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About WestPort

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    Westport, Ontario Canada

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  1. I attached a photo of the ship right after coppering, after lacquer sprayed and (after removing the lacquer) as it sits now. The finish in the current photo is a bit difficult to see as I am taking the picture through the case. Its only been 4 years so I assume that the "ageing" of the copper will continue to get more deep over time.
  2. Very nice copper job. Like you I had similar concerns regarding the shine created when I coppered my Pegasus. I did spray it with Alclad II Flat lacquer but did not like the result on the entire ship. It definitely dulled the shine but, at least on my ship, it really made the individual copper plates stand out. I ended up removing it and, like Blue Ensign, have simply left mine to "weather" as is. After 4 years it has taken on a rather nice tarnished look, definitely still a copper finish but a much more subdued shine. In the end it is up to personal preference. Given the quality of your work I am sure that whatever you choose will end up looking great. John
  3. Congratulations, another great build that will continue to inspire and inform others.
  4. A pub in your basement - sounds like we have a location 😁. I'm in.
  5. Definitely should connect at some point. We are in Perth often as well.
  6. Welcome Malcolm. I didn't realize there were others so close by that are also interested in this hobby. I live just outside Westport on Upper Rideau Lake.
  7. I'm pulling up a chair and really looking forward to following your build. This one is also on my radar for later this year so I am very interested in seeing how you progress.
  8. Excellent, thanks James for doing this. Its may be a small thing but it is very helpful.
  9. Mike, Just wanted to say thanks so much for the Rigging summary above. I'm in the process of rigging my Pegasus and this summary will be very helpful in understanding the purpose of all the lines and how they work together. All the best for the holidays. Amazing job on your model, congratulations! John
  10. Was happy to hear that you would be taking on this model and will definitely be following this build. Like many other members, your Pegasus build has been an invaluable source of information and inspiration for my own build. I am Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Sphinx.
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