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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. I used to build models based on Starwars studiomodels and it will be interesting to see what you do with this concept! /Matti
  2. Cheers! I made a few to see how they hold up and they seem fine with CA. Is it a big stress on them? I will test pull them with the rope inserted before installing them. /Matti PS. Great game against Brazil yesterday, I cheared for Mexico.
  3. Many thanks guys! Popeye I'll see if I can get it strong enough with the above aproach, but your idea is clever and I'll keep it in mind. About the shape, the 1:10 model has them to sharp at the edges to look right to my eye, they also look to perfect and without that wonky hand made look of the original.. Tom, I have tried it and in my opinion it's as easy or actually easier to just carve it in wood. Getting a good result in clay is pretty hard at this scale. I't would also break easy I think. /Matti
  4. Looking good Karl, if doing her when she sailed you want the cannons out. What's your plan for the sails? /Matti
  5. Mark, thanks for the heads up. After tightening it up and gluing it with CA it feels pretty tough, but that could be a risk. /Matti
  6. Thanks buddy! I tweaked it some more and glued it. I will testpaint it so I'll learn the stages and can get faster. /Matti
  7. Cheers mate! The wire looks a little thick, but the paint is brown/black and should make them blend with the hull. Since all the deadeyes will be unique in shape I have to make each metal part to fit it. /Matti
  8. Oh, that's not much info on how to construct the boat. The cleats look like they could be scratched if you don't find replacements? /Matti
  9. Hey all! I have started to plan for the next steps. One thing was deciding the look of the deadeyes. This is the look I want: Heartshaped and quite wonky and irregular in shape. I ended up just sanding the round ones in the kit to imitate that shape. I also tried to make the metal parts holding some of them, the kit suggests rope on these ones also, but I want metal ones. This is how far I am doing a test version: /Matti
  10. I'll do that! Often you see awesome lighting in sci-fi models also. /Matti
  11. Lighting sounds great mate, the effect can be really nice ! /Matti
  12. Cheers guys! Yeah it's been a little over the top lately, it's nice to get some relaxing time building. /Matti
  13. Hey Nigel. Are you sure the weather deck had treenails? Vasa didn't. I agree with Mark that they would hardly be visible at your scale. On the other hand your detail work is amazing and I'm sure you could get to look in scale. I would not do them though both for scale reasons and lack of skill. /Matti
  14. Thanks mobbsie! It's still easy to take her outside and it gives me a chanse to see how the paint job works. Soon taking her outside will be difficult though. /Matti
  15. Nice work Vivian! The color tones are great and those doors make it look realistic. Looking back I wish I've made a few doors opened on my model. Well done! /Matti
  16. Thanks Mark! Yeah a few days ago. I haven't been able to post much lately. /Matti
  17. Cheers mate! Yeah especially the tops takes a lot of work like you said earlier. Thanks for the likes everyone! /Matti
  18. Hey all! Finally things are going less hectic and I had a little time to build. The masts except the bowsprit are positioned and I made the bowsprit mast. /Matti
  19. Mate... your work is spectacular! Every line is in harmony. /Matti
  20. Thanks MarisStella! Tom, to me the deck planks looks ok in size. Buy some different nuanses of stain and mix to get the look you want. I didn't caulk the deck planks but there are much info on this site about methods. I didn't stain the deck as I wanted it to look untreated; I used acrylic washes to make the planks look different to eachother and alive. You have many options in what look you want on your model. /Matti
  21. Hey mate, thank you so much! I've seen aan english version of Landströms book. Still really hectic at work but soon it will calm down and I'll get chanses to be more active again. /Matti
  22. Good idea to start with those books, they will be a great help and inspiration for you. After shaping the planks I put them in hot water for a while, then put them in place with pins. The obechi planks are soft and this worked for me. I used wood glue for planking as it gave me plenty of time to adjust. I've seen people building the bb with doubleplanking so you can go that route. Member Michael, md1400cs builds his Corel with nails on the hull so have a look at his build. /Matti
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