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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed her again. Just think if we could build that fast!
  2. Hi Thomas, That is a fantastic job you are doing on your Syren. I'll enjoy following along.
  3. Hi Pat, I just have to find a free space to put it! Here I'm adding the trim that was cut from some bare metal foil.
  4. Hull is planked with Holly and the simulated frames are swiss pear. The bulwark planking is boxwood.
  5. Thanks Augie. Not really a fan of gloss finishes but it goes really well on these kind of models.
  6. Three coats of gloss poly was apllied to the finishing resin to finish the outer hull. Then the coping was added to the cockpits and various pieces like step pads, lights, windshield brackets etc were also added.
  7. Here's the finished stain and the start of applying the finishing resin. The resin is applied and then sanded between coats. It was really hard to put the sand paper to it but you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
  8. Counter Planking and start of bulwarks planking.
  9. Thanks Sjors, I think it’s because 2.0 is better! Thanks Bedford, Grant and Jarero. Here is the start of the staining. I used a red mahogany stain that I had instead of the supplied stain. No real reason just liked the color.
  10. Thanks Mark, Bob, Ron and Larry. Daniel, whatever wood I’m using to make my treenails out of I cut to 1/32”x1/32” and then run it through the Byrnes draw plate down to the size I want. I went down to # 26 for these treenails. The Caulking is blackconstruction paper edge glued to each plank prior to placing the on the frames. I want to try the method of leaving a gap and using colored fill to make the caulk sometime. The frames have two very light coats of wipe on poly applied prior to attaching them to the keel. When I sanded to fair the frames it removed the poly from the surfaces where planking would be placed and allowed for good adhesion. Ben, I had the pleasure of meeting Jeff once at a show and he’s every bit as nice as you would think he is. You're so close you could just drive over and pick you wood out!
  11. Hi Roger.It's great to see you're able to post some of your pictures. Your build was fantastic.
  12. Very nice work there. you're moving right along!
  13. The notches were cut with a chisel and xacto. Here's a sample. Oh and yes of course it is!
  14. Here is the addition of the keel and the start of the gunport framing.
  15. Hi Ron, For me I prefer the lighter one but it's more about what you like.
  16. Thanks all. I wish I could credit who I stole/borrowed the idea from but I don't remember!
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