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LCdr Dave

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Everything posted by LCdr Dave

  1. “Start a build log”, they said…. OK, here goes. Falling back my army background I will be spending time in reconnaissance, planning and finally execution. If you checked back on my intro, I picked up this kit at a 2nd hand shop. The previous owner (PO) started it and got as far as decking and planking the upper hull. I know zippo about ships and have never built a wooden ship so I apologize in advance for any confusion or my lack of what may appear to be basic knowledge. I took inventory of the remainder of the parts and am trying to figure out what they are and what they are for. I can somewhat match the physical description with the written one but the part names don’t always make sense to me.
  2. Ed, Lovely job so far. I will be following along to see how you tackle the lack of instructions. My BB Mayflower is similar. Don’t beat yourself up about the drop of superglue on the door handle. The viewer’s eye will have so much else to see that “boo boo” will get lost. Cheers, Dave
  3. Ships88, I will be following your build. I also just got a Billings Boat model - the Mayflower - and I will hopefully learn from you as I navigate the dearth of instructions. Your build is looking fantastic. LCdr Dave
  4. super-late to the party but will definitely be using some (many) of the tips I have seen here. Beautiful workmanship. Thanks for sharing. LCdr Dave
  5. Haha! My ship looks the same as yours, David, minus the stain. No navy experience - Army, but I figured I should translate to the navy for fun. Dave
  6. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Jeff, you a Led Zep fan? ..and Jim I thought your avatar would be upside down ... I will start a build log once I actually start to build or make any kind of progress. Getting the work space finished must come first! Cheers, Dave
  7. Hi Everyone, Moved to waterfront and feel the need to have a ship in the house. I've been modelling off and on for nigh on 50 years (had a bit of a hiatus during my military career) - mostly military miniatures then figurine painting, an O scale railroad, etc. I came across a Billings Boat model of the Mayflower in a second-hand store. It had been started (I'm told the lady had expert guidance but didn't get to finish it but all the parts were there) which makes me a little leery but... I've been perusing the site and the web for assistance and it appears that I inadvertently chose a dark horse. Only a few people even attempted it and less completed it. The instructions are a joke - at best they are guidance. So much to learn! So I have a hull that has been decked and some planking applied above the deck level and that is my starting point. At some point I will go through the box of parts to see what I have but first I need to finish building my work bench (I also dabble in furniture building) to fit my new hobby room. I figure I have lots of research and learning to do before I get going anyway. Anyway, that's me. I had good experiences with the model railroad line and hope to duplicate that here. There are some fantastic pieces of work here! Cheers from Vancouver Island, Dave
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