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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thank you all for revisting this build. I sometimes forget all the stuff that I did during this build and it is kinda fun reliving all of the pictures.
  2. Ok now since the saw and thickness sander were out I figured what the heck I'll just cut up the pieces needed for the keel. I mean after all I am just doing "set up " work here! So here is some swiss pear cut to the proper thickness all "set up" for when I'm ready to start actually doing some work on the cross section.
  3. Thank you all for the kind words. Here I’ve started adding the planking up to the point under the main deck beam location. At this point I'll move on to planking half of the deck with Holly.
  4. Thanks Augie. Ben after that monster planking job you'll soon get to enjoy making the deck pieces. It was one of my favorite times. Oops a little too much pressure. And here is the correction of the above error.
  5. Ok this is all Ben’s fault. Ben are you out there? It’s your entire fault. Not mine. Nope no way. I’m just and innocent bystander. You asked about wood choices and I was thinking of using some maple I have on hand but I wasn’t really sure. So all because Ben asked I just "had" to see what the maple would look like. Out came the saw and thickness sander and I cut up the maple into the correct sizes for the mortar pit deck clamp lower and upper strakes and the upper deck clamp upper and lower strakes. Here it is with no finish on it. I think I will like the lighter color against the darker cherry. I’m thinking the deck beams might come from maple too. They are just way too thick to use boxwood not to mention it would take half my pension check! Thanks for asking Ben!
  6. Very nicely done Maury. Your pictures and explanations really help.
  7. That's a great job on your frame Jim. I look forward to seeing you do the rest.
  8. OH CRAP MARIO THAT REALLY SUCKS! I do have a bulldog who hates cats that I can loan you! Enjoy whatever you need to get back here. We/I will miss your build.
  9. Well done Snowmans! A very sharp look. I like it a lot.
  10. Well as I said before I have no pictures of the yards and running rigging, or at least I can't find them so here are the final pictures. If I ever find those pictures I'll add them. Thanks for looking along as we went down memory lane.
  11. Hi Bob, Well done. That is a excellent job you did on a fine model. As always it was a pleasure following along.
  12. Hi Christian, Yes the dark side is wondefull! Ben, That's for adding the main topsail bitts later on. At least that's what I hope the plans say.
  13. Well the lower deck framing has been completed and sanded. Ieven had time to add the waterways. They were cut from cherry as will the bulwark planks. Next up will be planking half of the deck with holly and then tree nailing it.
  14. Hi Jeff, When I was giving the dimensions I just didn't have the feel for how big it is. So as they say a picture is worth 1,000 words. Hi Bob, Thanks for stopping by. Mark, Maybe your idea of set-up and mine differ just a bit? Na not really. Ben, So far everything is from bits and pieces I have on hand. That doesn’t mean Jeff isn’t shipping stuff to me once he’s back! As far as wood goes, frames cherry, keel pear and ebony and deck clamps are maple. No other choices have been made. Yet. Now I’ve gotta get beck to my set-up!
  15. Hi Mark, Yeah I know but I couldn't resist at least starting some of the set up work. Christian, Seeing it on MSB was what really pushed me over the edge. Here is another reference to the size of this cross section. One plan is of a full frame with one of my Echo frames sitting inside of it. This picture has the scale plan of the Triton cross section sitting side. I couldn't use the actual Triton as it was drying then. Here are some of the billets of cherry cut down to size. And the first batch that have been through the thickness sander. Well that's it for now so I'm back to the work shop to work on the Triton/Echo/Bomb Cross Section.
  16. Great attitude Mario. If we had a dollar for every oh crap moment we'd all be rich. Keep up the great work.
  17. Hi Ben, I wouldn’t really say I’ve started, let’s call it just some preparation work. Jeff, this scale will really be different. I’ll post some pictures of the plans next to the Triton for some reference. Hey Grant welcome to the club. I too thought about 1:48 and even printed a set at 1:48 but the lure of building large got me. 42rocker, you will definitely start before I finish. With 3 at once the pace will be sloooowwwwww.
  18. Hi All, Well I’ve come across some interesting plans for a scratch built Bomb Vessel Granado Cross Section over on Model Ship Builders site. Now I’ve never been known to be impulsive, carry on more then one build at a time or unable to resist the urge to start another scratch build. Talk about going to the darkside! It’s so dark on this side I’m not sure I’ll ever see light again! The Bomb Vessel Cross Section has some interesting details both on and below the deck (i.e. mortar pit and shell room) The plans are based on "Anatomy of the Ship - Bomb Vessel Granado" by Peter Goodwin and original drawings by Thomas Slade. All plans were drawn by Jeff Staudt. In total there are 63 pages of drawings in the set and are very well done. The scale for this build is a whopping 1:24 (½” to 1’) so it will be interesting building something at this scale. The single frame pieces are ½” wide and a completed frame is approximately 13 ½’ wide by 9” high. The keel is ½” wide by 14 ½” long and over 1 ¼” high at its highest point. There are some frames that are doubled so they will be 1” wide! I have some Cherry cut offs from a furniture factory and I will be cutting them down to ½” billets for the frames. I’ll decide the other woods as I go. The main problem I see is turning the mortar and cannon as I do not have a lathe or mill. Oh well I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. So here is a look at a couple of sheets of plans to give you an idea of what it will look like. You also can go to www.modelshipbuilder.com to see more information. Here is a sample of some of the rough cut Cherry I have. You can see that the sides are rough cut so to start I shaved the sides on the saw to clean them and then ripped them. The below pictures show I ended up with two pieces of 1/2" x 3" x 14" and one piece at about 1/8" thick. I will have to run them through the thickness sander to get them to their finished size. This should be interesting and will take a good while to complete.
  19. Thanks Christian, Hi Joss, I will be using holly to plank half of the lower deck.
  20. Thanks for the link. Once I use up some of my Olson blades I'll give them a try.
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