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Everything posted by rookie

  1. I bet the planking of hull would add a lot of weight too looks great!
  2. Thanks Ian I have definitely decided to forego the "shelter" over the tryworks. Would be nice to see the tryworks detail
  3. Finished the skylight I did not put “glass” in it since the scale was so small I put a ships compass in it. The little circle on next photo no one can see it but I will know it is there
  4. Thanks geoffs Nice to get a response to my posts! I am also glad there is progress; I also have Swift partially finished and Bounty still in the box.\ Someone gave me a Bluenose II because they have never looked at it; hopefully I can get to it someday My workshop is a bench squeezed in between my bikes, tools I rarely use and my son's tools (electrician) I am constantly "rearranging" stuff and building shelves ; also tossing out things
  5. Hey Ian Not sure if eejit is that obvious, ye ken?
  6. interesting about the Lancaster being restored to flying condition in Windsor. I had not heard that. I remember going with my Dad to see the Lancaster initial flight in Hamilton ON many years ago. They expected a few hundred people and got something like 15,000 we parked far away and walked to the airport Awesome to see it take off and hear the Merlin engines as it flew over several passes.
  7. exceptional work! Love the wood grain; gives a bit of interest
  8. I finally got to the head shelter, for lack of a better term i used cardboard templates to shape around the bulwark details
  9. Excellent work! and no surprise that you did some custom upgrades 😀 I was intrigued by the powder pigments you use so I googled it looks like something I will try on plastic models that I have on my shelf
  10. Thought I would do a quick update on the Morgan i finished the main and mizzen chains/deadeyes as you can see from photos. I used galvanized wire so I painted them with Tremclad galvanized primer first then the black color after epoxying the wires onto chain plates I added a trim piece on the plate, already painted with white stripe on upper plates I have found paint pens at the art store did a great job of the white stripe and the black on the trim pieces wish I had done that earlier I am leaning toward not having the shelter/deck over the tryworks since it covers up all detail on deck. I did find a historic photo of the tryworks in operation without the shelter so there is precedent 🤔 while I decide I am going back to finish the skylight and tryworks details, such as the metal brackets on both sides still have not started the windlass, likely should do that also i had a crazy thought about turning this into a diorama with a whale carcass and resin for the ocean but I think that would be too complex … not ruled out yet… I suspect I am channeling my younger self making dioramas with tanks etc , none of which have survived
  11. I am pulling up a chair! really enjoy the tricks to weathering etc Colin
  12. Valeriy Congratulations on an outstanding build. You are an extremely talented modeler. Stay safe and Happy New Year. Colin
  13. I have cut the scuppers, added the wales and upper planking
  14. Little bit of progress the last while bottom section of skylight done i am thinking of not using ‘glass’ just leave it open At this scale may be better to leave it open I also started on port main an mizzen chains used wire bent around deadeye and then soldered then a nail in hull and epoxy On future builds I am going to determine the locations in hull where chains and other attachments to hull are fixed and put blocking behind planks for extra support
  15. You are moving at a brisk pace now. Looks great! Cant wait to see it in operation.
  16. Hi Eugene Welcome to a fellow Canadian Those three models look excellent, especially with the materials you used Looking forward to see your future projects Colin
  17. I had started the AL swift pilot boat even before the CWM thought I would start a log from the current status These are photos of current build
  18. nicely done Ian! So the laser cutter is at the library?
  19. Nicely done i like the cherry strip for waterline thinking of buying you these for xmas. 😬
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