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Everything posted by CaptnBirdseye

  1. Is it something you will be building, James or do you have enough on your plate? 😀
  2. Thanks for your input Chuck. As you designed it it is always worth listening to. I had thought to do a build log-especially due to the level of difficulty, and with that, the new skills to learn at least for for me- i thought i would get a bit of the build under my belt first. Chers Gray
  3. Thank you. When you explain it like that, it seems the obvious thing to do. My inexperience shows, but would rather ask than get it wrong at this early stage.
  4. Sorry probably worded incorrectly, but that is the front of the false keel.
  5. Thanks Paul, you’re a star! Just needed reassurance 😀
  6. Hi guys I'm hoping one of you Cheerful builders could give me some advise please? I have added the rabbet strip and cut out the two stem pieces. However, their is a small gap where it meets the false keel. Is this going to be an issue? If so, how would be the best way to proceed? Should i just glue and then clamp it to shape? Also i cannot see why there were two smaller stem pieces provided. Is one used elsewhere, and if so where, please? Sorry, but my first attempt at something like this. Many thanks in advance.
  7. Hi B.E. Must say she is looking a real beauty! Do you mind me asking why you prefer scraping rather than sanding? Apologies if you've answered this elsewhere
  8. Have to say, your diaries are as inspiring as they are educational 😀 Great save and an excellent read
  9. I hear ya! Scroll saw experience - vertually nil but willing to give it a go lol. I've priced up the wood package from Vahur at Hobbymill.EU, but undecided which way to go yet. I've also got Cheerful in my stash and just received the wood package from him (Vahur). This is more of 'in the planning' stage at the moment. I've so far: downloaded and printed plans...and er thats about it so far 😬
  10. Would 'Laser Grade Poplar lite plywood' be recommended? Sorry, but never bought my own before so all new to me https://www.sketchlasercutting.co.uk/products/6mm-laser-grade-poplar-lite-ply-wood-sheet-fsc?variant=29264387440714 They also supply 'Ceiba' and Birch.
  11. Hi Allan. Sorry I guess I’m not making sense. I read in a build diary that Chuck recommended 6mm lite ply be used for bulkheads and false keel. I just wondered if anyone had used the ply supplied by Cornwall Model Boats I had an idea to try making my one as the cost to import from US is very high. If I mess up THEN i can buy some from Chuck 🥺
  12. Hi Matt, thanks for the reply. No, I was thinking of the cost vs the 600mm one. Have checked the plan measurements and the scale box measures 4 quarters to the inch. So fingers crossed there.
  13. Hi guys Has anyone this side of the pond (UK) used the 6mm lite ply from Cornwall Model Boats for their keel and bulkheads? Or, does anyone think it would be acceptable and up to the job? Here is the link: https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/Lite-Ply-Sheet-6mm-x-600mm-P5521188.html#SID=2043 They also supply in 900mm lengths (for the false keel?). Not really much info on their website so thought i would ask. Cheers Gray
  14. Looking good to me Rick 👍 I have just got mine, but this is going to be a steep learning curve for me too, so i hope you don't mind if i follow along? 😬 Oh and i freely admit that if i see any good ideas i will probably steal them lol
  15. I cannot talk, having got a DeAgostini Victory to build (definitely NOT a quality kit!), but i do somewhat agree with Allan's comments above. Personnaly i would tend to look at the Vanguard range, or if skills permit Syren's Cheerful and/or Winnie semi-scratch builds and wait for the Amati Victory- IF you have the time/money to spend to build her 😬 Just my two-penneth .
  16. WOW Chuck! That looks stunning. And a stunning build design too. Think this one will do well when you release it 👍
  17. Glenn you can't just drop a bomb like that with no details! Hope you're going to show us all what you're upto 👍
  18. Just a thought, but……if you want to learn to do your own planking, what about the half-hull planking project from the NRG? best way to learn.
  19. Impressive stuff Fred! I've just received mine and awaiting timber package from Vahur. Think there's plenty of ideas to steal...er i mean borrow Again, really well done. 👍
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