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Everything posted by DaveBaxt

  1. Thanks for your kind words. The colour is more of a personal choice and I got the idea from the front of the box. When I ordered the ship I was also given the opportunity to purchase the paints which included these colours. Perhaps the colours are not to everyones taste but although might not be authentic I do rather like it. Just for the record I have ordered a display case for her which will take a month before it arrives so hopefully I'll be finished by then
  2. Thanks for you kind words. The lines are not very tight but need a liitle bit of tension once I have completed the stays and back stays. I Don, t think they need to be so tight but just enough so they look taught but I could be wrong. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can step in and answer that one
  3. Top shrouds complete and moving onto the top fore stays and jib boom guys. For the record according to the instructions, most of the top and topgallant stays are wrapped around the tops without a mouse and directly attached to the mast in front. According to my source Historic Ship Models by Mondfield these should all have a leading block and lead to the deck via block and tackle. Unfortunately there is no connection on the deck level and I do not have the room. Therefore I will take some advice which I have been given and this time go with the instructions. Unfortunately I wont have any adjustment on the stays once they are set in place.Here is a few photos of my progress so far.
  4. Sorry I missed this but I agree with every thing you say. I found the Bounty very tough for a first time build of a period ship and only my second build ever. I like the look of the vessel in the back ground. What ship is she. I look forward to any input you would care to make, having built 5 period ships, you are an expert in my eyes. Best regards Dave
  5. Wow! there is a lot of work gone into compiling that list and did not imagine what I was getting into. Best regards Dave
  6. Thank you every one for trying to help me with what seems to be a very complex subject, Even some of the experts who have produced books on rigging seem to have a difference of opinion. I suppose it is understandable having been so long ago and once explained to me that the guys who write these books, only have the same information as i or anyone has. Allan I have a number of books which I have purchased since starting this wonderful hobby less than a year ago but still want to gain as much knowledge as possible I will see if I can get lees book on Masting and rigging. for hopefully a more balanced view. To make sure I am looking at the right book is it 'Masting and rigging for English ships of war 1625 to 1860 ?
  7. Thank you for getting to the bottom of this for me Allen. Fortunately I have served the fore most shrouds and where the other shrouds are wrapped around the masts. Although the back stays are not fully served , am I correct in saying they are served where they are wrapped around the mast head and also fitted with a mouse except for the top gallant back stays. Basically anywhere there might be some rubbing taking place . Best regards Dave
  8. Confusing to say the least. It does suggest that this is not absolute. So can I assume that most people would not carry this out? Thanks once again for your quick response. Best regards Dave
  9. According to Mondfield's 'Historic Ship Models' I understand that the backstays were served their full length from the first half of the 18th century and this would include the HMS Bounty 1787. Can anyone confirm that this would be all of the back stays? Best regards Dave
  10. I know how you feel I have spent a lot of time on my hands and knees looking for pins, cannon bals and 2 mm blocks as well as many other items. I agree with Keith regarding tweezers and only use them for the brass rings and the rigging.Nice work on those windows by the way. Best regards Dave
  11. Welcome aboard and thank you for your kind words. Yes I thought the box art made a statement too , however I am not sure how accurate the colours are . Which manufacturers are you building there seems to be several different ones and quite a few blogs on the Bounty going. That is one of the reasons why I chose the Bounty for my first period ship. There is also a number of videos of the Amati Bounty which I found very helpful at the beginning but have gone more with the advice of the guys on this forum as ths was more accurate. Best regards Dave
  12. Just completed the futtock shrouds. According to instructions there were no links around the dead eyes but directly onto the futtock shrouds. According to the 'Historic ship models' by Monfield this is incorrect for this period, so purchased some Amati futtock shroud lnks and used these together with hooks. Both were blackened as per all previous brass fittings. You can also see some of the crows feet which I did. Unfortunately I did not use wax on these as I used light rope rather than black. Not sure if this is correct .However I think I will wax for the rest of the running rigging as it prevents furring on the ropes. I am also not sure if this is the correct way forward for the running rigging. It has been a slow process with the standing rigging so far. I am not working on the model as much as I like due to other commitments. Next in line are the top shrouds and then finally the back stays. Hopefully I will have an easier time of the top shrouds as the links I used for the pad eyes were very similar to the ones made by Caldercraft and have the little tab on the tail of the link. Hope this makes sense.
