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Everything posted by Papa

  1. Per the plans in the Model Shipways' version it is a cylinder. See attached photo
  2. I have used a hot air gun for bending planks succesfully. It does get very hot--just be careful. Ron Gove
  3. Very nice design. You should copyright it and manufacture it.
  4. Thanks for the advice. I think I will go for the thole pins. Good enough for Winslow Homer, it is good enough for me. :-) ron
  5. I need 1/4" scale oarlocks for the Benjamin Latham seine boat. None of the usual suppliers have any in stock close to this scale. I have been waiting for 2 months for canadian dealer who claims he has them on order. Has anyone tried to make locks from scratch? I am thinking of just putting in thole pins, even if they wouldn't be accurate (I don't think). Opinions? Hints? Ron Gove
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