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Posts posted by jct

  1. A run to Pat Catan's is scheduled for this morning...gotta pick p some new clear cost for the Mustang, yet another ordeal, I'm gonna see if they have laser decal paper if so I'll copy the damn things and try that, if they don't carry it I'm ordering from Amazon this afternoon, in the interim I've got to finish the chassis and the Mustang

    Here's a shot of the completed body mounts



    Thanks for all the likes, support and the votes of confidence 

  2. Well I’m really beginning to wonder if I’m supposed to complete these builds.  The clear coats on the Mustang have dried and it is a severe case of FLA... so the polishing has started with 600 as opposed to the 3600 I’d normally start with.

    not at all sure why, it’s the normal Krylon I have used for years, never seen orange peel like this before...ARRRG

  3. An update, of sorts...while waiting for the clear on the Mustang to dry I decided to test the new decals...bad news...they broke up on contact with the model, this truly sucks...I think I'm gonna airbrush the main strips on and try to salvage the sponsor and lettering decals...this has ceased being a diversion and become a fight to the bitter end...the decals will not vanquish me:angry:  These Funnys shall be completed:excl:

  4. Ya no biggie...I should have thought to check, with all the damage to the front end it's only logical the the rear would be twisted as well...

    been jumping back and forth today between the Mustang decals and the Vega chassis...also fired the airbrush up earlier and shot the tins, the original elephant's were an anodized green aluminum...Green_Elephant_73_Vega_3.jpg.a9478c4239553fcbaa05141ff9952fbb.jpg

    to simulate that I mixed some kelly green, gold and silver, all Testors gloss enamels, results are belowIMG_9598.JPG.5cd4244c629403bb710df5790cffd7c6.JPG

    I don't think they're to bad, if anything a little light...may hit them with a coat of gloss to deepen the finish a little

  5. You bet...think I've turned the corner with this one

    The roof decals were the worst ever but the rest of the markings laid down like you expect Slixx to react


    Pretty happy with the light blue match...the ampersand is a decal

    You can see some of the areas for touch up in this shot


    Here's a shot of the darker blue paint mix...I think it's pretty close


  6. Another installment...work continued on the chassis...first I went through and drilled and pinned all the structural joints


    and then and added the tube bracing and scratched the front axle support


    still have to add a few clips and tabs bit it's almost there.   

    I'll be jumping back to the Mustang as the new decals arrived today

    Thx for the likes


  7. More good new to share, Slixx is going to send replacements for the Vega build...spoke to Becky this morning,...she did share with me that these two sheets are their most problematic sets...just my luck, but great customer support these are stand up folks.  and to the rumor that they are closing...its false, they have just reduce the business to decals and resin bodies, no more paints or kits

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