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Everything posted by rookie

  1. very cool great to see the old battleship again !! does it still float ? 😬
  2. Great work on windlass is that copper wire? soldered? I am going to be doing mine soon.... hope it looks close to that good
  3. This is heavy-duty engineering talk! my head is spinning
  4. Latest status I put davits on one boat station to see how they look also started on the boat platform
  5. I posted plans of Artesania Latina Charles Morgan on my build log "rookie" Charles Morgan
  6. A comment on the copper. Looks great! I had thought copper would not be green in the salt water; only when exposed to air
  7. I clear-coated the deck so I can put gray wash on it without it soaking in Have been experimenting on practice deck sections I made to try it will see how it goes
  8. Great job on the deck. My Artesania LAtina CWM had strips too wide for deck planks. I am thinking of making the deck gray-ish - not sure yet i had the same where I decided to finally do the tryworks after stalling for a long time - currently have not started skylight yet - stalling... Keep up the good work!
  9. thanks i kept avoiding it as I was not sure about brick mortar and the "copper" the heavy artist sketch/paint paper works well with paint and it wont wrinkle as much as normal paper
  10. Been a while since I posted Busy with gym visits and golf lessons i finally had a go at the tryworks : I had been wondering how to simulate brick mortar but realized the acrylic art paint I was using is thick from the tube so I painted the white in the spaces between bricks and wiped it off the bricks then dry brush with red and brown and some black for soot the bricks under the stacks are just grooves in wood with white and red paint the copper around the pots is art paper painted with acrylic patina color and grey the solder is tin color paint the stacks are plastic square tube that I cut lengthwise and glued to make it rectangle i painted with tin and will be adding black wash and bit of rust dry brush, probably I included a photo of the current state with deck furniture etc sitting there i will return to the davits and also figure out the position of supports for boat deck and tryworks shelter
  11. Well have not added anything here for a while i am now retired so hope to have a little more time for this i did take some golf lessons so that will cut into modelling time hopefully here is the latest working on making Davits using a sandwich of wood strips to build the curve - the curve is slightly off but close enough will cut the size at top once I determine where the boats sit
  12. to be honest the actual photos of ship look like the bow is even more square than this model I already had made the stern bigger on this but did not even try to change the bow Thanks , I am working on bowsprit, foredeck and other things at bow then will move on to the chains and deadeyes also other details on deck and masts
  13. Some more progress recently deck fittings and worked on bow and masts
  14. Great Idea with the white pinstripe tape I may do that on my CWM too as I find the white lines too ragged Love the whaleboats = have not attempted those yet
  15. those look excellent! I was trying to decide how to do the whaleboats; maybe I will look at the sandwich method (? I think that is what that is called?) the Artesania kit has terrible whale boats I had discussed 3D printing with my brother and even found a possible design online
  16. Hey Ian Just went through this topic; very cool! Thanks for the link Glad you didn't ask me for "help" with coding 😀 C++ not really my thing Looking forward to seeing it afloat ...
  17. I waffled on how to build doors on the shelter and decided to use the plywood scrap from the pre cut parts drew the door pattern and gouged out the panels bit of paint and the roof/deck above and should be ok
  18. I also had made progress on lower masts a while back and forgot to post
  19. Job I finally made some progress on the shelters at stern Used the kit walls and added beams for the boat deck got sidetracked with biking and Pak 40 that has been on shelf for decades as you can tell from $10 price tag Anyway posting couple of photos of Morgan
  20. Interesting topic. I remember reading the Hornblower books as a kid. they were an entertaining romp. I do have the A-M series and read the whole thing every couple of years. Patrick O'Brian was an extremely well educated person and that is apparent in the books with things that go over my head. However, I find the dialogue and the funny asides of Maturin which shows what he really thinks of a situation give me a chuckle. My wife will say 'are you reading those again? I thought so since it is the only time you laugh when you are reading.' (that actually is not true , I do laugh sometimes at other books - Outlander for example)
  21. exceptional work love the details with nails and bolts
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