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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Cheers Mark and Lawrence! Your nice comments means alot! /Matti
  2. No poblem. Yeah, making open gunports makes the build a bit harder, but is well worth the effort. The original gunports are a flaw on this otherwise nice kit. I think member Karleop had a different take on how to do them then me, so look at his build also. You are welcome with any questions. Oh, and start a build log! /Matti
  3. If it's the Billings version you are building, then the kit has glue on fake gunports and you can see how they should sit using the big drawing included in the instructions. If you want them open like mine you have to make your own construction. Check this log and you can how I did mine by looking at the pictures or ask me if you have questions. /Matti
  4. Gracias Karl! Yeah that's my usual aproach to modelling. I'm starting to plan for another build and would need to make more carvings then, so I need to learn this, what to buy and so on for that one. These carvings will do as I can get about the same level of details as the kits original plastic sculptures. Since it's my first build I look at it as my first lessons and live with the limit of my abilities. /Matti
  5. Cheers mate! I really need to learn to recognice kinds of wood. /Matti
  6. Thank you both! Steve, yeah. Especially when males often where sculpted like this in the 17th century: /Matti
  7. The two Herakles sculptures are not included in the BB kit. I want to try and carve them. The first one had the face getting lose, so I had to start over. I'm not sure the wood is obechi. It's more brown, a little harder and when I put it in boiling water it doesnt smell bad at all. The obechi planks used for the hull smelled like moose fart when they go wet. It could be a different wood then listed, or a missread on my part. Anyways, here is the first one. Seems Mr Hercules forgot his pants, but at least he remembered his lion hat. /Matti
  8. (My previous post dissapeared) Looks great Ulises, love the pics! /Matti
  9. They where made from bronze. I think they couldn't make iron cannons light enough until much later. I have only seen ropes for the rudder. a precaution in case the whippstaff or something else broke.
  10. Hey Karl, I replied earlier, but it got lost somehow. Good work all over and the bow with all those lines and curves meeting up looks great! Really interesting to see the two door version of the front railing, the shield "is" a double door and it's something Landström imagined in his book that Billings incorporated to their kit. I haven't heard about any evidence about black painted cannons, there was black paint bought for the carriages though. I really like the graysh look of the cannon in the last pic. And the real Vasa is warped and quite wonky in many ways giving her an organic beauty. Keep up the good work Karl! /Matti
  11. And I replied to it. Must be the new server business. Another tproblem is I can't reach the forum on my smartphone now. /Matti
  12. Cheers Steve, I thought about doing my model based of how she looks today as she looks interesting, but my interest is in the old days and I love the polychrome look. I posted to this earlier but the reply dissapeared. /Matti
  13. Thanks mate! I found a piece of wood I bought at the local hobby shop a while back and thought it could be lemon (I have a hard time to recognize wood). I gave it a go trying to make a sculpture, but it didn't work at all, so it must have been something else. It's pretty hard and good for details, but it turned out to break easily, so after a few hours work, the face broke off. Ps. Weird, couple of posts have disappeared... /Matti
  14. Small update. I had lots of work this week, but had time to mount the knights. First two reference pictures of the real ones: And here are how mine turned out: /Matti
  15. She looks gorgeous! Looking forward to follow your next project. /Matti
  16. Thanks Ulises! Are some pictures corrupted, and if so why? Weird. /Matti Edit: went on the PC and the only pic that doesn't seem to work is the signature pic. I'll upload it and try again. Edit 2: now it seems to work. Weird bug.
  17. Thanks Vivian, Yeah the last one is best but also slightly bigger so it was easier to get the details right. Sherry, cheers I'll try that tonight. Thanks for the likes everyone! /Matti
  18. Thanks mate! Yeah, well I enjoyed doing the heads and faces, but I'm happy to be done with those vertical lines below them. I look forward to have a go with pear someday. I'm confused about the sig picture. It looks right on my smartpone, but not on the PC. I'll look into it. /Matti
  19. Phew, got the final knight finished. The last ones are a little better then the first ones but I decided not to redo them, but keep and remember them as my first go at carving. /Matti
  20. Ah, forgot to post the link: http://www.svt.se/dokumentarfilm/vasa-1628-del-2 /Matti
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