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Paul Le Wol

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Everything posted by Paul Le Wol

  1. Hi Rik, thank you for posting this picture. It is a very beautiful and inspiring model. I hope that the rest of your visit was just as rewarding.
  2. Hi Keith, thank you very much. In previous builds I felt like I was fighting the metal. Now I feel like I’m kind of getting along with it 😀
  3. Hi Everyone, I hope everyone is safe and sound. Thanks to all for your Comments. Likes and visits. The last couple of weeks were spent making metal parts and attaching them. The king planks were also finished and the holes for the masts were trued up. The chainplates were attached so that they butt up against the bottom of the rail. A hook will be mounted in the top of the rail to accept the deadeyes. The bobstay stem plates were made and then mounted to the stem. Somewhere in there the bowsprit shroud plates were made and attached. The gammon iron was bent and mounted on the bowsprit and painted. Then the bowsprit was mounted and the gammon iron was finished. After all of that a coat of paint was applied to the hull on both sides. And lastly a roller fairlead was made for the center board rigging and attached to the cabin roof. I bought these 3mm sheaves from The Crafty Sailor a few years ago. He used to have some neat stuff there. Too bad that he’s gone. Next I’m going to have to think about mounting her on a stand and start on the masting. See you soon!
  4. Hi Chris, even though I enjoyed your beautiful Speeljacht build, I am glad that you are back in “not ships” land. Very nice introduction!
  5. Hi Chris, what kit and scale is this? I was looking at @ahb26 build log of the Midwest/Model shipways kit and he looks to have used narrower planks in the cockpit.
  6. Beautiful work Jeff. Your build log is excellent! Really enjoy reading it.
  7. Hi Everyone, thank you very much for the great Comments and Likes. I have just finished planking the deck. The samson post and the forward hatch were completed a couple of weeks ago so they were ready to install as I got to them. According to what I’ve read, some sharpies had “ boxtop “ hatches where the top slides down over the coaming and sits on the deck. Because there is a king plank that sits proud of the deck planks, there will be a gap which would probably help to reduce rot if water cannot be trapped there. ( Just an opinion ) The samson post was made from the same strip of wood as the bow sprit but was sheathed in 1/32” ayc sheet to build it up to 3/8” x 1’4”. A space was left for the bow sprit to fit into. It was left long just to make it easier to hold onto. The post was shortened and the shaft for the windlass was attained with brass straps. The planking then continued. Some of the planking turned out a bit dark so every once in a while I would sand an area and use a cotton swab dipped in methyl hydrate to try to lighten it up. It’s an ongoing process. This last photo is how it stands now. Test fitting masts and getting ready for metal work. I forgot to mention that I made some boards to protect the deck from the dredges. Pretty sure they will be used. Hope to see you all soon.
  8. Beautiful work Keith. If I could make props like this, I’d be building a lot of upside down boats!
  9. Hi Jacques, the seizing is looking good. Not sure if this is how you are doing it but in the past, using cotton thread, I have started with a clove hitch. Dab some diluted pva on it. Wrap the free ends around the back and tie an overhand knot on the front. Keep doing this until seizing is the desired length. Then apply diluted pva to the cotton thread and when dry snip the ends off. The overhand knots will keep the tension and you don’t end up with as much unraveling. You just have to make sure the overhand knots are butted tightly up against each other. It might be worth a try. Congratulations on your successful move!
  10. Hi Stuka, nice start and nice choice. Cutters are great. Good luck.
  11. Congratulations Dave, this has been a wonderful build and log.
  12. Dave, good luck with this amazing looking model!
  13. Caferacer, congratulations on finishing your Benjamin W Latham. Beautiful work and great presentation!
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