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About CRob

  • Birthday 10/06/1955

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  • Location
    Up State NY
  • Interests
    Christian Faith, Hunting, Antique firearms and hiking the adirondacks

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  1. So I couldn't wait for the new kit to come in picked up a piece of basswood and made a new side. My question is is basswood as strong as teak? At least I think it's teak.
  2. Marty here's the 2021 catalog PDF. I'm a very beginner at this but this forum has been very helpful. f2135ec59d2fa86b3ac514548b0da22dcc201a9a.pdf
  3. Another good one is Acorn to Arabella I've binge watched both series when I was out for Corona furlough.
  4. Hit my first whoops Glued the transom in upside down. Finishing it that way would have made it a submarine. The yellow clamp in the picture ended up on the bottom instead of the top. Instead of looking at the angle of the front of the side piece I was trying to put the straight edge on the bottom. Was able to remove the transom and flip it. I hope this whole boat doesn't go this way.😟 I also tried to take one side off the stem thinking it was also upside down, which it wasn't, splintering the teak wood side before I realized it was on right. What threw me a curve was in reading the instructions all the way at one point you sand the bottom flat and the only straight edge on the sides is the longer one by putting that on the bottom it made the stem a dive plan. I think I try to read to much into things. So I ordered a new kit.
  5. Thank you VT It should hold then I let it dry for an hour before pulling the clamps.
  6. First gluing. Still not sure how long it's needed for the Elmer's Wood glue to dry before unclamping?
  7. Just got the starter boat in, inventoried and starting this log.
  8. Got the beginner boat in, Inventoried and setting up builders log (Sailboat by CRob-Dumas#1007- small)
  9. Leo does an excellent job explaining sails and rigging for small boats in episode 90 of Tally-ho. I really enjoyed his explanation. The Rig & Sailplan (Rebuilding Tally Ho / EP90)
  10. Kit just came in first step inventory everything is there. Reboxed and put away for now.
  11. I'm looking at starting with Dumas 1007 Junior sailboat just to get familiar with gluing and positioning things.
  12. I have a Snipe kit coming from Dumas #1122 and have started a builders log.
  13. ERS Rich A little off topic but have you heard of Acorn to Arabella boat build?
  14. I have started a model log for the snipe Dumas "Snipe" and have already put it on hold (haven't gotten the kit yet) and ordered Dumas beginner sail boat when I get that in I'll start a log on it. One other thing I forgot to mention is I've build a couple WW1 planes Balsa wood, tissue and dope construction.
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