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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. Isolation goes through tomorrow, and by then i shouldn't be contagious. Thank you all for the kind wishes of both celebration and recovery. Once i get better, i'm gonna throw a late birthday blowout (me and a few family members going to a pizza joint) I got the first two jabs in 2021 because the gov't said i had to. Other than that, nothing. And so far, my own immune system has proven perfectly capable of handling this with no issues. I guess it was smart of me to change my diet to include healthier foods.
  2. I've been mildly sick for the past few days, and i just found out i have Covid. Guess that explains the distinct lack of modelling for the past couple days.
  3. Oh, please don't change it. We all love it, and i'm sure you do too. Even though you might not be a "lubber" anymore, names like that keep this fun. It doesn't need to be all serious and stern. For the love of all things good, don't axe your MSW handle.
  4. I turned 19 today. Woohoo! Also, the fore topsail has almost all its blocks in place, and is almost ready for the halyard.
  5. The fore topsail is being readied to go on the yard, and is currently drying out. Either way, i need to get a bunch of cleats.
  6. I have actually done that before. Most of the medium sized white thread has actually been dyed grey with this method. The lines behave better as well once they have been painted.
  7. I choose to incorporate the flagpole. Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom painted from about 1580 to his death in 1640, and many of his paintings are almost perfectly contemporary. He frequently included flagpoles, such as on this Dutch ship:
  8. It would be much easier for me to fabricate timber heads and just use cleats for things like parrel lines and bowlines.
  9. On the fighting tops, should i use timber heads like i have elsewhere on the model, or should i use cleats?
  10. I think it's probably time to glue the flagpole in, which would conclude the work on the back of the ship, for now.
  11. I would do that, yes. However, i think it is too late for that, unfortunately. Painting the thread going forward would make it look much different than the other thread on the model, which would make the model look ugly and unorganized. However, when i end up doing my next model, all the lines on the ship will be painted with Folk Art Antiquing Medium.
  12. This is what i came up with: The flagpole is not glued in yet. (The martnets are supposed to be slack lines, so don't execute me for not gluing them)
  13. @kirill4 i found a way to rig the flagpole. However, there are not many sources for 4-masted galleons, so both ideas are likely equally plausible. Thanks for the CA glue trick!!
  14. The bonaventure lateen sail is decently well on its way toward completion. However, one challenge has presented itself, that being how i am supposed to stick a long flagpole onto the stern of the ship on the starboard side. I have decided i would like to have it on the starboard side because of the way the wind is blowing. I would like the flag to be able to fly unopposed by the bonaventure sail or any of its rigging. On many of these paintings, the ship in question has an almost comically large stern flagpole, flying an equally large flag. However, these ships are very different to my vessel in one major way: They do not have bonaventure masts or sails. This is very important. The aft bulkhead on a four-masted galleon is an extremely crowded place, much more so than on a three-master. Thus, one must choose where the flag is to be flown at the stern. The crew must have actively transitioned the flag from port to starboard and vice versa, depending on the tack of the ship. Flying it in the center of the bulkhead would mean it would run seriously afoul of the bonaventure lateen's sheet. This problem did not present itself in Kirill's build owing to the fact that his ship's bonaventure sail was not tacked in any considerable way; mine is. I will have to figure out how long of a flagpole i can have without the flagpole truck fouling the top of the bonaventure lateen.
  15. Part of it is just the fact that that was just where the sail was sitting completely without reinforcement, just gravity.
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