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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I pinned and glued the skylight in place. Constructo called for this installation, but now I have read that the skylight was a very late addition? Oh well.


    I also installed the two compasses even though Constructo didn't provide for them.  I just fabricated them. The fife rail in the picture is not yet finished so it is not installed, only sits there for the picture.



  2. I've filled up a display case with plastic aircraft models that I flew over a long career of being a pilot. My favorite, which was my first model I built, is a "scratch built". It's the first helicopter I ever flew and I used the flight handbook for plans and used "Q" tips without the cotton for the frame, a ping pong ball for the cockpit, balsa wood block for the engine, paperclip for the tail rotor guard and pencil erasers for the wheels. I built this in 1963 and is has gotten beat up with all the moves I've made. The main rotor is missing and half the tail rotor.



  3. I chose Constructo because I wanted a natural wood finish so all the difficult woodworking could be seen. It's a work of art as well as a piece of history. I took great care when planking the hull to avoid large patches of filler just so the hull would invite touching that beautiful wood. That's what I have so it would kill me  to paint it.

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