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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Small update of the work on the masts: I finally found reference of the mizzen masthead so I redid it, the BB is incorrect in the plans (if I'm not missreading it totally). Also did the the other parts on the mast heads and now I'm planning for the bowsprit details. The BB original parts are not to bad, but it's easy to make better ones and make them close to the one on the real ship. As you can see I got the ropes and I toned it down slightlly. I learned from the Fred Hocker that they found no evidence of heavy tarring on her ropes, but of a light tarring. /Matti
  2. WOw, great carvings, they look amazing with and without the paint! What paint do you use anddo you add any washes? /Matti
  3. Ah I see what you mean, you have high standards mate. But it looks to mee like you could correct it just by carving it differently? /Matti
  4. Yay, blue purple thingy is getting friends! Very interesting to see your approach and it's looking great so far You are so much more structured than me when you work. /Matti
  5. Thanks Karl! I've been looking at your masts a lot lately. Yeah, it's a good method to get straight lines on strange surfaces. /Matti
  6. Cheers mate, iI can't take credit for it, but it works well and you learn it pretty quick. /Matti
  7. Thanks Frank, it's a trick I learned from scratch building in styrene. Use dymo tape, the old hard kind that's used for making labels. place it where you need the groove. Then just scribe with a exacto blade after the tape. First a light stroke with the sharp side then with the backside of the blade. Go light on the hand, so you don't lose control. For wider grooves you can use a sharp screwdriver, but I think it would be to wide for these grooves. You need a new piece of tape for each groove as the glue will not stick more than once, at least not on wood like this, so buy a few rolls Not difficult to do but takes a little practice to get used to. And you need to be cautious as always using an exactoblade. Easy to hurt yourself when slipping. Yeah right now it's a little to much at work now but it's a peak and will settle in a mounth. /Matti
  8. Thanks guys, most appreciated! Yeah Nigel except the masts themselves, the parts are scratched. Landströms drawings are very detailed. I also got a lot of help by looking at Claytons pictures of how he made his Vasa masts. I might have to remake the mizzen mast as I think its the only one of them not correct in shape (the others are not bad at all). I need to think about it some more. /Matti
  9. Thank you very much Sherry and Popeye! Interesting about the capstain location. I just got my package of ropes, really lookig forward to have a closer look at them. /Matti
  10. Here is where I am at with the masts. Added and tuned parts and painting and weathered them. Painting them is pretty close to painting the hull, a mixtyre of paint, washes (both dark and light ones), sanding and drybrushing. I tried to look at the new mast parts on the real ship to get a feel for how they could look in tone. /Matti
  11. Cheers mate! Actually I scribed lines aswell. My job's been hectic this period but I've done some more work on the masts. Buiding is a great stress release. /Matti
  12. I like that you added the toilet detail! Vasa have no holes but used buckets. /Matti
  13. Hey Chris thanks for your input. I have ordered natural colored rope and plan to stain it. From what I've heard here are no evidence of tar on the ropes on the real ship so I will not go black, but I want them to blend well with tarred look on the hull so some blending should be needed. I want to see the rope and experiment with it before making any descisions. I guess it will boil down to what gives balance to the overall look. /Matti
  14. The thought crossed my mind, but I want to learn more about woodwork in general and the shape of the real masts before going that far. /Matti
  15. Thanks guys! I've been working some more on them today. Quite nice stage. I guess it is what we in Sweden calls Lugnet före stormen, The calm before the storm. /Matti
  16. Cheers Popeye, fun work to do actually once I found good pictures of them. /Matti
  17. Thank you Pete and Nigel! I scribed them first to make grooves. /Matti
  18. Hey all, done some work on the masts. I think I'm starting to get the way they are constructed. First reshaping and fitting them to see that I got them ok: The mainmast and the bowsprit on the real ship was made from several parts and I wanted mine to look like they are too: Some mild washes to try and get it to look realistic. I will do more work on their finish later on. /Matti
  19. Sounds like a good kit and worth consideriation. Looking forward to see how yours turn out. /Matti
  20. Fabulous work mate, really looking forward to see the round gunports, they are a big part of her look! /Matti
  21. Popeye, I'm more interested in the 1600s but the story of ostindiska companiet makes me more and more interested in them. BB doesn't offer the kit still do they? Dee thanks! /Matti
  22. Thanks, actually I was thinking about you and your Götheborg build yesterday as I bought a book about the Svenska Ostindiska Companiet and their vessels. Fascinating story and beautyful ships! /Matti
  23. Jan, Thanks for the run through of the masts, I mixed them up with the swedish names all the time... I plan to start the masts and basics. Hopefully Vasa II comes before I get to the next steps. Thanks Lawrence I'm getting a lot of inspiration from your rigging! /Matti
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