  13. Thank you everyone for all your help in attempting to try and pick the correct drill press and vice. I hope I am now in some way able to make a better choice in what to look out for. Best regards Dave
  14. I thought I would just call in and see how you are getting along. I really like the look of those cannon and the the rest of the deck fittings. best of luck with the rest of the model. Best regards Dave
  15. Just thought I would call in and see how you are getting along. You are doing absolutely great with the Billing version of the Bounty .I really like the look of the planking of the hull and especially the stern section. I only wish I had purchaced that book of the Bounty for my build. How much information does it give on rigging? I have another book which might be of interest to you .'Historic Ship Models, by Monfield . Which gives the different changes in construction for different times and different countries. It iwill be really great for different ship buids. Anyway keep us all posted and keep up the good work. Best regards Dave
  16. I do like the look of those and look to be very well made . I inagine the holes are for a means of clmping it to the base of the drill stand? Also I had a look on the link you gave me but could not see these or any other insert vices. Thank you for your help.Best regards Dave Baxter
  17. I would like to thank everyone for thre input, which has given me lots of different options to think about and I will do a bit more research before making a final dicision. Best regards Dave
  18. This is very good to hear and I am heading down this route. I have also had great feed back on Proxxon tools in general from facebook . What did you think of the vice that Proxxon are selling as an optional extra. I have heard that this could be a problem. Thanks for your input.Best regards Dave
  19. Interestingly enough the Proxxon 220 gets a mention in the power tools section https://thenrg.org/articles/power-tools but does not give any information about this dtill stand. However it does mention that the Dremel drill stand might not be accurate. enough.. I have done a search on line for any reviews on the Proxxon 220 and the only down side I can find with this machine is the Proxxon vice not being stable enough . Fortunately the vice comes seperate so I can always purchase a more robust vice. Your input and help is appreciated . Best regards Dave
  20. Thank you Mark for your help and pateince .I have tried what you have suggested. Here's hoping. Best regards Dave
  21. Roger thank you for your input and I agree that anything involving the marine industry is usually over priced and probablly the same with tools bought for the modelling industy will be the same. However I am hoping that if I buy it from a model shop hopefully it would be what I need but could be wrong. I am hoping that perhaps someone on this forum is using the same make and model and let me know if it is suitable.I can then shop around and see id I can get it cheaper or at least one that is similar.Best regards Dave
  22. Ok This is where I am at the moment. I had another go at running the Excel programme ( once I got online with my Microsoft account) However I am still unable to open any exsisting excel files which I have downloaded.For some reason when I press file and open it only lists any new excel files but does not give me the option of searching my folders for anything I have down loaded. Once again I would like to thank everyone for all their help. However I am spending more time trying to work this out than working on my model. So I have just about given up with this and I am sorry I didn't manage to get this sorted. I will just have to do it the hard way. Although my build might not be totally accurate it will do for me for now,having just started the hobby and building my first period model ship.Perhaps one day I will come back to this, if I ever build a ship from scratch and need to make my own mast and spars or make my own rope. In the mean time I will just try and use rope which is near enoughand is readily available to buy . I will try and use brown rope for my next build which I should be able to buy on line in lots of different sizes, if not perhaps I will consider making my own.Best regards Dave
  23. I have now had my Dremmel drill stand for some time now and have to agree with most that the stand is pretty useless of trying to drill anything accurate and even worse when trying to drill metal . Unfortunately I was unable to get my money back so I might try and sell it on ebay. I have now recovered from the expence of buy something usless and have been looking at bench drill. The one which is readily available form a local ship model shop is this one:- https://www.hobbies.co.uk/proxxon-tbm-220-bench-drill-702060-28128 The vice is not included so altogether is around £200 mark. I would really like some input and whether I can get more for my money. I don,t want to make the same mistake as I did with the Dremmel. I am really surprised at Dremmel as the cordless Dremmel is an excellent product and I have used it many times. Thanks again .Best regards Dave
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