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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Thanks for the kind comments! It felt great to get to work again. I agree about reading and looking for reference is a big part of building. We've had a sunny summer here with extremely little rain. It was so dry that a forrest fire that started was very hard to stop, it went so big it threatened to destroy villages. Last summer we had two small forrest fires close to here. If that would have been this dry summer we would have been in trouble. /Matti
  2. Great to finally see your build! I love the tweakes you are doing, great job on getting the curved lines correct! If I would make another, thats definately something I would do also. I agree with all your points. The kit is great and with some tweaking can look really nice, but you need to think and plan alot before building. The good shape and plastic sculptures make up for it, as it makes it "easy" to adjust and build as you want. I thinned down and reshaped almost all figures to get the shape and scale to look right. This will turn out as a great representation of the real ship. If I can help with anything just ask, but looking at your progress you will not need to. Whats your plan for painting the sculptures? /Matti
  3. Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not responding properly lately! Life's been hectic and to make a long story short I haven't had the energy to put into the Vasa model. It's nothing bad happening, just that there's been a lot of other everyday things to focus on. I can't build without energy and passion, so it had to wait; I've had the itch to continue all along though, and now it's time to do that. I'm now planning for the channel construction for the main mast. Here's reference I took earlier: Off topic: here's a picture showing how wonky these ships were. I love that look. Now to continue on those channels. /Matti
  4. I hear you, I don't have time to read through logs so much atm but really need to catch up with your Norske love. /Matti
  5. Hey all, I'm renovating an old cabbin so there's only a small update. I finished the deadeyes for the mainmast: /Matti
  6. Cheers Pops, Keith and Nigel! And thanks for the likes everyone! Keith, perhaps it could work but I think I get the controle needed this way. Nigel, no I think it will work out without them. I tested this with the mizzen deadeyes. /Matti
  7. I'm now working on the channels and dead eyes for the mainmast. Here's a compilation of Vasa deadeyes. Their shape are very individual from piece to piece, some are almost circular other very irregular. I like this and want to try and imitate that on my model. I use the round deadeyes that comes with the kit and sand everýone. After the shape is ok it's time for some finegrit sanding to remove any edges and giving the surfase a handmade look: I do this óne mast at the time to avoid getting to much repetative work. After this stage its time for making the metalparts that sits around the lower deadeyes. /Matti
  8. Thanks Pops! All the kind comments and likes makes me a happy builder! /Matti
  9. Thank you so much for the kind comments and likes! Jan, except the added carvings, a few cannons and the rigging ropes, it's just tweaked original parts, even the open gunports are reconstructed using the kit parts . i don't use metal parts like hinges though as I think they don't give the sense of scale, so I make my own from paper soaked in CA glue. The kit is very decent as a base. /Matti
  10. Nice work Jack! The added strip to the keel works very well. Well done! /Matti
  11. Hey all! I got some work done. I wanted to have one of the gratings covered as a nod to the real one at the museum. I also made the mainsail sheet blocks and after that I could start with the mizzen lanyards. It was very different from what I've done previous in modelbuilding, and I needed to start all over once to get them sitting ok at the top. I know it's far from what you guys manage, but I will knowledge my limits and settle with it. Hopefully I can pick up speed later on cause now it's snail speed. Some pictures: /Matti
  12. I agree about painting brass... The bb sculptures are overall nice and correspond with the real ones better than I thought. Some are based on landstroms design though. A huge advantage is that you can thin them down and reshape them easily. A biggie to get a close fit and get them in scale. Don't use a candle as suggested in the instructions. I used a soldering iron and got great control. The polish nobleman crouching under the catheads is no good in the kit so prepare to scratch them. I stain my ropes with brown acrylic washes. I bought replacement ropes. /Matti
  13. Thanks you Michael! It's a lot to learn for me now when I'm starting the rigging. /Matti
  14. Thanks! It would have been nice to see your progress, especially if you will end up making a combination of BB and Corel parts. Yeah, I used Herdins bets, the same as the modelshop on Sjöhistoriska museet uses. Indeed the figures are a challenge when making a Vasa, at least if painted polychrome. I use small brushes and washes. I also make highlightning effect by painting different shades. /Matti
  15. Nice work, it will turn out great! /Matti
  16. Ah, you have an older kit without any strips? Mine have planks/strips for the deck. I think the older version didn't. Thank you Pops! /Matti
  17. Thanks Mark and Andy! Andy, I used the original kit strips for the deckplanking. I used washes in different nuanses on all planks to make it look vibrant. I just noticed many pictures are gone from the start of the buildlog and that you can't see how I did it. I was afraid to mess with the nice proportions of the BB kit so I did it singleplanked like BB intended. I then stained, painted and weathered it. A tricky paintjob with many stages before I got it like I wanted. This image is from when I started the paintjob on the hull: I've seen people doubleplanking it, and you can get the hullplank curves better that way. I dont know how it would affect the proportions and the stern though. /Matti
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