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Everything posted by ronald305

  1. Hi Frank besides the Lathe question which I still want to know for future builds, is it possible to get the realism and the affect you are putting in the Heller without the extras as in out of box category for now incase I'm unable to afford the photo etch set and resin, But I will try to get the extras for the kit Ronald
  2. I love getting good news late the discount ends Oct 23 and the date now is NOV 20 LOL ​would anyone know what the discount is not Ronald
  3. Hi Frank I was wondering and didn't about till today could the Unimat Lathe work for the job required because I have a Unimat 3 it's stored away and it still works Ronald
  4. ok thanks Andy and besides I'm unable find any detail parts any where to fit the Connstitution so it's a good thing I guess but I'm still going to research so more Ronald
  5. Hi Andy I wanted to ask you as well did you use photo etched in your build thank you Ronald
  6. great job so far on the Victory may I ask you how did you do the deck that is awesome Ronald
  7. Hi Foxy I have another question for you would you have the paint list for this kit since it is in French or would it be the same paint colors for all Victory kits rather it's a big kit or small Ronald
  8. Hi Foxy I went to the web site where you got your little lathe couldn't find yours would you know the model number wasn't able to find one in the states thank you Ronald
  9. Hi Jerry I know it has been some time since I was asking about purchasing the caldercraft Victory well this Morning I did it I took the plunge and ordered her,​ but I'm writing to your about your display case not so much the acrylic case but the table the case is on but would like to know where you got both the case and the furniture if you still have the information thank you Ronald
  10. ok thanks I just hope the pictures of the kits I have for sale will fit or work on the site this new computer has windows 10 and it's hard to up load any picture I do have My IPhone Ronald
  11. Thanks Rich is the code both words or just HALF Ronald
  12. Thanks Rich is the code both words or just HALF Tonsld
  13. has anyone built the Matua kit #776 I don't know if Philips kit is a mantua # 776 kit or he will not reply back would like to see a build log on that particular kit if there is any thank you Ronald
  14. all righty thanks Ken
  15. thanks Jack would you know the discount codes for this month or are will they pick up with that after they move Ronald
  16. Hello there Not sure where to put this post but I would like to know where I can find the discount codes for model expo so I can save a few dollars also I'm having trouble contacting model expo by e-mail when ever I try to write to them I get a mail failure Ronald
  17. Great job on the victory may ask where did you get the Photo etched parts gif the kit and the wood planking and what size did you Use Ronald
  18. supper job on the Victory Frank will read your build over and over untill I get this kit I have two questions where did you buy the little lathe you used for the mast and also where did you get the wood planking for the decks and what size are they, I will ask you more later thank you Ronald
  19. Hi Andy could you tell me the name and author of the E-book for the display case you and and your frined build for the Conny or where I get the book Ronald
  20. brite touch I meant sorry what was it used for so get some when I strt getting my supplies together Ronald
  21. Hi Andy I have the 1/96 scale Constitution also and before I build her I will be reading and studying your build log on her but have one question in your photo of the supplies you have besides the paint, Tamiya tape and build matt what is the tall spray can for it looks lile scotch brite may I ask what was it for thank you Ronald
  22. That will be ok let me know it will be worth it Ronald
  23. Hi Joseph I'm very much interested in getting this kit in the near future but still would like the english version if you can send the instructions in two parts that would be fine with me do you want me to pm my e-mail address to you Ronald
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