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Quimp Slattery

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Everything posted by Quimp Slattery

  1. Can you use that gap as a rabbet to tuck the ends of your planks into? It looks perfect for the job just like the Vanguard Models Alert pictured above.
  2. But a painting of USS, Lexington shows the channels in the usual place level with the deck. Everything is more complicated than we think.!
  3. That's sensational, really really good in every possible aspect. I'll be reading through the entire log as soon as I can find time. 👍
  4. WARNING: I may have been mistaken 😳 I have found some evidence of high mounted channels in a book called The Built Up Ship Model by Charles G Davis. This book deals with his building of a scratched USS Lexington. I think David might be American, I only received the book today so I haven’t read much yet. Now the high mounted channels might be American and French practice, resulting in my not finding examples in British based references, or this might be a peculiar exception. I don’t know. So I must leave you to decide whether or not to follow the kit instructions. As always, it’s more complicated than it first appeared. I will still lower my channel but I no longer do so because they are definitely historically ‘wrong’ but because I think they will look better on my wales.
  5. My more useful second guess is that they are wrapped to cover the broken strands of steel rope which would have been a menace when folding the rope back to clear the anchor.
  6. Perhaps that's what the steel cable looked like when it was new?
  7. Nice sofa. You are doing some good work here. I like the efforts you make to understand what's going on, the various functions of the parts of the ship etc. It's making an entertaining log. Will you incorporate the cloth/rope wrapped sections of rail at the bow? I guess that are done like that to make them more comfortable to perch upon for the late evening pipe of baccy?
  8. I understand! I am trying to strip out the 20th century safety features such as those engine room ventilators and the life-jacket lockers. My version of the model also has the channels fitted in a very strange position at the top of the bulwarks just below the rail. It makes no structural sense and is completely ahistorical as far as I can tell. I believe the explanation is that the replica is meant for motoring, not sailing in any kind of wind. The mast is short by about 30% and if the channels were fitted at deck level as usual, the shrouds would foul the capping rails. Since AL have given me what I am assuming is the correct, tall mast, I'll fit my channels where they should be. In fact that is the next job on my list. I had similar problems with OcCre's Beagle which is based on a non-functional so-called replica of the Beagle built as a tourist attraction. I thought it was about as close to the real thing as a carousel horse is to a thoroughbred. Meh!
  9. I like the dark wood down the deck centreline. Very artistic. 👍 I’m not going to bother with the dingy on mine, or its davits. I’m keen to move along to the rigging.
  10. Aw, thank you Michael. Welcome aboard shipmate!
  11. What a monster she was! And what a beautiful model this is! Outstanding. That's a very good (and very tempting) video too. Well done.
  12. It certainly is. I'm left wondering how you get the deadeye to fit tightly into the strop? Also as an ex-electronics tech, I applaud the improvement in your soldering. May I suggest a little more time cleaning the oxide off the brass, then a little more flux and a lot less solder.
  13. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! But then agin...
  14. Beautiful work. I can't imagine the skills needed to produce results like that in card - I definitely could never replicate them. 😄
  15. Thanks Gaffrig and @Rick01 Your informal collaboration has produced a very entertaining and educational build log. I have enjoyed it very much and will embody many of your tips in my current build of this kit. I have enjoyed seeing your different approaches to the build. One straightforward out of the box for the pleasure of the thing and the other with the emphasis on historical accuracy. They both contrast with mine which is a training/experimental build. It has made me realise how every build, even of the same kit is so different, depending on the attitude of the builder. I think both of your models are terrific, and they have inspired me to get on and get mine finished! I will link back to your build from mine, so that more members can benefit from your work. Thank you again.
  16. A scratch built dingy! 👏👏👏 I was going to offer to send you the one from my Renard which I just can’t be bothered with but clearly you don’t need it. You are welcome if your version doesn’t float.
  17. She appears to have a sonar dome on the bow. What an unusual ‘feature’. Does your deck have camber? Mine has sheer but is dead flat athwartships.
  18. I believe that you need to fair the rest of the framework to match the fair shape of the bulkheads.
  19. ...unless the heat caused the contaminant to flow onto the area that you wished to solder. How about ceramic tubes like these on eBay?
  20. Brilliant! It's fascinating to see this earlier version of what I'd come to think of as 'my boat'. I'll follow with great interest. I think I remember having to fit home made struts between that aftermost sloping bulkhead and the one forward of it, so the second edition didn't completely fix that little problem.
  21. They might be so-so but they are your so-so. Sometimes I prefer my so-so to someone else's perfect.
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