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Everything posted by rookie

  1. Canada health care is ranked by UN as 26th out of 30 "advanced" countries somehow we are ahead of US at 27? it hit home during Covid when ICUs were stressed. Ontario has 14 million people and 2400 ICU beds. Our neighbor NY State has 19 million people and 24,000 ICU beds Old, decrepit system with layers of bureaucrats
  2. is this what the bandsaw was for? Nicely done.
  3. Wow! You are very smart, Bro. Thank goodness I spent my career in software 🤔
  4. If I understand teh "&&" comment does that denote variable names? The "if" may interpret the name without those as a constant so the If can never be satisfied but the compiler may not think it is a mistake just a guess
  5. you are getting good at that Arduino coding
  6. on my davits I used copper wire wrapped around the davit to simulate the metal bands on the real Morgan and drilled holes in hull on each side. then I epoxied the copper to the davit and into the hull I posted photos on Sept 20 that shows the wires around the davits
  7. This is the same size as your Lion? Is that not 5 feet long? That's a lot of oars
  8. thanks the davits are 3 pieces of wood laminated together using a curved pattern of small nails as a template all 10 of them
  9. Made some progress recently i decided to attach the boat davits, etc so I can set up the chains in correct spots i have been perusing photos of Morgan since Latina drawings are really not well researched as far as I can tell going to put as much detail on hull before copper since I am worried about damaging copper while adding all the attachments to outer hull I also added chain to bow sprit and some other blocks at bow
  10. Valeriy I just started looking through this build log. Absolutely stunning work! The metal working skills are amazing. It must be satisfying to know people will be enjoying looking at these models decades from now.
  11. Most of the images say "no photo description available" although some pictures in the text seem to be OK Like the subject on this one - forgot Canada had aircraft carrier in the distant past
  12. Looks great! If it does not work out, you may have a future as a hand-model
  13. Hi Tom I missed the 1/96 part that is pretty small Colin
  14. Yes the helm is awkward I ended up buying a brass wheel from UK that had to be assembled The AL Kit has a completely different helm attached to deck like 'normal' helm
  15. Thanks Tom I had done the stern lettering on an inkjet printer and the black background comes out pale (almost purple) Perhaps I will try it again and crank up the dark setting (I think that is possible) Ian, I am not sure about letter size. On this scale the letters are tiny I have poked around a bit on Google
  16. Looks great! May I ask how you did the lettering? It looks impossible to paint; I was looking around for letters or somewhere to do a label
  17. This is Canada Everything is more expensive.... That is how Canadians like it, apparently 🙄
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