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Ferrus Manus

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Posts posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. The lower masts, bowsprit, fighting tops, and aft boom are painted and temporarily fitted into place on the ship. 


    I went to the hobby shop and got some less-than-stellar cleats, as well as some wire that will become hooks once we start rigging the lower mast fish tackles. 

    Next on the list is to finalize whatever hull work has yet to be done, with the exception of the ladders as they come last, and then glue the masts in. 

  2. The main bitts, mainyard halyard knighthead and tackle, the capstan, and the whipstaff are all put in place. The whipstaff did not come with the kit, but there was clearly a hole and a place for it. There is a hole in the quarterdeck that allows the captain to communicate with the helmsman. 


    I also put in several eyebolts and double blocks that will accept the parrel tackles and the top rope tackle. 

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