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  1. Are you going to continue this outstanding build? Would be pity to disrupt.
  2. Hi Pavol, A bit late question: what thread did you you for the ropes? How thick is it? Anything special or a simple yarn which you let through the rope machine.....
  3. Privyet Valeriy, I am one of the catching up followers. I have the paper Varyags of DB and BM in my stash. I am thinking of enlarging one of them into 1:100. It will be a huge challenge. But far from your extraorbital work. Just keep on. Schastlivoy raboty !
  4. The vessel is quite superb. A bit squary here-there but generally speaking - smart and neat.
  5. Don't underestimate the paper. It can get very serious in no time. Look at the Borodino or Bismarck report of Dan Vadas, blessed his name is, in this site. The choice is really very wide and some good quality download models are available on paper-replika dot com, just use a sheet that is thick enough. Don't miss the chance. Once paper modeler, forever a paper modeler.
  6. Good afternoon Gentlemen, I would like to present the of building the French heavy cruiser Dunquerque (Dunkirk). Very briefly about her history: the keel was laid down in December 1932, was launched in 1935 and completed in 1937. She was 214 m long. She was the leading ship of the same class, Strasbourg being her sistership. To prevent her capture from the Germans, she was scuttled in 1942 but never came back into service, as far as I know. She was scrapped in 1958. The model is published by the remarked Polish publisher of "paper" models, WAK, in scale 1:200, which means that the model should be about 107 cm long. Quite a piece. Her colour is evenly grey, maybe a bit boring, but painting and shading was of less importance in the era (except camouflage). The fire range and other military abilitiies were more needed properties. Since I ordered the booklet today, I will post the first images only later. What I know is that I will not start the construction with the hull but with something of the superstructure. I hope to find several paper-friends here.
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