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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I'm experimenting with different ways to make the hammock cranes. So far I've made three different kinds of "U" shaped cranes that don't seem to be very sturdy after being glued on. They tend to break loose with just a little pressure. This experiment had me buy some 1/4" mesh screen and cut a three mesh wide strip which I bent the two outside panels 90 degrees to form a "U" shaped channel. It roughly works. Now, if I can straighten it all out to looks nice and neat and then paint it brass...... it might work?  




  2. Working on the skylight. Constructo gave me a cylinder and told me to make it into a hexagon? As bad as I am with woodworking I couldn't figure out how to do that. While sailing in the Carribbean it struck me....I bought a hex nut and used it to mark the hex shape then sanded it to shape. It's not bad for a clumsy ox like me. 


    Then they gave me a sheet of brass so I had to cut out the skylight part and bend it into shape. Good but not great. I have to idea how to make the skylight look like glass?


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