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Everything posted by ECK

  1. Yup, just following the instructions as there usually is a good reason to do things in a certain order (as I have found out the hard way in the past). It is always intersting how the Mark 1 eyeball will often catch the subtle changes in the curve depending on the angle even if they do not seem like much.
  2. Thanks. In the past when I tried the other way ven with a line drawn I did not get the subtle curve between the gunports
  3. A bit more work, painted placed the inner bulkheads, Added the decorative molding. To place it I made a template of sorts. Took a piece of scrap made it 14.7 mm wide and about 5 cm long to run above the wale with a pencil. I then taped above the line to allow me to glue the molding below.
  4. Just following your great instructions and manual/plans. The parts align nicely although a lot of care needed with the 6 mm ones as they break easily.
  5. Spent the afternoon completing the quarter galleries and the stern fascia. Also put in the quarterdeck engraved maple.
  6. Finished the Captain's cabins. The white beams and knees make it look pretty realistic to my eyes.
  7. Finally finished all the carronades. Undecided yet to rig except for breech line. Also did the 9 pounders The carrondes going into the main cabin need to slide so they can be tucked in during painting
  8. Working on the stern cabins. painted beam you see are for the main cabin. As I had to make 4 carronades I decided to do all of the as air brush makes the painting easier. Also airbrushed the guns and knees for the Captain's cabin.
  9. Morning work shows the completed beams and knees with a visit from Adm Cochrane
  10. Days work done. Assembled the stern beams including all the vertical and horizontal knees. Although will not really be seen, the picture of the gun deck looks great from deck level with the knees in place. Not sure how they would turn the capstan on this deck without removing the posts.
  11. It took awhile to get all the beams and supports ready. As you can see, I lined them all up and spray painted them. Getting rid of the laser burn on the main beams took forever. Unfortunately the laser cutting several of them out must have had a drink or two as the cuts were a bit wobbly and required quite a bit of work to clean up. Hopefully will not affect the fitting of the deck. The char I did not remove from the pillars takes a lot of paint to cover.
  12. If you look at the constitution they do not use hooks on the double block attached to the side. Anyway, I finished my extra work and can now move on to finishing the gundeck
  13. So looking for contemporary examples, HMS Victory upper deck guns, you can see the double and single blocks. I believe these are 24 pounders. Alsop on USS Constitution, albeit an American ship, similar and they are 24 pounders I did not use hooks as scale so small. So from available ships seems like double/single may be for 32 and 24 pounders. I suspect the single/singles may be more for 18 and 9 lbers.
  14. I use the gun rigging recommended in Sphinx and Duchess of Kensington. Also if you watch the 3-D video I posted earlier the below screen shot shows similar rigging although a double block is on the rear
  15. This is the kit that I got on amazon. Just the airbrush and compressor are around $100
  16. So got a air brush for Christmas, never used one until now . Tried it out on all those gun carriages. made life a lot easier. I liked the insert that ensures they will stay put as my experience with just gluing the wheels always results in one getting loose later. Hers they are with guns dry fitted. For some extra work I decided to rig the 4 guns on each side that can be seen from the upper deck. Once I slide in the barrel later i can hook the loop over the end of the cannon. Used 2 mm single and 2.5 mm double blocks and 1 mm rigging line.
  17. Stove pre-paint Post paint and in place. Chimney and condenser dry fitted until upper deck done
  18. Found this from another members Youtube link. Nice 3-d breakdown of the Victory
  19. Completed most of the lower deck fittings. Will b e spending the weekend making up the stove an many, many gun carriages.
  20. Nice work. I see how it goes when I copper mine with regular tiles. May not get such a great waterline. Is that Nelson or Hornblower peaking through the cabin windows?
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