line isn’t going to fit. I’ve been building plastic kits for over 70 years and I think most of them have gone together fairly well. But every once in a while one hits a real devil of a kit. A few years back i had a Lockheed Electra kit i was building as Amelia Earhart’s version. That was a nightmare every step of the way.
  8. I have no idea? How does one determine this?
  9. The desire to trash this kit and give up resurfaced yesterday when i tried to assemble the wings. Lower pieces went on easily but the upper halves were not going to fit. There was not enough clearance to allow a part that forms the rear of the engine nacelle to fit in the opening provided. Once i determined that was the issue, i removed it and the wing then went on smoothly. I then removed the lower part of this whatever it is, and glued the upper part where it belongs. I should have taken some pictures. The next step was assembling the elevator halves. The instructions here had the part numbers wrong. They said glue B6 and B7 for one side and then An and Am (don’t have instructions in front of me) for the other side. Wrong. The B parts just had alignment holes. While the A parts both had pins. One needed to match a B and an A. Fortunately I discovered the problem before the glue had set on the joined B parts. I thought it was strange the there were no pins for the holes. I should have looked at the next step right away. One wonders if someone actually tried to build this kit from the instructions before release.
  10. I was certainly tempted to toss the whole box in the trash. But sanity prevailed
  11. I had a heck of a time putting the fuselage halves together. Just could not get the seam to close tightly. I am going to need plenty of filler😬. During my test fitting the windows started popping out and the map table came apart. Re-glued all that and filed and fussed and fumed and used several naughty words 👿 . It didn’t help the fit. And a newly purchased bottle of Tamiya flat black paint dries glossy! 😝 fortunately i still had some older flat black. So here we are today. Now i am going to tie some more battens on the C W Morgan. I am almost finished with that step; on the mizzen
  12. The kit has some nice interior detail that, unfortunately, won’t be visible once the fuselage is together.
  13. Better angle to see hands free
  14. I needed something to break up the tedium of tying ratlines on my C W Morgan so i started this Lancaster from the Dambusters mission that I’ve had on the shelf for a few years. There are 7 gray sprues and one with the clear parts. The quality is excellent. And the few pieces I’ve assembled so far have very positive positioning locators. The pilot in the photo has been primed and is ready for painting.
  15. I spent the first 20 years of my life living less than 10 miles from the USS Constitution and never once visited. Why not? I have no idea. For that matter, I was 15 before i even ventured into the City of Boston.
  16. Question for you John. There are, what i am calling “boat skids” , on the hull where the whale boats are hanging. Are these painted black like the hull? Or left natural?
  17. Using a card to align the battens as i glue them on the shrouds. I will tie them off when they are all on. Also i installed the bowsprit shrouds and the bobstays. I leave the lanyards long so that i can tighten them at the end of the build. I don’t know why they are rotated.
  18. Attached all the batten rat lines on the lower foremast. I think that was more tedious than conventional thread lines. Only another 400 plus knots and all the lower masts will done. 🤪
  19. Those instructions look much like what i had with my “yellow box” Essex kit back in 1968. Sort of “we have given you some wood, some fittings, a few blocks. Now go make a ship. Good luck”.
  20. In rigging the stays i saw that the fore and mizzen stays used an eye and lanyard arraignment at the tops. The photo shows how i kept the lines taut while tying the second eye.
  21. Rigging requires so much moving the ship around that I decided to go back to my keel vise. Much easier now. Fortunately there was room on my Elfa cart to mount it without obstructing the drawers. The lower shrouds on the fore and main mast are completed. Mizzen is next.
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