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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Cutting the copper tape to make plates and coppering the hull.
  2. Here is a view of the cannon construction.
  3. Augie you’re being too modest! I’ve seen your work and it is very good. Besides we both have the same teacher. Ok here are some more pictures.
  4. Hi Robert and thank you. The wire I used was craft wire. It was copper wire clad with a black covering. I believe it was around 24 gauge. I measured the shaft I wrapped the wire around and it was .054” (a little under 1/16”) so the rings should be pretty close to that. The size of the rings is just what I thought looked right and not taken from any measurement. Thanks again.
  5. Hi Augie, If I remeber correctly???? The stem is pear as well as the framing for the hatchs. I used some cherry for assorted deck pieces, binnacle, shot racks etc.
  6. The hull was planked using basswood as I was going to cover it with copper plates.
  7. Hi All, I've been digging through my file and I'm putting to gether the pictures for my scratch build of Chucks Model Shipways Syren. The build is in the 1:64 scale. The main wood used was Boxwood, Cherry, Holly and Swiss Pear. This log was started back in 2007 and I was bad about taking pictures but here is what I have.
  8. Here is the ebony and holly strips I made to deck the great cabin floor as well as placing the hatchs and starting the planking of the deck. The deck planking is boxwood.
  9. Hi Pete, I glue them in place and then cut the notches. It will be harder to do it this way but for me I feel I can get a better fit in the end.
  10. Very well done Mario. It's a great reference for the rest of us. Thanks.
  11. Nothing much to show other than just working my way across the lower gun deck. I temporarily glued the plans on because I didn't trust myself to transfer the measurements. Seems to make straighter lines for me at least.
  12. And here is the start of doing some interior hatches etc. The red wood on the hatches is bloodwood.
  13. Hey it's no problem Ben. Love the talk. Yves having been one of the lucky ones I understand your wishes.
  14. I have not seen the castings from the kit but I did see the mess they made of the figurehead. Ben are you out there? Can you help?
  15. Hi Frank.I don't have any jigs and such but to cut the insert I do use the same size blade. It's aluminum and doesn't seem to dull the blade.
  16. Here are the stern decorations the were generously provided by Chuck. They are resin cast by Chuck and then painted by me. I could take 50 years and not be able to sculpt anything close to this.
  17. Your Welcome Sinan, Here is some more
  18. Well done Augie, I know what a bugger they can be and you nailed it!
  19. Hi Neill, IMHO the accessories you will need the most are the Extended Rip Fence, Miter Extension and Zero-Clearance Inserts. How many inserts depends on how many types of blades you will be using. I have one insert for each type. Other accessories are nice but these are the ones I use the most. I hope this helps.
  20. Hi Ben, I have to give you a big “ummmm not sure why”. I would guess it was because I was thinking lets plank the interior before putting the window frames is so I don’t put a plank through them or just cause I wanted to do the planking then and not later. What ever reason it was it was not really important. Just me being me as they say.
  21. Hi 42rocker, Lucky for me I had already gotten well underway with the Triton Cross Section before finding the Bomb Vessel plans on MSB or I too may have wandered the path you are about to take. Good luck and it will be fun and interesting watching this build.
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