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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. You're right...it's a tricky job. I made a template right from the side view of Constructo's plans. My USS Constitution gunports wound up exactly where they should be, but I could only tell when I mounted the stand-offs for the deadeyes and the holes lined up very close to where they were supposed to be. Sometimes you win a few.

  2. I've been researching gunport lids. It's all over the park. Some say they are removable and stowed. Some just flop down. Some are pulled up and some are like my Connie. One interesting thing I learned is they discovered if the cannons were pushed all the way out it gave a more stable ride in rough seas. That's why some lids have holes for the barrels.

  3. Sam,

    Constructo complained about my frequent request for missing parts. They say I should ask for all missing items at one time so they came post it just once. So, I asked them for an inventory sheet so I can count everything they have given me. There was NO inventory sheet in the kit. I just counted the main deck cannons and they're all there. But all the small rigging stuff is anybody's guess. I can't believe they only gave me enough stuff to build 64 lids when I need 104.

  4. I'm cautious when it comes to the glue sticking. Also, she's going to get many coats of varnish and I left the sanding dust for the photo. I only removed a small strip. I made a test mount of a lid and it was so strong, I think I could hold the whole ship by that lid. Also, with my lousy carpentry skills, I have mastered the art of covering up boo boos.

  5. I'm building a model of the USS Constitution and constantly marvel at its design. I showed a person the shape of her hull and how it was stream lined just like a missile.  It's no wonder she was fast. She's clean as a whistle and a pure fighting machine. There are even guns in the Captain's quarters.

  6. I'm almost finished with remodeling my work area. I expanded the work top by three feet. I added overhead lights and electrical plug by my bench. I took over a large closet for my quartermaster storage area. (I kicked out my grandkids stuff to another room). I bought a light retractable vacuum to make for easy cleanups and I will add a pull-out swivel since I am constantly rotating my model and I'm afraid one day I'll drop it. I made a work holding stand the let's me angle it in , upright or away from me. My wife put in a new very dark hardwood floor...and guess what? I have no trouble finding the tinyest part when I drop it.








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