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David W

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About David W

  • Birthday June 24

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  • Location
    Near Saratoga Springs, NY
  • Interests
    Besides building an occasional model or two, street rods, RVing and teaching worms how to swim

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  1. Denver and Rio Grand is still a narrow gauge tourist train that runs between Durango and Silverton, Colorado using cars similar as you mentioned as we;; as open cars and pulled by a 100+ year old ALCO steam locomotive built in my long time past home town of Schenectady, NY. We rode that train in 1981 and paralleled its track in 2017as we couldn't ride with our two pups. Well worth the time and ride
  2. I've been quietly watching this very nice build - have to say that cutting all those short wood strips may have sent me to my bottle of a very nice Irish thirst quencher. My only comment is based on what you said about the trucks and wheels: "These trucks are crude overall, and I hope that once painted, they will look a little bit better. The modification I brought, allows them to roll freely and behave so much better on a layout than the original design, created for static purpose." I used this search term in Google "old wood European railroad coaches". From what little I could see, the wheels are fine but the actual trucks may need some help. Yes, many of the photos that came up in that search are models but the rest, including some European and US, are actual coaches,
  3. So far very nicely done. I'm about 1/2 or a bit more of the way through my version which will be a radio control model. Amazing how much time that it took to research parts and the mods to make those changes so the rest of the build has suffered. I do understand the use of medicinal spirits that were needed to put those 53 fish hatch rings (includes the door handle) together - to the point where I gave up and have used some trimmed down 6mm belaying pins instead. Not everyone's choice but .....
  4. Thanks! I just bookmarked it for consideration - and to possibly add to my growing cache of unstarted/unfinished models. $150 and up is ......
  5. Very nicely done! I have no patience with the tiny parts of a 1/72 build but do appreciate those that can work with that size😁 1/48 - might consider it someday if one is available as a -5 so I can do it as a Black Cat (no problem with dozens of shades of greys)
  6. A bit late to this party but just wanted to join in the rest with your build. I have a Tamiva 1:48 P47 that is in the very beginnings of a build and - to my fumble fingers is small with any 1:72 impossible. A couple notes - about 20 years ago while business visiting a vendor was privileged to walk around a B-25 as well as a B-26, both at an airport as a fly in trip for their owners - and unfortunately, no camera.
  7. OK thank you with that source. It appears that the Wes model car site is the only seller currently. Those models may be made just for his sale. Got it bookmarked for now but I will probably order the Stafford version in June or July for a fall build as I am a past regular attendee of that track plus have participated in their huge 2X yearly swap meets.
  8. Beautiful job! I tried to find one of these models and all I could come up with was a supplemental 12 buck(?) on sale chrome detail kit from Hobby, Inc. Looks like Salvinos has discontinued selling this model - even none on eBay as of last week. Did you do a Google of "asphalt modifieds"? I just looked and there appear to be some cars with the distributor open air while others are covered with an extension of what I call the hood scoop. There are some MSD distributors or magnetos that are very high though they do make one that's pretty low as well - have a low one on my Ford street rod engine in my '31. Of course you could just show your model with a Ford engine instead of the lChebbie. This begs the question of which brand engine does the actual supposed car owner use?
  9. Looks like a memory lane build to me. We have 3 tracks locally though they are dirt - Albany-Saratoga about 6-8 miles from me where the Bodine brothers reigned not too many years back, Fonda where Stewart Friesen runs if not NASCAR truck racing (30 miles) and Lebanon Valley (45 miles). I would make one or two of those tracks every weekend but real life (wife and kids!) somehow arrived. I'm interested and am posting this to make sure I can watch the build as it might just land on my eventually list
  10. Beautiful build, Ken. I like the furled sail look since it doesn't hide all those little details that took so much time to finish. I can only hope mine turns out somewhere near as nice your perfect Fifie
  11. Ken. once more. looking fine Those brooms - take a look at those cheap single use brushes at Home Depot/Lowe's. They are sold as 'chip brushes'. I haven't made any up yet but any light colored paint brush should work. Those 31 net buoys were easy to paint and a fun project. After drilling the hole I stuck mine on a tooth pick set in a chunk of Styrofoam and went at it. Two coats of orange add the eye and done.
  12. Ken, that Fifie is really looking great. Congratulations on assembling that lifeboat so nicely. I suspect that there were more then a couple strong words said while building it.
  13. Ken, your Fifie is really looking nice I'm envious of your progress in only 14 months - which is about what I have on mine. Setting up for an R/C system took way longer then expected with a better/larger prop shaft, motor, ESC, receiver and battery mounts. I have made up most of the individual deck items plus made a larger rudder. I'm currently fixing a messed up area on the first planking layer. Oh and your next 'challenge' will be the @#$% supplied fishing dory which will probably only take 20 hours or so! Looking forward to your next update
  14. Ken - you are doing a great job on this model!! Those fish hatches are a real pain with that post and ring assembly. I think it took me over an hour to assemble the first one for the wheel house door then decided that it was way out of scale and just used the post but then the door on my model has been modified to slide and open - which was a fun as well as pretty easy endeavor since I already made the roof a bit larger. Still not sure that the hatch rings are 'right' yet as they too seem to be too heavy. Looks like those blocks need to be redrilled with a bit larger hole when I get to that point. Makes me snicker when the front page of the Amati IB says that it should take 100-150 hours to build. HA!
  15. All good information! Thanks folks I suspect that medium will be my choice and put Starbond on my Amazon wish list if for no other reason then that I have some of their activator. I considered the thick but the set time can be too long for the way this boat's hull is configured and the thin is too fast for my level of experience planking.
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