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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Here is the rising wood with the optional scores cut into it. Just to show it was not easy for me here are the scraps from just this little keel. And here is the completed keel assembly.
  2. Hi All, I'm reposting my old pictures. Here are the the pics of the keel being assembled. Here is the Keel marked for the rabitt and it being cut out. Here is the false keel.
  3. I'm not good at scales but you are right about 1:48 and 1:24. I'm not sure about 1:32. Sorry.
  4. Hi Everyone. Thanks for the kind replys. Yeah Ben you were on the short list of suspects. 42rocker. I'm building at 1:48 scale. I added it to the title. Thanks.
  5. Thanks Mark and Pete, For the exterior hull planking I used Pau Marfim which is the same wood as the planks. On the interior hull planking I tried to use cherry but that didn't work out. So I used boxwood instead. That worked really nice.
  6. Hi Pete, Well done and thanks for re-starting your build. It's great to have a friend to trade with isn't it. I recived some cherry cut offs once several years ago and I'm still using them.
  7. Hi Pablo, Thanks for posting your pictures. It will be a great reference as I move forward. Don't worry! If it's your first or twenty first you will always find something that you could have done better. We are all here just having fun.
  8. Nice to have you here and I look forward to seeing your pictures when you can post them.
  9. Hi Bob, Glad you've re-posted. As usual your work is top notch. I'm happy to be able to follow along!
  10. It's looking really good. Glad to have you and your post back here.
  11. Thanks all. It's great to be back. Coming up I'll be talking about treenailing the inboard planking. I used a Dremel Stylus, with lithium-ion battery, that I received for my birthday. Thanks to the Admiral for that one. So having used it only occasionally so far I thought I would put to the test. I gave it a full charge and then started drilling treenails. Over several days I drill over 1100 treenails without recharging. Finally before I reached the 1200 mark the charge gave out. I couldn't have been more pleased. Now I have a good sense how much drilling I can do before losing a charge. And quite honestly I don't see a time I would drill that many treenails without stopping so that adds a bit of comfort. So now here I have the start of a row of trenails. And now here are all the treenails added and sanded down. Now awhile ago it was mentioned to me that I had not added the holes and cuts for the limber boards. As they were not on the original plans I didn't give them a thought. After looking at some other builders who did include them I though I'd give it a go. Not as good as Chad's and some of the others but I'm happy. Well that brings me up to date and now it's on to framing the lower gun deck.
  12. Hi Jim, I have the Echo package but was not lucky enough to attend the class. I'm soooo jealous! Have a great time and I look forward to seeing your report.
  13. Here is the wales and hull planking I found 1 picture I forgot to repost and added it to the end. It shows the strip I used to line up my treenail marks.
  14. Here is the framing jig base and all of the completed frames first temporarily placed to check them and then assembling them in the jig. Also the last two pictures show the completed assembly removed from the framing jig.
  15. Hi All, Well here is my Triton Cross Section build pictures up to the point of the crash of 2013. I don’t have the text but I do have all the pictures. Just a recap. All of the frames are cut from cherry. The inboard planking to the lower gun deck beams is also cherry. The outboard planking from the keel to the wales is Pau Marfim. The wales are cut from ebony. The gun deck framing will be cut from boxwood and that’s about all I’ve decided for now. So here are the pictures up to the current update. If you have a question along the way let me know and I’ll attempt to clarify. The first group here is the keel assembly then various frame pieces either ready for cutting or cut out.
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