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    The land of Sunflowers, Tornados, and Oz.
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    If I can drive it, float it, or fly it, I'm interested in it.

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  1. You can't have just one of them. I have two as well.
  2. I think I am liking the process of attaching the running rigging for each mast and spar before attaching the backstays and ratlines. Its so much easier to get to belaying pins. I have the mizzen almost complete.
  3. Its been a while and I have been neglecting my log. I have finished the standing rigging minus the shrouds. I thought I'd do those for each mast as I complete the majority of the running rigging. I find its much easier to get to the belaying pins. I almost lost my mind on the Constitution trying to thread through the ratlines to get to the pins on the fife rails. I am starting at the mizzen and attaching and rigging each yard and then running the lifts and other mechanicals for the entire mast before finishing the ratlines. https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/534x712q90/923/dgGTam.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/534x712q90/924/WLMom6.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/534x712q90/924/yqvQfg.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/949x712q90/922/wHqByp.jpg My Constitution in its final stages. https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/553x738q90/923/Mo7jOY.jpg
  4. Really nice work Jared. You are past the monotonous part of rigging shrouds, running rigging can be fun since every line is different which does present a challenge, but in a good way.
  5. Hi Nenad, I am back for a short visit here on MSW and am so glad to see your back on your scratch build. Your metal work is coming along fine. She looks so good with all her furniture on the deck and now her masts are going up. Regards, Scott
  6. I'm following along with your build because I like these old solid hull models. I have two Marine kits in the stash I hope to build.
  7. Debated until the cows came home on whether to use the pre-molded shrouds or make them up, but time and budget overruled and I'm using the ones off the kit.
  8. Weather and a mild case of Covid kept me indoors so I sat down and did some work on this project. I completed the bowsprit and dolphin striker rig. Now starting on the lifts, braces, and then shrouds. Its not pretty, the fingers and eyes are out of practice with my threading and knot tying. But that is what this project is about.
  9. Interesting story, I look forward to watching the VR presentation when I get some time. Thanks for sharing this. Scott
  10. Welcome, I was raised in Great Falls and went to school in Havre and was the only one building sailing ships in my club. I now live in Kansas.
  11. Thanks George for putting out such a great build log. I am just starting rigging a clipper and your photos and details help a lot. Especially with motivation. Great job!
  12. Very nice job with the planking.
  13. I bought one a while back, was only $14 and everything was there. Its a nice kit and the older the kit, the better the molds.
  14. Its an odd scale. 1:120, but I seem to recall questions about a variance. I was going to look into it once I started mine.
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