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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. This is a very interesting build Dick. If you don’t mind, I’d like to sit in on this one. Bill
  2. Just ordered 3. I make alotta mistakes and practice makes perfect. Thanks Chuck….Bill
  3. Wonderful, another great project to follow, enjoy, and learn from. Thank you Marsalv. Bill
  4. Glad you are back and hopefully doing better Mic. Bill
  5. Following with interest and your neat workmanship is admirable Fred. Bill
  6. Well that was a hoot. I thought it was related to travel/device issues. Sure glad it's back up and running. Bill
  7. Greetings to all of you here at Model Ship World. I am on a visit here in Southern California attending graduation ceremonies for grand children at present but, I will be back home in Florida in a few days to begin this log in earnest. For now I'm going to open an introduction and take my place in line to build Syren Ship Models HMS Winchelsea. Until about a year or two ago my interest in modeling has been aviation, building plastic/resin kit models. Then surfing around YouTube I ran into Olha Batchvarov, then Kevin Kenny, and finally Chuck Passaro. After lurking around MSW and enjoying all the wealth of learning and experience, (at all levels) I'm here. Oh yes, Did I mention the comradery? Bill
  8. Again Jim, you're build is motivational/inspiring. I really should start my own build here and overcome my bashfulness. thanks' to you, Glenn, Rusty, John, Chuck and so many others in this forum. Bill
  9. Thanks Mic and for the further clarification Druxey. She's going to be beautiful. Saburo
  10. Very interesting subject. I'm following you're build Mix. Am I correct in that the woods to be used are pear, box, ebony, and cherry?
  11. I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey Fred. Thank you for sharing this build with us and the inspiration it's given me. Bill
  12. Welcome ChuckP. You're already off to a great start. Bill
  13. Looking forward to seeing what you make of this build project Richard. My copy of the Ancre's Le Gros Ventre is on the way. Bill
  14. I'm looking forward to this Chuck. As a coincidence, I received my two volumes of Speedwell just this month. Again, thank you for you're dedication and contributions. Bill
  15. Looks really interesting Strelok, I'm in the audience.
  16. Very impressive Brad, and I like the idea you've come up with combining your hobby and recreational travel. Please show us you're work area as CiscoH requested.
  17. I'm learning alot here, and I can relate to this "newbie" topic. Besides being a Neanderthal in computer literacy, I don't have a clue how these forum sites work let alone the terms and nomenclature being passed around. I just want to say thank you to you Glenn, and to others like Chuck and John H. who after my clumsy efforts to communicate haven't got me cancelled yet. Again, I'm learning and I love this community. Bill
  18. Hello James,

      I am requesting the NRG logo be added to my profile as advised by Chuck P. My membership number is 8120 for William St. John. 

      Really enjoying the Model Ship World site. 

               Thank you,


  19. Being new to this whole subject, forum, medium, and hobby in general I am in awe of it all and the talent displayed. I am inspired I suppose as I've already purchased and started playing with my Byrnes saw, not to mention Chuck's Cheerful products, membership with the NRG (No. 8120), and perusing the Washington plans purchased from the Guild. Your build here Glenn is adding more fuel to the fire. Thanks to All, Bill
  20. I'm still learning this system of blogging and what a pm is Chuck. Please forgive my ignorance and accept my apologies if I offended you.  

             Love this boat and thank you,


                           Saburo..............aka, Bill

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